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The RPG Newbies Strike Again


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So I'm sitting at home watching the Soprano's when I hear my TeamSpeak going nuts, "fallen, fallen, we've got another newbie match". So I get up off the couch, and head to my desk, and join the server my mates are on. Come to find out it's yet another clan that has stipulations that we No Force TFFA them first. You all should know by now how I feel about No Force however I'm cool with it. However the newbs didn't even have rcon, and wouldn't go to our server, so we had to manually disable our force. They agree to allow level 3 jump. Then they proceed to bitch and moan about kick. They also complain about chatkilling, IN A CLAN MATCH! Anyone who's ever known anything about a CLAN MATCH is that EVERYTHING GOES once it starts. Well, these newbs got so mad, THEY BANNED ME IN THE MIDDLE OF THE MATCH!!!!! For chatkilling and "kick-whoring", IN THE MIDDLE OF A FREAKING MATCH!!!!!!!!! And what's worse, they're little clan tag, is [pwn]. HAHAHAHAH PWN?!?!?! They didn't pwn anything but how to cry.


Here's their clan server name and ip as well as the brief demo of the beginning of the match prior to my banning as well as a screenshot of me being banned.


UPDATE: My mates just told me via teamspeak that they were banned too after finishing off the three of them 30 to 2 in NF TFFA.


As mentioned here's the demo/screenshot and server....



FK vs [pwn] demo




And they still lost, tools.

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NF teamffa w/ pick ups and friendly fire off...




The sad thing is with these clans is they honestly think that is how the rest of the world plays and judge their "skill level" by how many times they can pop off random dfa's without the fear of death or a lower score for their team.


So of course if you don’t bounce around like a retard popping off random dfa’s one after another they are going to complain about anything you do.

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What's even more funny is that what you describe is usually what goes on in Europe. Majority of Euro's are NF FFA clans. This was in the US. Was quite disheartening to find such idiocy from my fellow countrymen in regards to a "clan match". This is the problem with this game. So many newbs made clans without the slightest idea why clans exist or what it takes to run a successful clan.


I should put a FAQ or Tutorial together on how to run a successful clan. LMFAO.

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Oh dear. :(


That was the worst one yet.


The absurdity of getting kicked and banned DURING A CLAN MATCH because of "whoring" a move...


Gives me a great idea, though >> How about if you started whining and kicking the players of the opposing noobie-clan next time? :D


You know, start off with a few "you lamed me":s and then a "strong style whore!"-whine after which you without any warning kick one random player from the opposing team. Reason: 'dishonourable lamer'.



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Oh dear. :(

Personally, i fidn this quite funny... How low certain people can go to in one game. I think that JK2 has the dumbest players in the world, I was playing this guy today-

So i was in this server with 2 other people (duel nf) with 1 guy who was Charging at me with red and dfaing every now and again - It's common sense to 'Get out of the damn way' when he overhead axe chop thingy majiggy or when he DFAs, then he suddenly says

"Stop running away".

I explain to him i would be killed if i ran straight into him, he says

"Well that's the aim of the game"

"To run into you while you charge?"

"No, for you to die"

"Well you might not have noticed that the world doesn't spin around you"

"Stop running away"

"I'm not running away, i'm simply circle strafing around you."

"same thing

"er... no"

*He dies, i have 100/25 hp*

*Unamed player disconnects*

*player who will still be unamed reconnects*

*Unamed player changes his name to "You're lame btw"


Enough of my life story now, Kicks weren't even enabled on the server (stupid jump at lvl 1, dunno why i even joined). All i even did was lunge when he dfaed etc. :rolleyes:

Still, i come across about 8 idiots a day who simply d/c when you disagree with them.

As far as ffa goes, every server i go on, i get called "lamer for sniping a guy runnning aorund with his saber off (i don't play ffa anyway) :rolleyes:.... or get booted for using force throw more than others.

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Originally posted by Rad Blackrose

Universal reply to these idiots these days:


Cry more.





I tell you there must be a new move in the game that was sold after i got mine. press key <x> to cry and bitch about what ever move killed you.

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I wish other clans and people would accept that not all people play the same. Gees they cried that you were winning and didnt follow their clan's rules. Its tough to them, your not in their clan so why should you follow their rules. Whats more it sound as if they didnt set any rules before you started the game so it again tough for them. They are definately sad people for banning you maybe one day you will be able to return the favour to them ;)

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I prefer utterly humiliating someone to banning them.


