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The European Empires, The Nazis, Post Leninist USSR, The USA

The Count

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

Perhaps, we "stinky filthy bastards", should have left you to ROT in 1942?


your ass would be speaking german if it wasn't for us!


in case you hadnt noticed the war started in 1939, The Luftwaffe was bombing our capital for two years before the americans plucked up enough courage to get involved. :rolleyes:


and for the record if the u.s had gotten involved earlier as the so-called good allie then maybe france, denmark, holland, norway and the Balkans amongst other places would never have gotten invaded and the war wouldnt have dragged on for 6 years and millions of lives would have been saved.


lol i love it when 12 year olds post on these matters :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Jah Warrior

in case you hadnt noticed the war started in 1939, The Luftwaffe was bombing our capital for two years before the americans plucked up enough courage to get involved. :rolleyes:


Actually, Americans didn't 'pluck up courage'. We retaliated when we got involved in a war that, frankly, we didn't wanna be a part of. We'd of been neutral the whole war if the Japanese hadn't thrust us into the fronts.

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1. First off I'm 27, nice try though assclown, don't start with me Jah Warrior. And I was talking about when the US entered the war, BOY. Which was 1942, oh sorry I'm wrong it was Dec. 8, 1941. Sue me I was 23 days off. Oh boo hoo. I love it when 17 year olds think they know so much. (sound familiar?)


2. Secondly, I too had a grandfather that fought in WW2, that's nothing special there buddy. I also had a father that fought in Vietnam and an uncle that died there, so please don't try to tell me anything about any war.


3. Russia's advance across the German front was DUE to us joining the war and causing hitler to fight on two fronts. Forcing him to spread his forces even thinner than he already had. READ ANY WW2 HISTORY BOOK, ANY, and it'll say these words. Prior to our entering Germany had beaten the crap out of the USSR. They had taken Leningrad and the only thing the Russians could do was use the "scorched earth" policy to keep the Germans from outright pillaging to resupply. Great tactic, destroy your own peoples way of life so it can't be taken by the enemy because your military sucks so bad they're getting wasted. So please don't try to tell me that Russia could have done jack crap without the US coming into the war, they were getting their asses handed to them.


4. They took Berlin after severe bombing campaigns from who? Yeah ok then.


5. I'm not calling them scientists, "scientists" note the quote marks and actually comprehend something that's written. And if you couldn't sense the sarcasm I feel sorry for you.


6. We couldn't have won without UK and USSR? Two words for you: ATOM BOMB


7. I judge them based on their history and what they've done to me and mine. WTC enough said.


Maybe we should just forget what happened 50 years ago? It has no relevance to the topic at hand. There is no reason Europe should bow down to the USA because it helped win WW1 and 2.


Those that forget the past are condemned to repeat it aren't they? It's the past that is the cause for all that is going on now. Half the iraqi population doesn't want us there now because we didn't finish Saddam off in 1991 when we could have and they were slaughtered by Saddam for rising up against him. The palestinian-israeli situation stems directly from WW2. Bin Laden stems from Soviet-Afghan conflict. It's all linked.


I'm sorry for being a little brutal, but I'm not going to sit idly bye while some Brit bashes the USA. We're the one's that have been hit the hardest in recent times. Most of the terrorist attacks in Britain are of their own doing. It's funny he bashes us yet the IRA still stands against Britain. What policies of the British government led to the forming of the IRA? huh?


Frankly, it's time the US starts fighting back. We've had two WTC attacks, one that killed thousands and tried to take our economy down. We have had direct attacks on Embassies and the USS Cole. We've had journalist's taken hostage and videotaped having their heads chopped off then shown on Al-jazeera (Daniel Pearl). It's time we fought back. There's only so much you can kick a bull before he turns around and spears you with his horns.

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Frankly, it's time the US starts fighting back. We've had two WTC attacks, one that killed thousands and tried to take our economy down. We have had direct attacks on Embassies and the USS Cole. We've had journalist's taken hostage and videotaped having their heads chopped off then shown on Al-jazeera (Daniel Pearl). It's time we fought back. There's only so much you can kick a bull before he turns around and spears you with his horns.


I hate to admit it, but he does have a point. America is gettin bashed pretty hard in this thread, and the Americans should all be appauled by the Englishman thats doing most of it.


