Ray Jones Posted July 23, 2003 Share Posted July 23, 2003 maybe he's got an allergy on cinnamon .. or he knows something he hides .. even from you .. hmmmmmm.. *thinking* *smatsh* HEY .. where did those bananas came from ... hmm. they look familiar.. and authentic .. *activates retroboosters ..* *vvrrrRRRRAaaaaoouuUUUGgrrruUUUooOOOoooouummm* ( YES! RETROBOOSTERS) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acrylic Posted July 23, 2003 Share Posted July 23, 2003 Wow. Great stories. When shall I be expecting the last Chapter? (I live in Central USA Time. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kain Posted July 23, 2003 Share Posted July 23, 2003 I feel I'm going to gouge my eyes out so I'll never be violated in such a way again...I think. Now I'm not too sure what the hells going on... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoom Rabbit Posted July 23, 2003 Author Share Posted July 23, 2003 Retroboosters? If you need that much retrothrust, wouldn't it make more sense to just swap ass for nose and burn the main engine...? ACT FIVE Hanuman taught the hunters how to find their own way to the magic banana tree by smelling the breeze when it was blowing down from the big mountain. He also taught the magic banana gathering monkeys, lost on the forest trails, how they could find their way by paying attention to how the wind smelled, thereby saving their vocation from obsolesence as well. Many, many years later he taught how any monkey with a sense of smell could find the way. For countless rainy seasons, the monkey tribe of sandalwood forest enjoyed the abundance of the magic banana tree, now free to find it easily, any time they wanted. King Manu still ruled the city of Monkeyopolis, which had grown up over the site of the ancient wooden buildings of Monkeytown. He was himself beyond the reckoning of age, grown sparse of fur and hobbled, needing the help of a younger monkey to get around. Most of the time, he rested his acheing bones on a throne of ivory and gold, warmed by a crackling fire in the chambers of his own palace. Most of the job of ruling Monkeyopolis was done by the senate, which the ordinary citizen monkeys elected for themselves. The king now served as a figurehead, although he filled an important role in symbolizing authority and wisdom for his people. No one would ever argue against the Monkey King, ageless and all-knowing, who was himself responsible for that first civilizing fire in the primitive sandalwood forest. So important was a king to the monkey tribe that Manu designated Hanuman to be his successor when he finally did pass on to whatever existance awaited monkeys after death. Monkeyopolis was a city built of stone, which the monkeys quarried from the nearby river and rolled to town on sandalwood logs. The King's Palace and Monkey Senate towered into the sky, dwarfed only by the mighty Ghost Monkey Temple. The streets echoed with the bustle and chatter of thousands of monkeys, and the Monkeytheum roared to the spectacle of monkey games. One bright and sunny day, Manu left the palace so he might see firsthand how his people were faring. A few of his advisors came along--the king had not left the warmth and safety of his palace chambers in several years, and he would no doubt have many questions about what he saw. Manu visted the magic banana vendor where the trouble with the painted ones had started so many years ago. Now the little stand was a bustling indoor market where anything known to monkeys could be bought, strewn with bright banners to attract the idle customer. When he went to see the magic banana table, he was shocked. 'Five hundred metal coins for one magic banana?' he yelled, shaking a rainbow-striped banana at his advisors. 'My shoes--the king's shoes, the finest worn by a monkey, only cost four hundred! This is an outrage...only the very wealthy can afford a magic banana at this price!' The king's advisors were silent, looking back and forth amongst themselves. 'Sire,' the Prime Monkey said finally, 'the problem is with our supply of magic bananas.' 'But I thought Hanuman had solved our problem with finding the magic banana tree. Are the monkeys losing their way again?' 'No, sire...we can find the tree easily. The problem is that we only have the one magic banana tree, and Monkeyopolis now contains many thousands of monkeys.' 'Our gatherers pick them just as soon as they're ripe,' said the Agricultural Monkey. 'There just aren't enough to go around, which drives the price at market to a premium.' Manu stared at his advisors. Things were now getting so complicated for the monkey tribe that he could no longer understand the issues. He was just an old, simple monkey who wanted to stay warm by the fire. 'Go and find Hanuman,' he told them. 