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Favourite Island?


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If you had to choose one, what would you say is your favourite island of the whole series?


It's a difficult one, but I'd probably have to say SOMI's Melee. Everything about it, the plot, the characters, the music, and the way it looks cmbine to create what is in my opinion the most special atmosphere of the whole series, and that's saying something.


The graphics might be primitive and technically inferior, but I can honestly say I prefer the look of the first two games, it could just be sentiment, but when you look at places like the dock, the forest, and outside Carla's or Smirk's houses, its just stunning.


The three trials are class, never tire of the swordfighting or the idol scenes, meeting Elaine etc. even the minor characters like The Citizen of Melee have got personality and compliment the atmosphere and surroundings perfectly.


So many great tunes, The Scumm Bar, the Forest/following Shopkeeper etc.


So overall, I'd go for Melee - unbeatable, with Scabb a close second.

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i'd have to say either booty or phatt, because booty island had all that stuff, like the antique shop, and then i liked the way the woods looked by the governor's mansion, and i liked phatt island because of how everything was all close together, and i liked the back alleys and stuff. but between those two, i like phatt a little bit more.

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I'd have to choose Monkey Island in SOMI because of the size, layout and characters that are there. I always liked the way the vultures followed you around the island, the rock catapult, the easter egg, the cannibals, everything.


Skull Island from COMI cme a close second because i loved the cut scene about the giant duck/bunny argument!



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Melee Island in MI1 is great. Tons of atmosphere, and Melee Town has a nice big town feel.


Also, Plunder Island in CMI, largely because of the same reasons listed above.


And you gotta love Phatt Island.

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That's okay, we've mostly all completed the games and if not, we've got a help and broken thins forum where we all help each other out.


I was also going to say Plunder on CMI.

And despite it's flaws, Monkey Island on EMI was plush and had a Nice Islandy feel to it. The Church of LeChuck spoilt it a little, but there ya go.

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Melee Island, of course!

It's my favorite for all the reasons for Melee above. The art for Melee is stunning, and its got character(and characters). And its always 10'oclock...


From what i gather, Melee gets screwed up in EFMI, so of course I'm talking about SoMi's Melee Island.

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Blood Island would be mine. It had such a brilliant atmosphere to it, particularly in the Goodsoup Hotel and the Cannibal village.


After that would come Melee Island in MI1. There's so much to do and see that it's just a great experience, and you get to visit a wide range of locations in it - plus the town feels like an actual town unlike EMI's version. How you can see the rooftops going into the distance and the uninteractive pirates walking around Melee Town added greatly to the atmosphere.

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I think Blood Island from CMI was the most beautiful island of the Monkey Island series. A very cool ambience, it was a little mysterious. But I'm really not sure if i like Booty more... :rolleyes:


In SOMI i liked Mêlée Island most, in MI2 it was Booty Island, in CMI i prefer Booty Island and in EMI... well, in EMI i liked KNUTTIN ATOLL! It has a great ambience and the music... woah ;) I have to say that I liked Lucre in EMI as well :)

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Hmmm, well here they are:


SOMI: Melee, just because of all the things you can do, and the fun characters, Stan and Meathook etc.


LCR: Scabb Island, Woodtick was a really nice area, and there were all the interesting things you needed, Voodoo, a hotel, a carpenter and of course a cartographer!


CMI: Probably Blood Island because of the Goodsoups and the whole volcano puzzle and .... porcealin!


EMI: Knuttin Atoll had really good atmosphere, nice music and the school there was one of the funniest things in the game.


But overall, I'd have to go with Scabb.

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Oh wow! When I first saw the topic of this chat, I thought "Dear Lord, MELEE!"

On second thought, though, I figured I would be the extreme minority. Melee Island gave me so many years of love and excitement, it reigns on top for me. Now that I've entered this page, I realise MANY people have the love for Melee Island that I do. It gave me unbelievable fun and adventure, including Cpt. Smirk, Meathook, my introduction and favorite conversation with Stan, etc. Coming in close second would be Scabb Island. This had many of the qualities that Melee Island does, yet just not quite the same feel.




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The circus and the Fettuncini Brothers were funny, but it's hard to talk of them when you can remember the characters who have more to do in the plot, such as Stan and the members of your crew, who reappear in the series later as well. I also liked the men of low moral fibre and their pet rat.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Out of all four games, I think Scabb Island is probably my favourite.


It was a very fresh feel, different to what we'd seen before, and it seemed exciting. Straight away you're mugged by Largo, who scared the hell out of me at the time despite being really short. It was a great aspect of that plot to be dealing with a small-time crook at the start, before the big story can unfold. It turns out Largo's an old henchman of LeChuck, but at the start he's just in the way.


And the island's packed with other great , often very funny, characters: Mad Marty, Captain Dread, the bartender, the returning Men Of Lower Moral Fiber (Pirates), Bart and Fink.


Then there's the music. Now all of MI2 is brilliant musically, but the wonders of iMuse, and Land/Bajakan/McConnell's ears for a great atmospheric tune, first show up on Scabb. You've got that gorgeous wistful whistling melody as the campfire scene begins, the Woodtick music, the eerie swamp music, Captain Dread's reggae-tinged theme, the distinctive menacing Largo's theme, the music to the plot-twisting voodoo doll scene...


Of the other games, in SoMI, I liked Melée best, in CoMI it was Blood Island, and EfMI, got to be Lucre for the puzzling goodness (not so much as the atmosphere, which that game lacked mostly). But MI2's Scabb tops them all for the above reasons.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd have to go with Blood Island from CoMI. It seems to be the creepiest island to me. Most of the islands take place during daylight, which is alright, but the night islands are way more beautiful and the way the clouds are drawn is pretty great. I also liked a lot of the imaginative locations like the lighthouse, crypt, and volcano. I also liked that it was a pretty big island with A LOT to do there, and good pacing where as Scabb island looked cool at first, but got real reptitive real fast with it's insanely difficult puzzles often due to pixel hunting, and it's lack of locations made getting stuck more frustrating.

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