Great tactic, destroy your own peoples way of life so it can't be taken by the enemy because your military sucks so bad they're getting wasted


Actually, thats how Russia wins wars. Lead an army into the motherland, make them use all their supplies, and leave em high and dry in the cold when Winter comes. So yes, it is a GREAT tactic. Why do you think Russia dosen't really have a HUGE army? Duh.


We couldn't have won without UK and USSR? Two words for you: ATOM BOMB


Okay, that takes care of the Japanese. What about the Germans and Italians. And we werent the only ones with a nuclear weapon. Every country in the war had their own versions of the Manhattan Project. We just pushed the button first.


I suggest taking an approach that doesn't involve personal attacks.


Couldn't agree more. For you supposedly mature 20+ year olds, you sure do act childish. Hell, I'm being more mature and I'm not even 18.

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Many countries would commit atrocities if they had enough power, and personally I believe that the USA uses thier power well enough, even though they have a few(read:alot:p) bad spots in thier history. But with that ammount of power,who wouldnt,hmm?

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What the USA is doing in Iraq can not be compared to the atrocities of others. This is a time of war, death goes hand in hand with war. People are focusing solely on the US because they feel the motive is money and that we're all a bunch of greedy bastards. The typical rich get richer, poor get poorer scenario. However consider...


Is what the US is doing as bad as what Saddam did to his own people?


Is what the US is doing as bad as what Slobodan Milosevic did to his own people?


Is what the US is doing as bad as how the N. Korean governtment is treating their people?


Not to mention all the horrors of the past. The US is at war, there are going to be some unsettling things that happen. But comparing us to the likes of Hitler and Stalin and others that have propogated the mass murder of millions of people across the world is just ridiculous. We're always going to be made out as the bad guy in any situation because we are truly the only "super power" left. And that's just wrong. Would you have us adobt a policy of neutrality such as pre-WW2? Want us to huddle around our country and stay out of the world's affairs? Fine. How bout we cut off all the funding and support we give to hundreds of countries around the world. How bout we do that?


You want our money and our help, but then you bash us for even the slightest thing. Hypocrisy.

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Actually, thats how Russia wins wars. Lead an army into the motherland, make them use all their supplies, and leave em high and dry in the cold when Winter comes. So yes, it is a GREAT tactic. Why do you think Russia dosen't really have a HUGE army? Duh.


Yeah, we do it. Napoleon payed for it, Hitler payed for it. Now it's your turn.


Actually we kicked Hitler's ass not involving the winter. Still we love treating our enemies like guests.


I welcome you!:D

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Originally posted by obi-wan13

I suggest taking an approach that doesn't involve personal attacks.


But thats just me =)


Yeah, it IS You you stupid head!!! HA!! ;););)



I like this idea... there'd be less of a reason to get mad at us for everything. Although I'm sure someone would find a reason.


Course they would. Think of all the crap we're getting IN THIS THREAD because we were neutral in WWII for so long. So apparently just leaving everyone else alone isn't what we should do. But we also shouldn't get involved in anything either.



I've just given up on people thinking anything good about us :(

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

Is what the US is doing as bad as how the N. Korean governtment is treating their people?


dude my gf(she's half korean half japanese) lived in korea for a long while. they don't treat their people badly. unless you know first hand what you are saying I suggest you not say it.
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Tsk, tsk, tsk, some fallacies here..

1. First off I'm 27, nice try though assclown, don't start with me Jah Warrior. And I was talking about when the US entered the war, BOY. Which was 1942, oh sorry I'm wrong it was Dec. 8, 1941. Sue me I was 23 days off. Oh boo hoo. I love it when 17 year olds think they know so much. (sound familiar?)

Tsk tsk tsk.. 27 and still flaming away...


3. Russia's advance across the German front was DUE to us joining the war and causing hitler to fight on two fronts. Forcing him to spread his forces even thinner than he already had. READ ANY WW2 HISTORY BOOK, ANY, and it'll say these words. Prior to our entering Germany had beaten the crap out of the USSR. They had taken Leningrad and the only thing the Russians could do was use the "scorched earth" policy to keep the Germans from outright pillaging to resupply. Great tactic, destroy your own peoples way of life so it can't be taken by the enemy because your military sucks so bad they're getting wasted. So please don't try to tell me that Russia could have done jack crap without the US coming into the war, they were getting their asses handed to them.

Two words: Stalingrad and Napoleon.


"...prior to our entering Germany had beaten the crap out of the USSR. They had taken Leningrad and the only thing the Russians could do was use the "scorched earth" policy to keep the Germans from outright pillaging to resupply..."

