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Gamespy JA Preview


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It seems that GameSpy got some insight into JA. I check my mail this morning, and there it was

They say that the main character name is 'Jaden Korr' to be unisexual (both male/female). They also went into some detail into saber combat. Levels to be seen in the game are also discussed and their structure somewhat explained. Most noted in the preview is some new pics.


(I'm having some trouble setting up the link, so if you are subscribed to Gamespy, someone please help me out by linking this thread to the page for everyone to see.)

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Here's the link: http://www.gamespy.com/previews/july03/jk3japc/


Well, a bit disappointing on the name thing, but no biggie. I'm reading now and will add more as I see it (they also have previews of KOTOR for PC and Rebel Strike for GC).


Edit: Jaden Korr ... I suppose this is about the only way to do it, but I would have been fine being called Padawan, Apprentice or Master Jedi - but at the same time, something tells me that as I play the game I'll realize that it just wouldn't have worked, and will appreciate the new name.


Edit: pretty standard stuff, but a couple of highlights:

- Lightsaber combat: "unique move accomplished by pressing the primary and secondary fire modes at the same time"

- Graphics: "although several graphical improvements can be seen within the game, it's clearly still the Quake 3 engine, with more of a fresh coat of paint than a complete overhaul"


They are excited about its' September release ... and so am I ...




[From the KOTOR PC Preview: They talk about the bulk of the game, which is on DVD for the XBox, and say they are estimating 4 CD's, and are therefore contemplating whether to do a CD-only, DVD-only, or dual media release.]

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Looking at the screenshots from GameSpy, I noticed a few things:

- You can see the improved graphics and models.

- Chewie - wooohooo!

- Great variety of environments represented, including what looks like the best big city yet!


But the one thing that was strange:

- Are all Dark powers RED? I see it for grip in the shots, but lightning? I liked the nice 'emperor blue' in JO ...



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Dooku, Terminator, that screenshot you posted is OBVIOUSLY grip, notice how the Gran is clutching at his throat and hovering?


It's not lightning or drain, or rage.


He may have pulled the TD's as he was gripping the guy, and they missed and are floating away (that happened in the SP game of JK2 a lot), or could have done it right before he gripped him. The "red effect" may be slightly modified (in JK2 it looked like a red phantom "hand" was choking the guy's throat) but the power is the same.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Dooku, Terminator, that screenshot you posted is OBVIOUSLY grip, notice how the Gran is clutching at his throat and hovering?


It's not lightning or drain, or rage.


He may have pulled the TD's as he was gripping the guy, and they missed and are floating away (that happened in the SP game of JK2 a lot), or could have done it right before he gripped him. The "red effect" may be slightly modified (in JK2 it looked like a red phantom "hand" was choking the guy's throat) but the power is the same.


I think they were referring to my question about a different screenshot which showed what looked light someone with Rage on shooting Red lightning at the Rancor.


My other thing was the Red effect in general - in JKII everything seemed White (or gray) to me - choke had the same 'phantom' effect as surrounded your hand when you did push or pull. Lightning was blue/white rather than red.



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Does anyone else think some of these saber hilts are too big? Some of them look to be about the diameter of someone's palm. They look like someone's carring around a squash or a gourd. The pic with the jedi shooting lightening particularly - the hilt is huge.

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I've always wanted a thinner hilt - even a bit thinner than the movie hilts - and have it covered with woven leather straps. Who the hell thought it would be a good idea to have a metal sword hilt? It's a bit strange.


Also - on looking at the Keldor guy with his big hands - I wonder if it's an issue with getting saber hilts that would fit a variety of hand sizes - male - female - keldor.

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Originally posted by Agen_Terminator


oooh nice :)


Oh and txa, i think that's drain, not lightning ;)


Hmm, they obviously didn't crank all their detail options up. That level looks much more impressive when all of the graphical options are turned on (not sure if I can get into specifics, but it's something that we didn't have in the last game).

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Originally posted by txa1265

... notice the TD belt floating off to the left, or rather sitting on nothing in particular ... sigh, this IS still the Q3 engine, alas ...


You realize those kinds of physics have only been showing up this past year in games? It's not like it's really behind the times.

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Originally posted by Emon

You realize those kinds of physics have only been showing up this past year in games? It's not like it's really behind the times.


Oh I know - it is just that I just finished Elite Force II and they obviously had location knowledge 'difficulties' (typing in midair), and I know one interview with Kenn said that they had really progressed in knowing where things were located so they wouldn't have floating weapons and bodies in desks and so on. It is not a big deal, really. I don't see this as behind the times, we have seen the first bits of games from engine makers (Unreal II first, Source and Doom3 coming), and will get the first decent games from these in the Fall/Winter (Deus EX 2, HL2, Doom 3). Everything else now is still Q3 or Unreal based, and will continue to be mostly so for a while (like MoH:Pacific Assault coming in January)


Oh, and ChangKHAN - you are SUCH a tease ... !



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