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Strange bug thing on Warring Factions


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What the hell? I had a post, but now it's gone, how could I possibly put up a thread without any post? Maybe a moderator deleted it or something when I double posted, but that still doesn't make much sense because the moderator should have just deleted the entire thread or closed it......


Anyways on the Warring Factions map somebody got onto one of the roofs in the middle of the map, and this happened to be the flag carrier so of course it was a little aggravating since nobody knew how this person did that and it was stalling the game for a long time, I'm thinking that it involved a wallhack, but there has to be a way to get up there on one's own without having 15 people stacking on each other to reach it :rolleyes:.

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Originally posted by Khier Serakk

Anyways on the Warring Factions map somebody got onto one of the roofs in the middle of the map, and this happened to be the flag carrier so of course it was a little aggravating since nobody knew how this person did that and it was stalling the game for a long time, I'm thinking that it involved a wallhack...


LOL!! A wallhack? :p


Anyway, there are multiple ways to get up there. He probably wallfloated. Another way up to the WF rooftops is Golan jumping off the glass tunnels.

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it's an exploit many people use. you probably see them use speed and jump a long distance, since in order to do a wallfloat you have to be going really fast and holding jump, and somehting like that. people usually try to do that on that map, but i usually snipe them down before they make it. lol


although i did have 1 time where like 3people from the other team started hanging out up there, so i started shooting, but they used amsit to protect themselves, so i just shot 12 rockets into the wall next to them to kill them all. lol. they called me lamer.

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Originally posted by Lightsaberboy


although i did have 1 time where like 3people from the other team started hanging out up there, so i started shooting, but they used amsit to protect themselves, so i just shot 12 rockets into the wall next to them to kill them all. lol. they called me lamer.



yea as long as it isn't sabre only there is no place you can hide on that map. I have a demo somewhere ( ill see if i can find it) of rocket and sniper killing dudes who camp up there.



YOLKBOY ASKED, " what happened to your pic griff?"


I am just goofin, like the whole face better?

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