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The last jedi knight???


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Well, I don't think the gameplay is that non-linear. I believe your chices will affect your character mostly, who is nothing but a guest star in jk series. I believe in JK3 (4?) Kyle will be back in action regardless of what you will manage to screw up as a custom Jedi apprentice.

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Originally posted by Mith[OmNi]

It would be interesting if Raven/Lucasarts made 2 Jedi Knight 3s... one with the Lightside ending and one with the Darkside ending.


Or one with 2 starting points :) And you'd have an option to 'fall' to the other side at the end of both games, so JK4 would have 4 starting points ;)

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Originally posted by Blademaster_109

yeah, i was thinking about that there can't be another jedi knight because of the non-leinear game play. What if you are a dark jedi and you destroy the academy or something.

Or what if you destroy all enemies and friends, seize infinite dark power for yourself and take over as emperor, with Sar ... oh never mind ...




Seriously, who knows what they'll do next. MoH has you play a different soldier each time (difference is that Kyle is a character, Jaden Korr will be a character, but the generics in MoH:whatever are just that ... generics like any FPS). Maybe they'll have something happen to nearly kill Kyle and you'll have to train back into the Force ...



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Originally posted by Mith[OmNi]

GAH! I really couldn't play the first 2-4 hrs of Jedi Knight 2 again. That was just unpleasant.

I actually liked it in a way, since I had just been replaying Dark Forces, I saw it as an updating of that ... only much harder because the enemies wouldn't do you the courtesy of standing around waiting to be shot!


But that's not what I was talking about - I was talking about Kyle being in a terrible crash or whatever, and having to retrain and rebuild his skills from a low level (not zero) almost like he was a Padawan.


I don't like the need to start out low skilled each new game, but understand it from a gameplay standpoint.


Now THAT would be an expansion pack ... start off where you leave JA, and the new adventure gets you new powers and levels and moves and such ...



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I still think the next game should be Jedi Knight: Jedi Master - where you start of with quite a few maxed out powers and just have to play the hell out of difficult levels. Maybe rather than focusing on ramping up powers they could focus more closely on different aspects of level design - maybe have to apprentice a padawan, or control and organize a squad of jedi - and get a really good story going - the galaxy thrown into a fracas only a true master could rescue it from - rather than a half-burned-out mercenary or a padawan who just started to shave.

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Originally posted by Reprehence

I still think the next game should be Jedi Knight: Jedi Master - where you start of with quite a few maxed out powers and just have to play the hell out of difficult levels. Maybe rather than focusing on ramping up powers they could focus more closely on different aspects of level design - and get a really good story going - the galaxy thrown into a fracas only a true master could rescue it from - rather than a half-burned-out mercenary or a padawan who just started to shave.

In a way I agree ... but there is a reason why all games get harder as you go on - you get more and more skilled at the mechanics of the game as you play, and at handling the weapons, etc.


So if you got everything from the beginning, I'm not sure how that would play ...



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If the next game comes out, I think Kyle has to be back in it, most definitely and that we should have Jedi Master powers, this I lost my connection to the force is getting very old now, also I think it should be done on another engine like the Doom 3 engine, or the Half Life or Unreal Tournament engine, the Quake 3 engine will make it look very similar to the other two.

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Well the thing with this game is that you will be starting off as jedi apprentice who WILL have force powers... they may not be a threat to even Luke back in Return of the Jedi, but it should be enough to make a couple






shake in their attire.


So its not going to be like Jedi Outcast where your blaster is more powerful that your hand.

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I believe we've played the last of Kyle....


JK3 (when it happens, and it will), will probably be in a new engine.... mabye once raven are done working on Quake 4, LucasArts will get them to use the Doom 3 engine to make JK3.



Who knows :) But it will come....

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I sure hope JA is the last JK game. LEC should let the JA editing community thrive for years as Jedi Knight did, then let it die and rest peacefully. Any more is milking a dead cow.


There's five thousand years of timeline to play with before ANH, potentially more. No reason to keep cramming games into the twenty years that come after it.


I hear KotOR is nearly as epic and incredible as the original trilogy, because there's so much more they can do with all that time and aren't bound to restrictions like the JK games are.


I don't think JA should be the end of lightsaber combat in games, infact it's probably the start. I just don't want another game tacked onto the end so LEC can make more money.

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Originally posted by Emon

I just don't want another game tacked onto the end so LEC can make more money.

Have you really taken up that cynical view that a few here have been bashing:

- That Jedi Outcast was just a rush job to cover for the Obi-Wan PC cancellation and get *something* out?

- That Jedi Academy is just a glorified expansion pack done to milk profits?

- That the only reason it *isn't* being done as an expansion pack is because they can make more money by calling it a full game?

- That if it comes on 1 CD rather than 2, then it is to make more profit, and they cut something (cutscene quality or whatever) to make it happen?