Hmm... didn't say anything of this in my history books.. in fact, after Stalingrad the nazis had pretty much given up on beating Russia.


BTW, let's say China and North Korea invades the US. They bliz the west coast and move into the mainland across the Rocky Mountains. You have the choice to stop them in/at the east foot of the Rockies by destroying some cities, or to not destroy your cities and watch them get captured and used by the enemy, which will move farther into the US.


Burn cities and stop the invasion, or don't burn cities and fight the enemy. I would actually pick the second one, but I don't see anything wrong with Russia picking the first one. Those towns and cities would've been captured anyway, and then probably destroyed when the USA finally bombed the invaders out of the country..


6. We couldn't have won without UK and USSR? Two words for you: ATOM BOMB

Then why is Korea still divided and China still communist? Why did you have to pull out of Viet Nam? Because you can't use the nuke whenever you want to. History has proven that. Otherwise there'd be some mushroom clouds and high levels of radiation in all these countries..


7. I judge them based on their history and what they've done to me and mine. WTC enough said.

Great, judge a whole people based on what their leaders did. Seeing Afghanistan was a dictatorship, it's even less the people's fault, seeing they had no say in it at all.


I guess it's okay for me to hate christians then.. they don't have the best history in the world either.


Maybe we should just forget what happened 50 years ago? It has no relevance to the topic at hand. There is no reason Europe should bow down to the USA because it helped win WW1 and 2.



Those that forget the past are condemned to repeat it aren't they? It's the past that is the cause for all that is going on now. Half the iraqi population doesn't want us there now because we didn't finish Saddam off in 1991 when we could have and they were slaughtered by Saddam for rising up against him. The palestinian-israeli situation stems directly from WW2. Bin Laden stems from Soviet-Afghan conflict. It's all linked.

I'm 100% sure he didn't mean it that way.

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Dude, I was Russias side there.


It settled then buddy


Just living for all of my life in the country where every single day you're told how Soviet regime was bad, how all russians do everything through their asses, and everything they did in history for a bit significant is due to great losses from Russia's side itself. So if such GREAT technique mentioned, it's obvious for me to consider it sarcastic. In fact if you really mean that this is a Great technique than I can tell how it always happened with russians in history. They all suffered from their own "broad soul". Soviet system worked this way: the commander in chief wants to know situation with his army, sends the request, it goes through different institutions and finally to the cammanders of the army themselves. They count their soldiers, but see that there are few in their batallions. It's not right they think, we'd better say we have 30000 instead of 28000. Then it goes further, there another minister looks at the number and points that this number is small, puts 4 instead of 3. The answer goes further to the high minister and he points that 40000 thousands is just the number of the inicial plan, but we must show to our commander in chief that we always go ahead of the plan to earn his respect or simply not to recieve a ticket to Siberia. So the number of 50000 troops in one batallion goes as an answer to the commander in chief. He says well done, everything is ok. Such situation happened with practically everything that was ever counted, troops ,riffles for the soldiers, tanks, food etc. When Hitler declared WW2 Soviet Uninon was only happy about it. After a while it was not happy at all....


So I guess it's not a great technique but a great misery of the state. Of course nothing like this happens now. The myth of the invincibility of Soviet Union is due to mislead that every russian has a great spirit. Of course they have, but if you look at the number of russian soldiers who died in battle for Stalingrad, you would only be able to say: "Soviet Union: the murders of murders to send men to death bare footed, bare handed, bare minded"


Well i guess this is all too dark and gloomy, but that is history.



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  • 3 weeks later...

on WW2, didnt germany and russia sign a peace treaty alomost imdantly before the war. Hitler would not have had to fight a war on two fronts if he didnt attck russia:confused: oh well.


and darth murphy,

The Americans are just pure filth

i dont agree with many of the Americans policys but i dont think that as a people there fith or bad. Sure there a few bad folk, but you get that in every country

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on WW2, didnt germany and russia sign a peace treaty alomost imdantly before the war. Hitler would not have had to fight a war on two fronts if he didnt attck russia oh well.


Yeaaah, they did! And Stalin was pretty paranoid when he knew Hitler is moving freely upon russian lands. Still he did nothing. He thought to the end that it's not true. He was ill and suspected treachery in everything. He was already tatal freak these days. And he was losing his power in the end, when Zhukov practically won the war, and became a national hero. Of course Stalin eliminated him after that.

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