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The Hulk. Better Than Expected. For me.

ET Warrior

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Okay, I saw the Hulk last night, and I must say, I was really surprsied. But in a good way! I came into that movie having fairly mild expectations, because I was never really into the hulk, and I'd heard about the bad reviews.



But then I saw it. And I was really pleased. It's not amazing, except in parts. It does get really confusing at points and there are some scenes that should have been cut to reduce the length. It wasn't quite good enough to be as long as it was.


But other than that, I felt it was worth watching. My favorite thing about it was the film technique of breaking the screen into smaller boxes with different views of things that made the whole thing feel like watching a comic book. It was very uniquely done and I felt really added to the movie. The CGI hulk looked good to me, I enjoyed it.


So what does everyone ELSE who's seen it think?

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The Hulk was a major disappointment for me. The CGI was terrible, the general plotline flawed and the little boxes which split up the screen were lifted straight from the best television series in the world - 24. Maybe The Hulk was trying to capture some of the magic from 24 by using those boxes... but it failed badly. Sorry, ET Warrior, but it really sucked. Spider-Man and X-Men2 are both better than this.

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Originally posted by Kurtis Trent

The Hulk was a major disappointment for me. The CGI was terrible, the general plotline flawed and the little boxes which split up the screen were lifted straight from the best television series in the world - 24. Maybe The Hulk was trying to capture some of the magic from 24 by using those boxes... but it failed badly. Sorry, ET Warrior, but it really sucked. Spider-Man and X-Men2 are both better than this.


Never seen 24, but I dont think Hulk was intended to even try to replicate it, UNLESS 24 is based on a comic book. Those screens were VERY comic book style, and it made it more enjoyable. I have no idea what makes you think the CGI was TERRIBLE...it looked like I thought it should. I didn't want complete realism, I wanted comic book. And I got it.


Yes, Spier man and Xmen 1 and 2 were better. Daredevil was better. But is was good to me.

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Will people ever be satisfied with cgi? if they know that something is cgi (basically something that cant exist like the hulk) then they just complain about it looking fake. i dont get why people cant be happy i mean people were happy when cheap effects were used to make the old godzilla and king kong movies why not be happy with cgi? people always say it looks to fake just because they know it is cgi. best cgi use ever? GOLLUM!

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The movie was pretty good actually. I was expexting it to be a little more rediculouse but it wasn't that bad. The CGI was what I expected and I didn't think it was going to be the best but it was good. You guys should atleast give credit cause the main character is CGI and looked alright. He did way more than Yoda and Gollum did action wise and that isn't just easy to accomplish you know. Also one that thing that made me laugh was what my friends dad told me after we told him about watching the movie was that if they did go all out and make him look very real it would of scared the $hit out of the children. It is based more at children even thought it is very violent. I think that they did a good job with the movie overall but it really isn't as comparable to Spider-Man and X-Men. It was way better than Daredevil was in my opinion. It's not going to win any Oscars's for best film but it is worth the price of the ticket to go see it and be entertained.



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