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what is the deal with ewoks?

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KoR, let's put it this way, if you're gonna start treating everyone in the forum as if you are king, and we are your servants who are made to listen to you and agree with everything you say you're not gonna get very far. And as far as I'm concerned your a newb, and your opinions don't matter much at all to me unless you actually present good reasons. And if you want to become unnewbified you're gonna have to do that.

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Originally posted by lukeiamyourdad

Yes you are...Sherack, another_trooper and myself are from Montreal...we're french canadian(I think...)


So hmmm....watch your mouth...

Im Candian just not French Canadian, and we gotta stick together. so just to piss you off .....


Muppets Rule


They're here, They're Funny, Get use to it.



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Man, I didn't know how much of a stir this would cause. I just did this thread to piss people off. It worked. And I'm not banned thank you very much, so you'll have too deal with me for a while longer. I aint no newbie either. I have powerful aliies. I hate the French because they wouldn't stand by America when we would stand by them. I like Canadians, even French-Canadians, Ijust hate the French. The real ones. And i hate the KKK too. I hate muppets. KoRn Rules!!!!!

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KoRn, which member was it that put you up to posting these stupid things? I now it was someone.


You've got to stop with the random flames. We aren't here for your amusement. You're going to get a temp ban. Hopefully by the time it's over you'll have wisened up and decided to be a respectful, contributing member of this forum.

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Originally posted by KoRndrumnkilla

I aint no newbie either. I have powerful aliies.


There are no powerful "alliies" around here. Ari and Chris are the only ones who have any true power. Well Rhett has some...;), but anyway I hope your "alliies" also wise up and hide in a corner refusing to admit the ever even know you. At least for now. Oh ya and I reccomend you tell Rhett what he wants to know, it might get you paroled. Otherwise you mind end up with Life without Parole.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why am I reminded of that one SNL skit with Heather Locklear and Mike Myers and they're advertising some pasta maker on an infomercial and Locklear would always say things like


"If you're like me, you're tired of buying from the Japs!"


"Its so easy that even a Puerto Rican can use it!"


"Some competetor's prices are a lie, like the Holocaust!"


Of course, then Cultural Insensitivity was funny, here its just sad. I thought America was supposed to be a socially progressive nation.

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Korn-boy, if you can still read this, just take your filthy paws off the keyboard, pull your ugly mug away from the screen, and go get a life. If this is how you get your kicks, then go find a hobby. We don't need trashy posts like yours clogging up a good forum.





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Originally posted by Clefo


Of course, then Cultural Insensitivity was funny, here its just sad. I thought America was supposed to be a socially progressive nation.


No America isn't a socially progressive nation. Extreme conservatism is a huge problem there. Look at the Netherlands. They're more socially progressive then most other countries. Heck, Canada is even more socially progressive then the US...but you're not the worst.

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Originally posted by Clefo

Well, in the start, America was way progressive. Nowadays old rich white people, who wouldn't know progress if it kicked it in the head, run the country.


Indeed. However might I bring this to people's attention(history class pays off now). Not only did the british taxes and "tyranny" caused th revolution but also the "Acte de Québec" which was the last nail on the coffin. It gave the french rights to practice their religion(roman catholic) and other rights. The new constitution of Canada was made so the french canadians wouldn't join the american in the revolts. The protestants weren't happy with this(the 13 colonies) and didn't want the catholics to actually have rights(although the leaders probably did as stated in a letter by George Washington to the inhabitants of Lower Canada). It became very fast one of the last reasons of the revolt.

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