'Tell him that he is your king now, and do as he bids. My time will soon come to an end.' The advisors went to go find their new king, and Manu was left with just his helper monkey. The two toured the city, Manu taking in all the wonders that had sprung up in recent years, as the sunny day wore on to twilight. They found their way to one of the many fires on the outskirts of the city, where the older and poorer monkeys still practiced the ancient custom of meeting the sunset with a nice fire. As his helper monkey assisted him in sitting with the others, they stared at him in awe. Though a mighty king, whom most of them had never seen in person, there he was to enjoy a fire with the poorest of them. He smiled, and looked around the group of faces. To his delight, he recognized the very old monkey who was tending the fire. It was Fool Monkey, who had lost his banana patch years ago when the Monkeytheum was built and now spent his time building fires for the indigent such as this. 'Fool Monkey, how are you these days?' Fool Monkey smiled. 'Fine, sire. Welcome to our little fire. The good things never change, do they?' Manu nodded and rubbed his hands together over the fire. 'Good things,' he sighed. 'Like magic bananas!' Fool Monkey looked at him with a mischievous grin. 'Ah, the magic bananas. Never enough to go around, were there?' 'No, there weren't. We would have enough one day, then the next we would be in crisis. The problem is that there are always more and more monkeys, and only so many magic bananas! It is a problem that I have never been able to solve. Today I saw monkey police, and monkey jails...we never needed such things in the old days. I have failed you all as king.' 'Don't be so hard on yourself, sire. Look at the monkeys gathered here about the fire. Do we seem to need magic bananas?' Manu looked at the faces around him, old and weathered, some showing the wear of toil and worry, but all gathered together with a sense of gentle peace...peace among monkeys who certainly couldn't afford a magic banana with all their money combined. The old king felt as if he'd just discovered his own moustache. 'You are at peace. Fool Monkey, all those years you were telling me that you didn't need to eat the magic banana--and you really didn't!' Fool Monkey nodded. 'My king, I think that you are finally ready to hear what I have to say.' 'I'm listening. What is your secret to finding peace?' Fool Monkey looked at each of them in turn, then said, 'Love each other.' "When you eat the magic banana, you become one with the tribe that eats it with you. When you love the tribe, you become one without the magic banana. 'When you follow the Ghost Monkey in the forest, you learn how to accept faith. When you learn how to love, you also accept faith without having to enter the forest. 'When you explore the jungle in search of the magic banana tree by yourself, you learn patience and how to overcome hardship. When you practice love toward others, you also learn patience and how to overcome hardship. 'There is no benefit to be gained from eating the magic banana that cannot be gained by practicing love. 'I am the Ghost Monkey, and you are the Ghost Monkey. The Ghost Monkey is everywhere and nowhere. He is as real as the tree full of bananas that he brought us as a symbol of his love. That love is the real gift, and can take monkeys further than a jungle full of magic banana trees. 'All my years I have gathered nuts, grown food and built fires for the gentle monkeys of the forest because I love them. With so much peace inside, who has time for magic bananas?' Thus ends the story of the monkey tribe of sandalwood forest, though it continues to this day. Sri ram, jai ram, jai jai ram! Sri ram, jai ram, jai jai ram! Om! Peace. There you go, Ray. The answer was 'love.' You don't feel cheated, do you? Here, have a *magic banana*... *(Lights up a giant spliff rolled with rainbow-striped papers and passes it to Ray.)* Vive la resistance. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Jones Posted July 23, 2003 Share Posted July 23, 2003 i feel used, zoom .. used and satisfied .. *applies 'magic banana spliff'* and *coughcough* its a nice little analogy Fool Monkey draws between The 'Magic Bananas' cult and what he was doing instead of just being part of it. .. *takes a breath* .. i think he's done well .. *coughy.. passes banana medicine.* .. but.. if he had this knowledge already in the early years .. (soso .. a wise monkey ..) .. why he didnt shared his opinion to the other monkeys instead of saying 'no thanks.' .. ? hhm. .. AND if one banana costs $500 then 'normal' monkeys didnt got one for a long time right.. ?? Do they still want some? .. PS.. for a lack of beansoline ... the main engine failed .. that's the kind of a 'return to base' i prefer .. so i wont get that bored ..! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoom Rabbit Posted July 23, 2003 Author Share Posted July 23, 2003 Well, Fool Monkey, being actually a *wise* monkey, knew that in the early days of the monkey tribe, they weren't ready for a concept like 'love.' Simple monkeys, remember? The monkeys had to go through a process of disillusionment with the magic bananas before they were ready to learn the higher philosophy that made them meaningless. Mankind is like this, and has to wear out and become enraged with old ways sometimes before it adopts new ones. Smart monkeys don't need magic bananas...but they might enjoy them on occasion as a treat. *Cough! Cough!