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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

I read a old interview with raven software about jk 3 and in the interview they said that all they really had left was to do the cut scenes. So why is it going to take so long to make it go gold.


Can you quote the source? I remember a '~70% done' quote, but like any project, the final 20% can often take longer than the initial 80% ...


My guess is that if they really are shooting for mid-September release, they'll be tweaking the game right up until Sept 1st. Getting framerates up in SP, checking balance in MP, stuff like that.



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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

I read a old interview with raven software about jk 3 and in the interview they said that all they really had left was to do the cut scenes. So why is it going to take so long to make it go gold.

Because that probably ment coding. The testing phase takes a long time...
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Yeah, I can see the testing phase taking a while, and thank god for it. I say take all the time you need and GET IT RIGHT THE FIRST TIME. Hell, I'd be perfectly happy waiting 'til X-mas '03 for a good quality game that had been thoroughly tested and balanced.

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Originally posted by toms

it is basically a JO expansion pack, and considering the time they rushed JO out in im suprised they are spending this long on it. ;)


Probably has something to do with the fact that this "expansion" is significantly larger than JKII...

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Originally posted by Rockstar

well you saw the amount of rebalancing they had to do in JO, i think they are trying despirately hard to make the force system overall balanced.


btw JA isn't an expansion??


Nope it's standalone :) It uses the same engine and a lot of JO code I believe, but still, it's supposed to be bigger than JA... Doesn't sound like an expansion to me :D But it isn't a sequal either!

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Nah, Half-Life and Doom III can expect serious competition. JA is one of those games that has a large fanbase, because it's a Star Wars game!! People will buy it anyway :) So I don't think JA really has to suffer from HL2 or Doom III. Personally, I'm going to buy Deus Ex 2, HL2 and of course JA. No Doom III, it just isn't my thing!

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Originally posted by «¦gøt ƒørçë?¦»

if they really release it in september they are gonna be screwed cuz Half-Life and Halo is supposed to be released in september too o and Doom 3 so they will have no chance againts these monster games..imo they will delay the release to november


I disagree.


First I'm not really convinced HL2 will make Sept 30th, but I'll be happily be wrong :) Why? They are releasing 'new' videos now - 10 weeks before purported 'in-store', 8 wks pre-'gold' - that are rehashes of E3 videos, just higher resolution feeds. While JA was 70% done early this spring and should hit mid-Sept, I'm not so sure HL2 can swing it ... we'll see.


Second, I've seen one thing say Doom3 is coming Oct 3rd (IGN). Others say December ...more likely. Stuff I've read lately shows that they're still making some fairly low-level decisions.


Third, I don't see Halo as a big deal, but again I may be wrong - it is a 2 year old XBox game ported to PC. Interesting, and will likely do well. Heck, the XBox version just hit 3 million copies sold. I also expect it to hit the Sept 2nd release target without a problem.


Also, my #3 anticipated game, Deus Ex 2 (JA is #1, KOTOR is #2, HL2 is #4 and Doom 3 is #5) isn't due until late November (I almost said Thanksgiving - apologies for my US-centric thoughts ;) ).


So I see a landscape that looks OK for JA - but that is somewhat dependant on HL2. If HL2 slides into mid-late October, then Halo will have a couple weeks initial splash and JA follow-up, with a 1+ month time to be top news. KOTOR could also be a wildcard in all of this, as the PC version is due 'in the Fall'.



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Question ... would AotC have had a higher box office if Spiderman had been crap?


Possibly, but I think it had its' own 'sweet-spot', and would have maybe got a few million $ 'bump'.


My analogy is that JA is not going to sell 1.5 million hype-fueled copies immediately upon release like 'Enter the Matrix', despite being crap. JA will sell hundreds of thousands to low millions like JO did, and will command full price for a very long time, like JO has.


The MP community will not approach the size of any of the WWII games, but Siege will likely help it be bigger than JO for a while. We'll still have to see what HL2 brings to the MP table.



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Originally posted by txa1265

...We'll still have to see what HL2 brings to the MP table...


We are thinking the same thought. What I am expecting from its multiplayer is what we all expect, more co-op games like CS and and more in depth team game like TFC (Team Fortress Classic).:mob:


But you are right, people will buy this game because it's a Star Wars game. From what I see I looks identical to JO, but it is always the game play that gets you a high quality game.


