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what is the deal with ewoks?

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:ewok: Ewoks. What the Hell is with them? Weren't the Jawas enough? I mean, they already had 2 muppets in there, (Yoda and the Jawas) but there had to be the frigin ewoks. They look like Sesame Street rejects. The only reason i don't hate the jawas is because they were there first. Yes they were annoying, but they didn't look like Cabbage Patch kids bear version. Yoda was equally annoying as the jawas, but in a creepy elmo way. As a matter of fact, I Hate him to.I'll save that for another thread though.


Please reply to let me hear your opinions. Like they even matter.

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Join me Luke, and together we will rid the galaxy of Ewoks


Ewoks are fun, don't mess whit them. If you want only cool dudes watch Johny BRavo or the Power Rangers.


(and beware what you about Jawa's ... Jawa's are populair ... Uteunie ... or something like that)

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I had an ewok once, but then I fed it after midnight and it spun a cocoon. The next day the cocoon was empty and I haven't seen him since, but all the appliances and machinery in my house has been acting up lately.... hmmmmmm.....



Oh, wait, Ewoks are the other miniture, furry bears of hollywood...


DOH! ;)



e-woks are better than traditional woks, because the electric heating elements cook the egg noodles much more thoroughly and effieciently. :rolleyes:

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I like to play the star wars game at Dave n Busters. "Star Wars Trilogy"...well needless to say there is a level where you are on endor and firing at troopers and ewoks run by flailing their arms in the air and squeeling. I personally think its halerious..and my fiance...well he fires purposely at them.

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Originally posted by STTCT

I like to play the star wars game at Dave n Busters. "Star Wars Trilogy"...well needless to say there is a level where you are on endor and firing at troopers and ewoks run by flailing their arms in the air and squeeling. I personally think its halerious..and my fiance...well he fires purposely at them.


I played the same game at a local arcade before it closed down...I got to the point that I could 0wnz0r it with only the first $0.50, no continues or nothin'. Even won a tournament they had on it. It was rather hilarious...they assigned me to play 2nd out of about 6, gave us $2.00 in coins to use, I was done w/ $1.50 left & the rest of the contestants were groaning as my score was posted (had a really good run & posted the no. 2 score for the machine :) ).



Oh, and I like Ewoks...where in SC are you from, anyway?

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Ewoks still suck. Period. Yoda does too. The deal is I hate muppets and they are MUPPETS. I repeat: I hate muppets. But of course my opinion counts anyway so HA! Gotcha beat there.


Can't we just all hate the Ewoks as much as the French?


(I am really gonna get in trouble someday.)

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Originally posted by KoRndrumnkilla


Can't we just all hate the Ewoks as much as the French?


(I am really gonna get in trouble someday.)


Yes you are...Sherack, another_trooper and myself are from Montreal...we're french canadian(I think...)


So hmmm....watch your mouth...

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