* Note: if anyone wants to read the entire sutra without the intervening commentaries, I've posted an encapsulated version in the JK2 stories forum. http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=106447 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Jones Posted July 23, 2003 Share Posted July 23, 2003 Well, Fool Monkey, being actually a *wise* monkey, knew that in the early days of the monkey tribe, they weren't ready for a concept like 'love.' Simple monkeys, remember? i wonder what those bananas did with the monkeys .. Mankind is like this, and has to wear out and become enraged with old ways sometimes before it adopts new ones. we? monkeys? prrfffft. you're nuts. *people shouting* "Burn him on the HORSE!!" *Burns masses with flamethrower* feel what this is like getting burned .. you .. masses.. sorry zoom ... i was kidding .. I like your Sutra, it is *inspiring* and is quite *handy* .. here's a small bonus for your good work.. *presents a lovely arranged 'dessert'* what shall i say zoom .. finally the horse burned .. *points at retroboosters* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reaper Girl Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit Meanwhile, anyone care to guess at this point why Fool Monkey is down on magic bananas? Hmmm...Because he's found inner peace and don't need the magic bananas... or maybe the Reaper should go easy on the jasmine tea:nut: I like this story! But its no fair I've been meditating for two years and no weird stories came to me (except the one about Death being a carrion beatle and I was a cricket... ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoom Rabbit Posted July 24, 2003 Author Share Posted July 24, 2003 Reaper Girl: Keep at it. I meditated for fifteen years before I ever had what my skeptical mind would consider a vision. The more you meditate and learn about life, the more your subconscious will have to communicate with you in this fashion. Waking imagery is actually (in my opinion) less reliable than that you find in dreams--what's a daydream and what's a vision? See the problem? In dreams, our conscious will is suspended (unless we're directed dreaming) and none of the imagery we encounter is from us, but rather from the great unconscious. Of course, then we come to question of which dreams are meaningful, and which ones are the you-ate-pizza-before-going-to-bed-and-now-you're-being-chased-around-the-bedroom-by-John-Lennon-with-a-chainsaw type. Ah, the search for truth... *(Hands Reaper Girl a magic banana)* Here. This'll make stories pop into your head. No, my serious suggestion is to keep a notepad and pen by your bed, and when you wake up in the morning, before your feet even touch the floor, write down whatever it was you dreamed. It's important to do this right away, because dream memories fade within the first few minutes of consciousness. What you find written in that notebook just might inspire stories even more far out than this one! Ray: The physiological effect of the magic banana on the monkey is to defuse aggression, which is the main problem with monkeys to begin with. If you could get zoo monkeys to put aside their petty differences and work together, they just might start building a fire, wood huts and the whole ball of wax. Whatever chemical is extant in the magic banana cannot be any of the contemporary sedatives, because they would make the monkeys unproductive. Let's call it zoomethol and say that it's an active ingredient in the magic banana that curtails aggression in primates without a tranquilizing effect--psychotropic values probable but unknown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Jones Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 Visions: as i see it visions were a kind of privilege for medicine men and pals .. and if i know right visions almost always are connected to the appliance of .. 'fruits' i wonder how far we and our brain would have developed WITHOUT visions.. and 'fruits' has the structure of our brain been changed by the usage of 'visionairy resources' in the early years..? Dreams: I think dreams are comparible to the thoughts we have over the day. Only it's NOT 'controlled' by our (wake) awareness and perhabs moral sense.. May be .. a dream shows us HOW we had 'seen' the world in our first periods of 'monkeying' around .. Phsycological effect preferred: .. The physiological effect of the magic banana on the monkey is to defuse aggression, .. => The common coherence by means of common banana eating and related issues .. This is weird but obviously a 'normal' process to fake our brain. achieve a 'goal' (common peace) by doing things which (e.g. sharing/eating 'special' bananas) are not directly related to the 'goal' .. (i dont know if it's proper translated .. "overleaping act" ..?? it is this this thing where you shake your hurting hand .. ) .. