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a simple bitch about dl domains


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does anyone else REEAAALLY hate friggin download domains that make you pay to download? or ones which require you not to have a free email? :mad: i mean i don't have a 'paid-for email', nor think its worth it to join a place just to dl stuff on the very odd thing (like JA :D)


if i were in charge of a dl domain, all i would require to dl would be membership to the site (which is free an can be obtained through a free email)


...sorry for wasting your time reading if u read this lol :)

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I'm guessing you're talking about sites like Fileplanet? I hate those too. I recently bought the sims deluxe edition for pc and went on a exploration for stuff to download for it. I found a site, the mall of the sims, and went there. There's a few things free, everything else is a member only d/l. Stupid a-holes:mad:

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I have the sims deluxe. Get Sim Pets...its awesome.


Yes I too hate that most people will not take "Free email". Like I really want to be suckered into giving away my WORK email for them. Its just silly. Why do they do that...because they don't want faked out so they can make money selling our emails to spam!!

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Once(when I was very gulliable) I entered a contest to win a free X-Box. Let's see what's wrong with this picture...

a)It asked for adress alone.

b)It came up in a pop-up window.

c)it had all kinds of special effects.



I had to change my email afterwards.

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hehe, i hate those stupid enlargment mails also, but the funny thing is my mom gets almost 5 of them a day! Jezuz, can they not only enlarge, but also grow too?!?


Hehe, that's a good one Bongo, I had to quit using my Yahoo email address because I got around 100 spam messages in a day, the only thing that keeps me from getting more is the compacity of the email. :eek::rolleyes:

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Most of the junkmail I get are from like dating services when in my profile it says 'LONG-TERM RELATIONSHIP'. Those and these ones where the sender is 'Jjjjjjooooooeeeeeyyy' and the subject is 'wwwaaarrrnnniiinnng yyyooouuurrrr iiinnnttteeerrrnnneeettt iiisss mmmooonnniiittteeerrriiinnnggg yyyooouuu'. I ususally just kick the spam-filter on and add a few emails to my list so they can get through

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For some reason all my email's are enlarging the peter, and porn/hentai and asians and crap, and some I want to see I mean....who's not curious ;)

But then I have to pay! Or look for a password on kazaa! It's BS !



Or like homestead, they keep emailing me saying, hurry up and pay for our web space, I'm just like I'll use geocities >.>

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Originally posted by Dark Mercenary.

For some reason all my email's are enlarging the peter, and porn/hentai and asians and crap, and some I want to see I mean....who's not curious ;)

But then I have to pay! Or look for a password on kazaa! It's BS !



Or like homestead, they keep emailing me saying, hurry up and pay for our web space, I'm just like I'll use geocities >.>


riiiightttt...... o.O


So many things wrong with that post.... :p


That happened to an AOL account of mine. My hotmail has been doing good, haven't got any spam there. :)

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