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Superman Theme or Batman Theme?

Boba Rhett

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Depends on what you want to use it for, really...


If it's sort of for a site intro, or any introduction for that matter, I'd think the Superman one sounds better.


For a dark-themed site intro, the batman sounds cool.


But as Jedi said, Batman sounds better overall...Superman is too...cheesy...in a 1970s sort of way... :p

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Deends on which Batman theme you are talking about, cause if it's the one from the first movie/oldest tv series than superman kicks, but if it's the newer theme, then Batman is where it's at. :cool:


What can I say, just one more way in which Batman beats Superman. :D



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Originally posted by Rogue Nine

Batman's is so much better. Superman's is mediocre.

That's harsh. It's still John Williams stuff, I love the Supes theme. It's just a tad too fanfarey for me.


Rhett, other ways that Batman rules over Supes: coolness, better costume, and depth of character :D

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I know it's John Williams. I love his work, usually. I just think that Superman's theme wasn't one of his best. Like you said, too fanfare-y.


And yes, Batman does kick more ass than Supes. At least he doesn't become a whiny, crying baby when someone holds up a chunk of ugly green glowy rock.

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Normally I would just go with John Williams hands down, but Elfman's Batman Theme had much more depth than Williams's Superman Fanfare. But that's just comparing main themes... If you look at the complete soundtracks, you'll find the Batman Soundtrack becomes very repetitive, and John Williams's Love Theme from Superman is an incredibly moving piece despite it's simplicity, Sooooooo...


It's a draw....




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Well, since this is basicly a "What's your opinion" thread, I have to say Batman's theme is better. I like the faster & darker feel to it. Supey's is just too fan-farish and envokes the "I'm a good guy no matter what feeling", which fits Supe. Bat's on the other hand portrays a much darker figure, which Batman is. So each theme fits the characters perfectly, but IMHO the Batman theme is the better of the two.



edit: Though, I do believe that the Imperial March blows both of them out of the water...but that's off-topic :p

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