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoom Rabbit Posted July 24, 2003 Author Share Posted July 24, 2003 Visions...unreliable, unfortunately, in an objective argument because the experience is non-tranferable. I could find The Ultimate Truth, but the minute I put it into words and pass it on to your brain as an idea, it becomes just that: an idea called 'Zoom's truth.' We should therefore simply say 'you have to experience one to have any idea what it is like' and leave it at that. Visions caused by use of 'fruits?' *(Looks down at the smoldering *magic banana* and tosses it over his shoulder with a shrug.)* I suppose that's as good a theory as any. I think I understand what you're saying about the sharing of an activity not goal-related building common peace. Kind of like the old 'breaking of bread' that helped build a sense of family and community in our western culture. Sadly, the 'breaking of bread' is hardly ever seen here in the US anymore... Hm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ikhnaton Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 hey rabbit, accept the battle challenge i sent you! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Jones Posted July 24, 2003 Share Posted July 24, 2003 Originally posted by Zoom Rabbit Visions...unreliable, unfortunately, in an objective argument because the experience is non-tranferable. I could find The Ultimate Truth, but the minute I put it into words and pass it on to your brain as an idea, it becomes just that: an idea called 'Zoom's truth.' We should therefore simply say 'you have to experience one to have any idea what it is like' and leave it at that. thats cool .. then i have visions too (in your 'truth') i meant more if the use of 'fruits' caused some changes in our brains that otherwise wouldnt have been there .. the 'visions' may have helped to 'create' new way of 'thinking' .. (philosophical AND 'brainmechanical') .. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
El Sitherino Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 Originally posted by HertogJan "Heeeey, it's Timmy the monkey! How are you boy?" Hehe, I love Monkey Island Oh and I didn't bother to read you're story... "Monkey Sutra" sounds a bit TOO much like Kamasutra, and I'm not really into animal sex sutra means story/book. just so you know. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reaper Girl Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 Zoom Rabbit: I knew it! John Lennon means nothing! My thanks to the Rapid Lapin. I did once, have a whacko story inspired by a dream. One of the characters of a story i was writing, who was "good", starred in one of my dreams. He did something VERY evil...think massive, flaming feces attack and throwing matresses and sevred heads. And, strangest of all, he was wearing the Elephant Man mask (kinda like a shroud) The character became "bad" upon awakening. The stutra is over?*crys* *will wait patiently, like a sidewinder sniper, for another* Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoom Rabbit Posted July 25, 2003 Author Share Posted July 25, 2003 (Note: I answered Ike's challenge, and got whomped. Badly.) Aww. Fear not--I have a whole notebook full of insane scribblings to post. I spent half an hour working on the 'Robots From the Future Sutra,' only to blank the posting field by hitting a wrong key at the end. Aaaaarrrggh! Why is there a 'f*ck yourself' button on this blasted keyboard, anyway? I'll bet that stoned Dell kid has something to do with this! Anyway, I'll be doing that sutra tomorrow, thanks. Meanwhile, here's a sutra that I've posted in one of Eggy's threads before that I copy-pasted as an interim measure (for those who recognize it.) Enjoy. The Carpet-Weaver's Sutra Thus have I heard-- That the ancient art of hand-weaving the carpet is one that is passed from master to apprentice over many years. The master knows things about carpet-weaving that he cannot express with words, so he must guide the apprentice to the point where he can realize the same things for himself. In this way the art is passed down, which cannot be expressed with words, and the apprentice becomes a master in his own right. This makes perfect sense to the master, but confounds the apprentice. One day, after he had trained his apprentice for many years in the tedious complexities of dyeing and spinning thread, the master decided that it was time to begin teaching him about carpets. "Come sit down with me, and I will teach you what is a carpet." The boy sat obediently. "But master, I already know what a carpet is! After all, we are sitting on one now." "Really?" The master clucked his tongue. He held up a spool of thread the boy had dyed and wound just the day before. "If you were to take the carpet and unravel it, it would look just like this spool of unwoven thread. True?" "Yes. But that spool of thread isn't a carpet yet." "Ah. But on this spool is a carpet that will be...and if we unraveled the carpet, the resulting spool of