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Clan match rules are usually pretty straight forward. Banning someone for following the clan match rules (no saber does not = peace, te/th is on/off, etc) just shows their stupidity and unwillingness to compete.


Did they yell "OMG! Scr1pt0rz!!!111" when they lost, like another clan we won't mention that's been put to shame here?

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua

I prefer utterly humiliating someone to banning them.


then it is utterly confusing to me how you whined, then proceeded to ban me from the fk server after i spanked you in our match. hypocrite. go back to fighting the rpg n00bs, you fit in.

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Originally posted by Pyro

then it is utterly confusing to me how you whined, then proceeded to ban me from the fk server after i spanked you in our match. hypocrite. go back to fighting the rpg n00bs, you fit in.


Last time I remember, I was in a scrimmage against you guys with FK. You never touched our flag on Bespin, not once...

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he was talking about a TWL 1v1 where pyro played TWL style, and fallen, who said he could take it and play gay if need be, apparently flipped out and banned him. but thats all i know, i don't know the whole story, i wasn't there

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heh well I was in the sd server in spec mode w/ iron during the sd vs. fk teamffa on the bespin map (only that map I left after that round) and I saw sd beat fk in teamffa clean and legit.


I have heard second hand that a few members of fk thought sd was using the energize script but I know for a fact they were not.


#1 I was there and I have the demo still to this day. sd's energize was erratic and (not to be mean) quite unfocused. There are *huge gaps and long periods of time where they are running around using force w/ plenty of force in reserve to energize but no one is chaining because, well it was manual and no one was pressing the button.


#2 About a week after this match [sD]Fallen left the clan and challenged sd with his new clan i.Fear. Fallen knew reborn was very adamant about his team not using the script so Fallen used it and blew them out of the water and ran up the score.


#3 the score of the scrim with fk and sd would not have been within 10-15 points if they were using it. Anyone who has gone into a 4v4/5v5 match w/o the script against a team using it can attest to this:


The score is usually around 100 to -12 at the end; it's never even remotely close like that scrim was.


I'm not tying to bash fk or anything but I have to give sd major props because they have busted their ass and improved more than any clan in this game both as 1v1 players and a team.


And while they may have lost at a game of CTF, that is like someone bragging they beat me 10-0 in a NF duel.

I don't play it so of course I suck at it.


And to be honest, we have played them and scrimed with them more times than I can remember and what you guys saw in that scrim that day was nothing compared to what they play like now in team matches.


Like I said I’m not trying to bash fk but I have to give pyro and reborn the respect they have earned by turning that clan from a bunch of sloppy disorganized duelers into a very serious team of skilled players.

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Originally posted by Pyro

then it is utterly confusing to me how you whined, then proceeded to ban me from the fk server after i spanked you in our match. hypocrite. go back to fighting the rpg n00bs, you fit in.


Because what you did was pure idiocy assclown. You ran away, drain whore, ran away, drain whore, ran away drain whore. THATS not humiliating someone, that's just playing like a tool. Not once did you just fight, THAT is how you humiliate someone, not playing like a little bitch running away, drain whore, running away, drain whore.


And as far as SD beating FK, it never happened. 1) it was a little 2v2 unapproved by myself. 2) it was with non-tffa players. Hence it never happened, it wasn't SD vs FK, it was trick and media vs whoever. And I too saw the demo from it UJ, and it looked to me like they WERE using the TE script.

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Originally posted by Mr.Joshua


And as far as SD beating FK, it never happened. 1) it was a little 2v2 unapproved by myself. 2) it was with non-tffa players. Hence it never happened, it wasn't SD vs FK, it was trick and media vs whoever. And I too saw the demo from it UJ, and it looked to me like they WERE using the TE script.


err I'm not talking about a 2v2; I had no idea they even did one.

As far as a scripted TE it could have been because I have no idea what took place, but that was not what I was referring to.


fk did a 4v4 against sd on ffa_bespin and lost. I have the demo link in the members section of our forums but I think all the fragism/fragwhore sites are down because I can't connect to any of them. Soon as I can get in I'll post it. And it is pretty obvious on this demo the energize is manual.

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Originally posted by shock ~ unnamed

err I'm not talking about a 2v2; I had no idea they even did one.

As far as a scripted TE it could have been because I have no idea what took place, but that was not what I was referring to.


fk did a 4v4 against sd on ffa_bespin and lost. I have the demo link in the members section of our forums but I think all the fragism/fragwhore sites are down because I can't connect to any of them. Soon as I can get in I'll post it. And it is pretty obvious on this demo the energize is manual.


Everything was down last night around 11, servers and forums.

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