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Jedi named within 24 hours of launch?


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Dark Jedi are already in the game, they are NPCs though. If someone had managed to unlock the Jedi slot first then you can be sure the devs would post on the forum about it since it'd be a huge amount of publicity.

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Actually you can find lightsabres on the darkjedi occasionally as loot, in beta they could never actually be used but the fact is that it IS possible for a normal player to use a lightsabre except they aren't certified for it so the damage is significantly reduced as with all weapons you aren't certified for.


If you want some free money from fools then make a fishing rod or something and place it on the bazaar named as a 'lightsabre' or 'lightsaber' and if you get lucky someone will snap it up without checking the details for it. Just be sure to make the price seems possible for it :)


You can also put some rubbish in the details just in case they do check saying that the lightsabre is appearing as something else because of a bug which has been reported lol


Hey, it worked in beta. :D

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Lol.. well iw as just talking to a criminal on naboo in kadara..... on the narutus server... he send me out to get a drak jedi jewel.. i got it.,., gave it to him.. and he game me chards of a holocron.. when i read the description of the chards.. it said it was vaguely familiar to me :D lol i just began :p

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I will say several things here:

1) That was friggin hysterical. :D


2) Wraith, I have come to a complex theory that involves specific types of missions, those artifacts and a lot of random luck. Assuming all goes well, I'll be the envy of all the Kaisers. lol

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Yes that was very funny...N00bs... heh; I am not sure if it was the same person or not, but on Starsider in Bestine, there was a guy standing at the shuttleport I believe yesterday or two days ago asking "how do I become a Jedi?" and he kept repating it and getting mad when no one was answering him, just think it would be funny if it was the same N00b....


On a side note, Reaper? You wouldn't have happened to be the Reaper on Starsider roaming around Bestine yesterday would you?

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