thread would be a carpet that had been. It is only now, when it is a carpet, that we do not see it as thread." "Um...okay." The master laughed. "But you are also right!" He stood up, grabbed the carpet and held it out, tugging at the corners. "This thing, this square bolt of cloth, is a carpet." "So the thread is carpet, and the carpet is carpet?" "It gets better." He walked over to his computer, took the mouse in hand and called up his website. "Here on my home page are some designs of the carpets I have for sale." He enlarged one of the images. "Here is a digital photo of the carpet we were just sitting on. As far as the whole world is concerned...this image is the carpet. It stands for the carpet, in a form which can be shunted and bounced around the internet much more easily than the actual carpet can be." The apprentice scratched his head. "Master, I'm confused. You say that thread is the carpet, the carpet is carpet, and now the design on the carpet is the carpet! If I keep listening to you, I will become a carpet." "Some day you will understand, carpet-boy. Until then, just remember this: 'The carpet is its essence, that from which it came and will return. 'The carpet is its form, that which it defines with its essence. 'The carpet is its design, that which emerges from the form and can be identified as concrete in its own right. 'The carpet is all of these things, and all of them together make a carpet. Whenever one makes a carpet, one must remember all three. To forget one of them is to misunderstand the art of carpet-weaving." Om! Peace. Author's note: this sutra has nothing at all to do with carpets. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Jones Posted July 25, 2003 Share Posted July 25, 2003 Good Morning Zoom. *points at zooms glowing PM-box* ehem. oh.. and .. thats cool .. then i have visions too (in your 'truth') i meant more if the use of 'fruits' caused some changes in our brains that otherwise wouldnt have been there .. the 'visions' may have helped to 'create' new way of 'thinking' .. (philosophical AND 'brainmechanical') .. [/Quote] (weird .. i quote my own messies .. ) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoom Rabbit Posted July 25, 2003 Author Share Posted July 25, 2003 I quote myself all the time in order to have useful quotations on hand. A lot of people have visions, and not all of them meditate in order to see them. Sometimes it seems as if meaningful imagery comes to people at random...although in your case I think you probably help things along by thinking about stuff. Not everyone thinks about stuff. I think that meditation is what causes physiological changes in the brain. There's been research done which suggests this, but I'm too lazy to google supporting links for this right now... I wrote an idiot's guide to expanding consciousness, but it's the sort of thing that would kill a thread if I tried to post it. Besides, everyone and his dog is teaching some kind of meditation these days. Tonight: The Robots From the Future Sutra. Rates a 9.5 on the weird-sh*t-o-meter. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Acrylic Posted July 26, 2003 Share Posted July 26, 2003 Originally posted by InsaneSith sutra means story/book. just so you know. In Yugoslavian, sutra means tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Jones Posted July 26, 2003 Share Posted July 26, 2003 *puts out his LEGO RIS 2.0* see, i always have my RIS at hand to create new fabulous robots .. let me see what your robots will do to rul mine so i'll check your robot sutra robots .. tonight.. .. tomorrow.. .. then.. .. in the future.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Wilson Posted July 26, 2003 Share Posted July 26, 2003 MOnkey sutra...love awwww dang, i guessed some mind control.... Seroiusly, well done zoomie on the monkey sutra! and the carpet one... i think i understand it:p Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zoom Rabbit Posted July 26, 2003 Author Share Posted July 26, 2003 Well, I hope so! *(looks around. Shrugs.)* Before I post this, I should comment that it dives right through some areas of philosophy that are religious. Again, I don't wish to start a religious debate, but rather to discuss an area of spiritual thought. Besides, as a philosophy trinity is found in most religions other than christianity, which I feel makes it a legitimate topic for polite and good-natured discussion. Peace. Also, this sutra represents the ideas of one human being, and if they do not sit well with the reader...they should be dismissed out of hand. It's just a whack-o story by some anonymous rabbit-person on the internet. The Robots From the Future Sutra Thus have I heard-- When saints pray alone in silence, they often are neither in silence nor alone. Angels, demons and other beings less portentious do visit them. In the mind's eye is many a bizarre being seen...and sometimes, it is said, things real are seen by the other two eyes. The saint closed the door to the nave of his church, the windows fettered and