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In case anyone cared..

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*gasp* GJ, is Squinky in love with you? I'm wondering, as it's usually the habit of immature boys to try to torture and humiliate the lovely objects of their affections (you know how we men are, always tripping over our feet for you hot babes - well, the breeder types anyway :p ). I at least hope Squinky is cute, I'd hate to have some ugly troll with no social skills whatsoever always embarrassing me. Hell, I'll take the cruelest insults from Viggo Mortensen and Hugh Jackman as long as they follow me everywhere. luvlove.gif

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Originally posted by Homoludens

it's usually the habit of immature boys to try to torture and humiliate the lovely objects of their affections (you know how we men are, always tripping over our feet for you hot babes - well, the breeder types anyway :p ).




sounds piercingly accurate.


ah well


*leaves forum muttering to his own feet*

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Originally posted by remixor

In Squinky's defense, he is the creator of the Pirate Fry AGS-made adventure games :) Wasn't really familiar with that bizarre GJ situation though. :confused:


Not the same Squinky. He doesn't even have THAT to his credit. :)

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Happy Birthday, GJ! (I keep wanting to write JG.. maybe it's those 3 years of French I took. Grr...)


And while I'll forget what date it was 5 minutes ago (so I don't care about the birthdate in particular -- I don't even remember mine half the time), everybody needs a good ego fluffing every once in a while. I'm just doing my part in hopes that it may be reciprocated. (Also out of respect for fellow man and all, but I'm mostly selfish. :p)





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