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Instead of "you might be a redneck", it's "you might be a n00b"...


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This thread is inspired by LucasForums "shock ~ unnamed" signature, while I don't think all of his top 10 reasons that make you a n00b are legit, there are quite a few that are. So this is everyones chance to be like Jeff Foxworthy but instead of "you might be a redneck", it's "you might be a n00b". Any of these that I think are really funny, I will add to the SW funnies thread at JK2Files.com. Anyways, here's the "you might be a n00b" jokes that I think are at least a little funny...

If your bows last longer than some of your fights, you might be a n00b.


If you refer to people as any type of wh0re, you might be a n00b.


If the only console command you know is callvote kick <player>, you might be a n00b.


If you regularly accuse JK2 players of having "no honor", you might be a n00b.


If you think 0wning "Bar Upstairs from AA Building" is something to talk about, you might be a n00b.


If you cry about people who bind specials, you might be a n00b.


If any of these things upset you, you might be a n00b.

Please feel free to add your own "you might be a n00b" jokes & if I think it is funny, I will add it to the SW funnies thread (which by the way can be found at http://www.gamingforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=68326). Thanks for your time folks & I hope you got a laugh out of any of these, I know I sure did.

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ROFLMFAO! That was good! Whew, lost my composure. I went to Branson and saw Jeff Foxworthy live, and I was crying when I left. So I like this, being based on him. I could really care less if the other people are noob's, just as long as they can fight. But it's still fun to insult them!



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If you ever cry to an admin, "he lamed me!", you ARE a noob.


If you ever "walk" around a server, with saber down, with no intention of fighting, you ARE a noob.


If you ever gather in a circle on the Jedi Council map and have group "sit" meetings, you ARE a noob.


If you ever cry about someones use of the Force in a Force server, you ARE a noob.


I'm sure I could think of some more but I don't want to get redundant.

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

If you ever "walk" around a server


I have no idea why but I HATE that.


I can't think of one legit reason why but for some reason when I see players walking towards me I just want to (and usually do) knock the **** out of them.


People do it a lot in duels. I'm not talking about walking to time your swings, I mean before it starts they walk 1/2 way across the map strutting around like a jackass.


Therefore walking for “show/intimidation” = noob.

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Saber off = Peace .... and it did what peace of you body you want back



I'm going to use that one.


I walk in nf duels :(

I usually do it to draw the guy in because people always hang back when they're low on health. I guess they hope not fighting will give them a better chance or something.

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