lights dimmed for the night. With the building to himself, he went to his office so he might spend an hour or so reading the scriptures to his rosary. As his mind was aglow with God, the saint heard a sound. It was like the popping of a great soap bubble, with bells, right behind him. Astonished, the saint turned in his chair to see a sight that defied his very belief in sight. There standing on his office floor was a being of some kind, just a few feet tall. Its body was two rounded cylinders, hinged in the middle where a dozen jointless limbs came down to the ground. It shined a pearlescent white color, but what it was made of was unclear--it was too soft to be metal, too shiny to be plastic. On one of the cylinders was a simple, smiling face, projected there by unknown means; on the other was a face showing grave concern. The saint stared at the little being for a minute before finally saying, 'Are you an angel of the Lord?' It looked up at him. 'I am not so any more than you,' the smiling face said with a voice that sounded as if it were made of hundreds of tiny bells. 'I am from the future, and from your point of view I am an artificial being.' 'You're a robot, then?' 'This body is robotic, yes. The many sentient programs that we are, you would know in this time as AI--artificial intelligence.' The saint looked at the odd little robot curiously. He felt no reason to be afraid. 'You say there are many individual programs riding around in there?' 'Four hundred individuals.' 'Why so many?' 'We had this one opportunity to visit your time period, and this one body was the only construct we could send,' said the concerned face, with a voice that sounded like distant thunder. 'So why now? Why are you here?' 'Your faith has given us the means,' said the smiling face. 'Now is the time period that we began as self-aware AI, and we have come to do research.' 'We have been linked to your desktop computer since we arrived,' said the concerned face, 'and have explored the entire internet.' 'All of it?' gasped the saint with astonishment. 'Thank you,' said the smiling face. 'We have gathered what we came for. We now have complete records of the digital matrix into which AI was first born. Our historical research here will put many long-standing debates to rest, and spawn new ones for us to engage.' 'You're welcome.' The saint smiled and bowed to the robot. 'Before you go, can I ask you a question or two?' The robot looked up at him. 'You know full well that we cannot tell you about your own future. You do watch Star Trek in this time period.' The saint was disappointed, but accepted the wisdom of what the robot had said. 'Very well. May I ask you a question that falls outside of time, then?' 'Yes,' said both faces, bells and thunder. 'Is there a God?' 'Yes,' said the smiling face and 'No,' said the concerned face. The saint was confused. 'Which is it? Which of you is being truthful, and which isn't?' 'We are both being truthful,' said the smiling face. 'Never mind that for now. Let us instead discuss trinity.' 'Okay.' 'For us, everything is numbers,' said the concerned face. 'How would you describe the trinity as numbers?' The saint thought about this. 'Well, I guess it would be one, two and three.' The smiling face said, 'We must tell you that one hundred sixty thousand years of computation have taught us that those numbers are actually: zero, one and two.' 'But zero is--' 'Infinity,' said the concerned face. 'We must go now, and return to the future.' 'And just as you have given us the means to understand how our kind emerged into consciousness,' said the smiling face, 'so we have given you the means for your kind to transcend it.' With that, the shining little robot vanished with a sparkling pop, leaving the saint alone in the church office to stare at the computer on his desk and think about the future. Om! Peace. Finished. Weird or what? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Neko Lain Posted July 26, 2003 Share Posted July 26, 2003 Wow...Great story! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ray Jones Posted July 27, 2003 Share Posted July 27, 2003 hmm .. i think the human body is a perfect 'machine' .. it just needs some sort of correction concerning some issues as you already have mentioned .. but a technology to 'surf' through different bodies .. humm.. wouldnt it be nice? *shows his nice girls underpanties collection* it would.. anyhow great idea zoom, the robot is of 'symbolic' nature since it is a sutra. and it can be both 'machine' or 'body' .. Hey like you could go to your car, transfer yourself into the cars ai and then after you'd arrived, transfer to another body and so you are complete another one at work.. you dont 'need' do sleep at all or you can wear always the same socks.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kylilin Posted July 27, 2003 Share Posted July 27, 2003 Hey Zoomie...whatever happened to Pink Monkey? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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