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1 Year


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Crap. Has it been a year already. That must mean that I am closing in on a year.


Great job Z and I am glad you are still here you 3000 person poster.


EDIT: HOLY CRAP!! I have been here 1 year and 4 days. Wow. Where does the time go. Only managed about 3 posts a day. Wow. Ummm hi.



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Originally posted by BigTeddyPaul

Crap. Has it been a year already. That must mean that I am closing in on a year.


Great job Z and I am glad you are still here you 3000 person poster.


EDIT: HOLY CRAP!! I have been here 1 year and 4 days. Wow. Where does the time go. Only managed about 3 posts a day. Wow. Ummm hi.




I couldn't rememeber if your anniversary was this month, or next month. ^_^ Congarts thoguh Paul. :)


BTW, I'm a 5700 poster. leXX has the recordx for the most posts in a year, 6000. I was 300 behind. ~_^

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Originally posted by leXX

Congrats Z! Have a cookie... ;)








I don't like you :xp:




But thanks for the cookie. :p


EDIT- Pad, I just noticed you were tlaking to me. Don't forget, I'm in a different time zone, and when i joined, it was the 20th. ;)


Also, Father Torque, how come I'm in charge? Are you gonna be away or somehting? But, thanks. :)

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Originally posted by Kanjo past

I should have registered earlier damnit!


Unless.. *Tries to travel back in time but ends up in outer space* Yipes! *Head explodes*


Dude, you're such a n00b, you should turn on the retroactive space-margulators before going back in time :rolleyes:






:p :p

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