Till the release of JA I will be dancing around my computer (like Homer Simpson did before going to the chilly cook-off) whining about how I want it to come out now.:monkbomb:


P.S. :barf2::hatchrun::toilet1: aren't these smilies the shiznit.

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I actually know very little about Doom3 aside from the fact that my system probably can't run it without a major upgrade in my video card. I've never been terribly impressed by Id's single player games, although I hear Doom3 will be entirely single player focused (which will mean the bar is even higher for them to perform in terms of storyline and interaction).


HL2 I also know very little about (again, low-powered graphics for my system will likely make me think twice about buying it), but I hear it is THE anticipated game of the year and that doesn't surprise me in the least. HL1, despite being incredibly dated now was a fantastic game for its time and has had really striking longevity in a market where games are usually big only for about a year or so. This was due largely to the advent of CS and the gradual release of other mods like TFC. I do hope that HL2 does better movement animations this time around. Everyone in HL1, despite all the raves about the graphics, moved around VERY stiffly.


I think that there are some basic economics to consider in terms of three or four MAJOR games coming out at once or at least within 2-4 weeks of each other. Gamers range mostly from mid-teens to mid-twenties, with exceptions of course. These folks are often unemployed or at least have not a whole ton by way of income. They may be getting an allowance or may have a job, but the point is that their funds are limited. Even assuming that the games all retail for $29.99, if four games come out VERY closely spaced together, that's $120.00 (without tax) you're talking about spending on games.


Now, while we all may spend considerably more than that in the course of a year on games, in a one to two month period, that's nothing to sneeze at. So, given the limited funds, which games would be chosen? I think that HL2 and Doom3 would be the big winners, frankly. Not to demean JO, but there's nothing revolutionary about its gameplay or graphics. It will be (hopefully) a solid, fun game with a well-sized built-in fan base, but it will come nowhere close to the hype-machines that are HL2 and Doom3. And those are just the FPS games coming out around that time. We're not even talking about cross-genre competition from sources like KOTOR or whatever Morrowind/Everquest/Galaxies expansion comes out in that time.


I'm sure JA will do fine in the long run, but it will not be a blockbuster by any stretch of the imagination. Its fan base is not quite big enough, and it faces stiff competition from what one would expect to be pretty heavy hitters in terms of taking games to the next level. Now, Doom3 and HL2 may turn out to be like Quake3 was: a killer engine with awesome graphics, but REALLY boring gameplay, or at least considerably limited gameplay straight out of the box. I was never impressed with Q3 as a game as much as I was impressed with it as an engine upon which other better games and mods could be built. Hell, that was even true for Q1 and Q2 (although Q2 at least had decent single player). For both of those games, it was not until various mods (TF, Weapons Factory, CTF, Loki's Minions CTF, etc.) came out that I really could enjoy the games. Even so, I recognize that my personal tastes are a decided minority when it comes to gaming. Plenty of people are only too happy to plunk down their cash for a game with awesome graphics but not much content, if it's got the right brand name on it.


So, in the end, I think JA will be a solid game, a good contender in the market, but if it's released at the wrong time, it could end up having a pretty slow start for the MP community and its sales in general. It will, however, likely be a consistent performer and will continue to sell reasonably well after the initial hype of other games have worn off, and even those who buy HL2 and/or D3 will probably pick it up eventually if they're Star Wars fans.

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Originally posted by Solo4114

So, in the end, I think JA will be a solid game, a good contender in the market, but if it's released at the wrong time, it could end up having a pretty slow start for the MP community and its sales in general. It will, however, likely be a consistent performer and will continue to sell reasonably well after the initial hype of other games have worn off, and even those who buy HL2 and/or D3 will probably pick it up eventually if they're Star Wars fans.


I agree with your analysis. :) Having said that, I'm one of those people who hopes to pick up all the major titles released in the last quarter of this year, assuming I'm impressed by playing demos, or I'm willing to take a gamble on certain titles having solid gameplay. That list is quite extensive and includes (but isn't limited to): HL2, DeusEx2, JA, D3, Far Cry, STALKER, Tron 2, KOTOR, Judge Dredd, Halo (PC), Mace Griffin (PC), and UT2K4... And I agree, that is a lot of games being released within a short space of each other, and there must be an impact on sales between them as people have to pick and choose within the confines of their personal budgets. However, I do think JA will be another 'steady plodder' in the games market, and continue to sell well long after the hype has come and gone.


