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St. Anger


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What do you think about the new Metallica album? Or do you even like Metallica at all? I think it goes back to their roots with a definite Kill'em All/Four Horseman sound. Hetfield's voice is much higher, and instead of his somewhat mellow sound, tends to yell. They did find a good bass replacement, Robert Trujillo from Black Sabbath.


Tell me your thoughts on the album, or just contradict me and say they completely suck. :D

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Avril *spits at the mere sound of it*......ruined a great song.


Well, they have kind of degenerated in quality, but Black album still kicks. Now I must listen to even higher quality music!


*Puts on original Evanescence cd, Origin*

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Originally posted by Clefo

Metallica's kinda lost it, I mean letting Avril Lavigne on their tribute show? Shameful!


*Joins Fergie in Evanesance listening*


follows suit...


I must say that Origin is better than Fallen.

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i'm still waiting before i buy the album... but I woulnd't say St. Anger is BAD. I'd just say it's different. They obviously don't play the same stuff they did 15 years ago, because that was 15 years ago. The band has evolved. It may not have evolved into something you like, but they've evolved nonetheless. They've also changed a LOT with the change in bass players each time. Keep in mind they've been the backup vocals as well.

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I will definately agree that the songs are too long....


But what really makes me mad is that with length generally comes awesome solos....but there isn't a single guitar solo to be seen(err....heard)!!! Kirk is normally quite good with solos too.....my personal favorite is the one on Enter Sandman.


And the single is wayyy too catchy.....been stuck in my head since the first time I heard it.


Must.....drown....out..... *sings* Goin off the rails.....

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Yeah in this day and age 7 minutes in a bit long for a single. Don't get me wrong I love long songs.... if they're good. I'm a huge Floyd fan so I'm used to the 15-20 minute epics... but they aren't the same verse over, and OVER again with the same riffs... St. Anger could DEFINATELY have been shortened.

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Originally posted by Rogue15

follows suit...


I must say that Origin is better than Fallen.


*listens to Origin via internet playlist*


eh? Sorry but I think it's alot worse than Fallen...maybe one or two of the songs I think are good and one of those two is a direct song from Fallen...almost the exact same cut in fact (My Immortal). Most of the songs on there arn't all that polished...lots of things that are just WRONG with it.


*puts Fallen back on*

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The new St. Anger cd kicks a**. It dosen't matter what anyone else says. My opinion matters. The people that don't know metal-rock music dont. And I think Metallica was as pissed as me about Avril *pukes in disgusts then shoots shotgun at picture of her in rage in rage* covering one of there songs on Icon. That was a digrace. Beside's, the new cd is a new thing for Metallica. It shows a little of there punk side. It sounds awesome.

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Meh, all the good bands from the 90s are either really crappy nowadays (Metallica) Dead (Soundgarden, Nirvana, Sublime) or not doing **** (Pearl Jam, Stone Temple Pilots, Green Day).


Nowadays the radio's filled with pseudo-punk and constipated angry rock, bands don't have any diverse themes in their albums, just angst (i.e Linkin Park). Sure there are exceptions, but it's mostly that. And I really can't differentiate St. Anger from, say, a song by Chavelle. It's just more angry.

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