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Happy Birthday Jan Gaarni!

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*brings 26 candles and sticks them on the choco-fambaa and lights them*


Happy Birthday to you

You belong to the zoo (aka forums)!

Witht he monkeys and donkeys (aka forum members)

and the others like J00!




Happy Birthday Jan

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Wow, the Admin created my birthday thread. :cool:<--- the glasses are there hiding the fact I am very touched ... ooops, said that too loud, didn't I :o


My day was great.

The whole workplace went to drive Gokart, where afterwards we ended up on a nice little island where we started to drink ourselfs silly. :D That lasted till about 12 then we headed back to town and continued there. :p


It wasn't because it was my birthday, we had just decided to go for a trip together, and it happened to be on my birthday. ;)

Funny thing though, we had a Gokart thing last year too on my birthday, so I'm beginning to wonder if this will be a tradition now. :D

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Originally posted by swediot=)

ja må han leva

ja må han leva


(ok din tur set jag kommer inte igåg mer nu:( )

[eng: It's your turn, set, I can't remember more of it]


Ja må han leva

ja må han leva

ja må han leva uti hundrade år

Javisst skall han leva

javisst skall han leva

javisst skall han leva uti hundrade år!

(us swedes sure have monotonous songs)


Too bad I didn't know anything about this at the moment, or I'd bought you a bottle of Gorbatschow while I bought a bottle for my pal who had his birthday about now, too. Happy birthday, Gaarni! :)

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