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Why is tatooine the center of the starwars universe?


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Every movie and game in the starwars universe, and a good chunk of the books all have the characters going to tatooine, or something important happening there......... why is some insiginifact dustball the center of the universe?

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Easy to follow why there's so much Tatooine in the movies;


Anakin Skywaler- Raised on Tatooine. Tatooine had to be in Ep1


Again, Anakin went back to save Schmi; Ep2

Also in Ep2, we see Owen and Beru Lars, no doubt a connection between them and the Owen and Beru Lars in Ep4



Ep3......don't know



Ep4-Luke was raised on Tatooine by Owen and Beru Lars. Not having seen any spoilers, I'm guessing Ben put him there, and hence Tatooine had to be in Ep4


Tatooine is not in Ep5, except they mention that they're going there in


Ep 6- a bit silly to put "We're going to save Han at Tatooine" at the end of Ep 5 and then have them save him on Ryloth :p




Politically, Tatooine isn't all that important, neither by location. People from Tatooine take a big chunk of important pie though.

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Anakin was raised there. That makes me wonder what the heck Obi Wan was thinking!


Yoda: "Hide the children of Skywalker, we must."


Obi Wan: "I know! Let's take Luke to Anakin's home planet that he knows like the back of his hand. Hey, we could ask Anakin's own step-brother to keep him!"


Yoda: "Yeah. Ok. Billions of planets there are that skywalker knows nothing of. But put him on the one planet Skywalker knows best, you want? Good idea."


Obi Wan: "Great! I'll get right on it!" Runs out of the room.


Yoda: "No! Wait! Sarcastic, I was being!"

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I'm guessing Luke's being hidden there has something to do with Anakin's strong aversion to returning to his homeworld. He was a slave there, and his mother died there... why the heck would he want to go back?


Good point.



Think about it Wesia, Anakin wasn't born on Tatooine, he just lived there for a few years. Coruscant would have been his home for longer than tatooine, at the Jedi Temple.

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tatooine isn't "popular".... stuff just happens there.


i'm in agreement with why vader wouldnt go back there... bad memories...


but anakin doesnt know the planet by the back of his hand... he was what, 10 years old? how well do you know this planet? and how old are you?

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I disagree. The Jundland Wastes or the cool rocky outcroppings we see in Anakin's search, are magnificent and brilliant.


Also, some of the giant creatures on Tatooine (especially the one who's skeleton is behind Threepio in ANH) are dangerous and menacing.


So visually the worst...it's that vs Dagobah, since we have no idea of scale.

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Originally posted by Carbon_sleeper

Anakin was raised there. That makes me wonder what the heck Obi Wan was thinking!


Yoda: "Hide the children of Skywalker, we must."


Obi Wan: "I know! Let's take Luke to Anakin's home planet that he knows like the back of his hand. Hey, we could ask Anakin's own step-brother to keep him!"


Yoda: "Yeah. Ok. Billions of planets there are that skywalker knows nothing of. But put him on the one planet Skywalker knows best, you want? Good idea."


Obi Wan: "Great! I'll get right on it!" Runs out of the room.


Yoda: "No! Wait! Sarcastic, I was being!"




Haha, thats great.... True... I wonder why he never did go try and kill Luke? :p

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Originally posted by rad-x

I disagree. The Jundland Wastes or the cool rocky outcroppings we see in Anakin's search, are magnificent and brilliant.


Also, some of the giant creatures on Tatooine (especially the one who's skeleton is behind Threepio in ANH) are dangerous and menacing.


So visually the worst...it's that vs Dagobah, since we have no idea of scale.


Dude... if you blink you'd miss anything on Tattoine in I or II.

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