And Emon summed up nicely what probably still has to be done on the game.


I also agree with the sentiment that they should spend as much time as necessary adding the extra polish and ensuring it's as bug-free as possible.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

I agree with your analysis. :) Having said that, I'm one of those people who hopes to pick up all the major titles released in the last quarter of this year, assuming I'm impressed by playing demos, or I'm willing to take a gamble on certain titles having solid gameplay.


As am I ... there was a line in a movie some years ago that someone said about 'I'm older and I have more disposable income' ... I think that applies to us ;)


And Solo4114 - are those US$ you're talking? I've assumed $50 + 5% MA sales tax (unless I go home via 'tax free' Nashua NH ...) or almost $60 per game. Based on that your $120 becomes $240, or >$300 for my list for the last 3 months of the year ...


My list is the 5 I mentioned at this point plus Halo and perhaps Mace Griffin - though I may get a 'cube to play Rebel Strike. I'm also going to grab the Mac version of Neverwinter Nights. Demos have been a mixed bag this year - and although I can spare the cash I felt 'burned' by my quick-buy on Unreal 2 and have been gun-shy (pun intended!) since. I've not yet picked up Elite Force II ... may wait for the Mac version, but I have to swing by the mall tomorrow anyway, and I always hear EB calling me when I go in the mall ...



However, I do think JA will be another 'steady plodder' in the games market, and continue to sell well long after the hype has come and gone.


Agree - I also agree that if they need to push it to guarantee better gameplay ... we'll all still be here a month later.



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Don't you guys think that JA doesn't have THAT much to fear from those other games?? I mean, because it's a SW game, it appeals to different people anyway, apart from the main group of gamers. Because it's SW, people will buy it anyway.


Personally, I think HL2 and DoomIII are alike on server aspects, but while HL2 looks less good than DoomIII, I think I'll only buy HL2. And no Halo. Don't you guys think that a lot of people don't want two or three zombie/alien-shooters??

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Hehe... HertogJan, your posts are after / very close to my posts and vice versa on many threads... I just noticed that. Anyways, I personally haven't played Halo on the XBOX. So I might actually go for that on the PC. I also heard that there are going to be more driveable vehicles? in Halo PC. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. But about your point, yeah too many shooters is overwhelming :D Games Like Half Life and Doom aren't really my thing. Thank goodness for Star Wars otherwise I wouldn't have a FPS to play :) Besides from your basic war/recon games of course.

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Originally posted by HertogJan

Don't you guys think that JA doesn't have THAT much to fear from those other games?? I mean, because it's a SW game, it appeals to different people anyway, apart from the main group of gamers. Because it's SW, people will buy it anyway.


Personally, I think HL2 and DoomIII are alike on server aspects, but while HL2 looks less good than DoomIII, I think I'll only buy HL2. And no Halo. Don't you guys think that a lot of people don't want two or three zombie/alien-shooters??


I see Halo, HL2 and Doom3 as very different within the same genre. Halo on the XBox looked to me (I saw all of 5 minutes of someone playing) like your typical Q3 / UT run and gun game, but with really cool vehicles to drive and supposedly good flow and play. That is why I may pass that up - the Breed demo looked like that, and I found that quite boring. HL2 looks very nice - I expect heavy story with lots of action - not action as heavy as the games of today, but still lots of action, but again the emphasis on storyline. Doom3 looks like very little action, mainly suspense and mood. Carmack already said you'll only ever battle 1 or 2 enemies at a time.


I don't understand what you mean 'alike on server aspects'? Doom 3 is [sP] only. Half-Life has lived on CS for 5 years ... we don't know what HL2 will bring yet.


Originally posted by yolkboy

Hehe... Double Post! :D

Eh... Not Any More! :p


I know ... I was having forum response difficulties yesterday (perhaps all the KOTOR traffic? or from here?) and ended up with a couple doubles - thought I cleared them out ...



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This forum tends to be really slow at times... I get it all the time :mad: Time for a server upgrade? :p :p Meh, I think lucasforums is drinking bandwidth as if it was beer already ;)


Oh and of course there are differences between Doom3 and HL2 and Halo, but the thing is, that people will usually buy 2 pretty different game at a time. Maybe they'll get Doom3 AND HL2, but they'll buy one of those two later.


Maybe I'll buy Doom3, but only after reading a lot of reviews and not earlier than like march 2004...

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