Sure LA/Raven want to make money - ALL companies want to make money, and the people who work in them want to make money - I sure know I do! I'm not overly greedy or materialistic, but I do like giving the family a certain lifestyle. But there is a huge difference between these guys putting out some very good games and the type of pure crap that litters the game industry - movie tie-ins, endless sequels of fight or riding games.


We sit and complain about this or that detail with JA compared to JO, and along comes UT2004 - which will be a full proce tweak pack for UT2003, or the year after year NHL or NFL or Golf or whatever games, each costing $50 each. JA is giving is some really new things, and I think we ought to step back and appreciate that a bit.



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Originally posted by txa1265

Have you really taken up that cynical view that a few here have been bashing:

- That Jedi Outcast was just a rush job to cover for the Obi-Wan PC cancellation and get *something* out?

- That Jedi Academy is just a glorified expansion pack done to milk profits?

- That the only reason it *isn't* being done as an expansion pack is because they can make more money by calling it a full game?

- That if it comes on 1 CD rather than 2, then it is to make more profit, and they cut something (cutscene quality or whatever) to make it happen?


Sure LA/Raven want to make money - ALL companies want to make money, and the people who work in them want to make money - I sure know I do! I'm not overly greedy or materialistic, but I do like giving the family a certain lifestyle. But there is a huge difference between these guys putting out some very good games and the type of pure crap that litters the game industry - movie tie-ins, endless sequels of fight or riding games.


We sit and complain about this or that detail with JA compared to JO, and along comes UT2004 - which will be a full proce tweak pack for UT2003, or the year after year NHL or NFL or Golf or whatever games, each costing $50 each. JA is giving is some really new things, and I think we ought to step back and appreciate that a bit.



Very well put Mike. I usually find that the people who make comments like the above are young teenagers who haven't really entered the workforce yet. They don't realize that for the most part people who work for companies like the one I am at and Lucasarts also take pride in what they make. Sure, they want to make money and make a living, but they also want a make something that they can be proud of. Not only that, but scamming people and ripping them off is bad for business.
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No, not at all, I don't think that about JO or JA. I'm just saying that JA is probably going to be the last game they can make without it starting to suck.


Think about what could happen after JA. Where would they get their dark Jedi from? A student goes to the dark side, takes control of the empire, trains other apprentices, make some more Reborn and tries to attack the Jedi Academy? I mean really, it would suck to have another one of those. The whole Empire and Dark Jedi revival of JO/JA is pushing it enough as it is, I don't want another one of those.

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If a sequel to JA is to be made, I don't want Kyle in it. Period. It would seem like a step down from being able to customize your own character's race, clothes, appearance, etc. One idea would be having the ability to import your JA character to the sequel....how would they manage that? I have no idea, but it's a thought.


I also think creating a Star Wars game with JK2's lightsaber combat with a story line set possibly thousands of years before ANH, something like KOTOR, would be cool. I'm aware that there were some big "outcome will decide the fate of the galaxy" wars many many years before the original trilogy and if they had your Jedi character play some sort of small, yet significant role, it would be really interesting, meh just another thought. I do concur there are many more possibilities than continuing to create sequels to the Jedi Knight series.

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I agree - a natural progression has been made through Five games:

- Kyle as Mercenary (DF)

- Kyle as Merc turned Jedi (JK)

- Kyle as Jedi with apprentice Mara, Mara grows into a Jedi and saves Kyle (MotS)

- Kyle as force-avoiding Merc, needs to reconnect to Jedi ways to save Jan and the galaxy (JO)

- Kyle as NPC teacher in Jedi Academy, you as a new apprentice.


All of which happens within ~10 years.


For the next game they would need to make a significant change - but note that Jedi Academy already represents a significant change in that it isn't about Kyle. So they can do it, it is a question of what it will look like. They are Star Wars fans like us, they won't want it to suck.



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I too would like to see something from before ANH - maybe set 10 years before phantom menace - you could apprentice with Yoda or something.


Regarding a Jedi Master sequel - I agree that the ramping up of powers relates to one's experience with the game - but I do think it would work well as an expansion pack to either JA or whatever project is next.

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I'd say I'd agree with a prequel like setting to Dark Forces, because every sci-fi is doing it now.. Star Wars, Star Trek with "Enterprise" (Ducks the avid flames from anti-star trek fans) and the alike. I'd say Raven could venture into coming to explain on how it all leads up to the Rebels hiring Kyle Katarn because as we learn, Kyle was going to get the Death Star Plans, which could tie in Episode 2 and beginning of episode 3, because when we see Katarn in Jedi Knight, he is greying due to time and aging over the course of the Star Wars OT. So that all ties in appropriately. He simply went into hiding during the OT since mercs helping the Rebels were probably sought out by the Imperial Navy for a personal interview with Darth Vader with a nice, short-lived "trial". I mean I didn't finish Dark Forces, but obviously the plans got delivered to the Rebels from Katarn after he successfully obtained them. What do you guys think?

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