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XIII - English version demo now available

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English XIII Demo [August 07, 2003, 1:11 PM EDT]


The English-language single player demo for XIII is now available, offering a sample of Ubi Soft's upcoming cel-shaded Unreal-engine shooter, a bit earlier than the "middle of August" that was recently predicted. The demo offers two levels for an 80MB download, which is available from Gamer's Hell.

Ha! For those of you too lazy to learn French. "Merde! Incroyable!"
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Holy crap, the game *does* have a lot of style. I really dig the music.


But why, oh, why do they have to use freaking Comic Sans MS as the default font?! That just makes me wanna go "Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan". Comic Sans MS is anything but stylish, in fact it's the worst font they could have ever chosen. (Do you know there's a Society Against Comic Sans MS? Well, there is, and they're doing a lot of good work. Down with Comic Sans MS!)


Anyways, can anyone tell me what you're supposed to do in the second level? I try to sneak out the door just as I see the guards turning their back to me on the security camera, but they keep catching me every time. Can anyone give a hint?

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Originally posted by Marek

Anyways, can anyone tell me what you're supposed to do in the second level? I try to sneak out the door just as I see the guards turning their back to me on the security camera, but they keep catching me every time. Can anyone give a hint?


...And I kept thinking you had to sneak through it :D


You have a crossbow, Marek honey. Use it. I've used glass shards to wound guards before finishing them off with the pistol, I've snuck up and successfully brained them with chairs and bottles, I've even thrown stuff to distract them. Yes, the stealth component does work, not in the same way as Thief or Splinter Cell, but more like NOLF2 or Deus Ex (w/ minor skill upgrades). As far as the lean function, if the full game doesn't provide it, use the combination of XIII's 'sixth sense' (that tiny pulsating circle on the lower left of your HUD), the 'tap Tap TAP' of the guards, and quickly strafing from and back to your hiding place (as in NOLF1).


Try these in the demo. In the military base level, go into the cold storage room and grab the chair. Crouch sneak to the corner just before the elevator. When the guard looks the other way sneak up to him and bash him. Later on, when you finally let General Carrington out of his holding cell, grab the chair and wait for him to lure the guard in. If you time it well you'll be able to brain the guy with the chair.


More tips: the fire extinguishers and metal drums of flammable liquid can be blown up with a couple of shots, killing or severely injuring whomever are close enough. Also, did you guys know you can carry bodies? Holster your weapon and train the cursor onto a body. If a grasping hand icon appears, press enter/action, and you'll pick it up and carry it. You can also use enemies as human shields, but I don't know how to do it in the demo.




You can do pistols akimbo, too. In the military base level there is a pistol on a table in the room you lowered yourself into with the grappling hook. The second pistol is in one of the lockers in the guards' sleeping quarters. Pick it up, choose it from your inventory, and then right click. Akimbo!

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This game is frustrating (IS A SAVE FUNCTION REALLY TOO MUCH TOO ASK??111) but it's style keeps me on drawing me back and I also like the different strategies you have to employ to kill certain enemies. There's a very good chance I'll be checking out the full ver.

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Sorry, Corley, but I don't think the game supports 16 or 24 bit, and your OS has nothing to do with it, your graphics card is old (at least as far as the next wave of games). In the menu the option is set to 32, and it doesn't slide down from there. Most new games require 32 bits to run now, even Syberia recommends it so you can enjoy the subtle colour palettes. I highly recommend you upgrade your graphics card, even if you're mostly into adventure games. Upcoming titles like Broken Sword 3 and Syberia 2 will most likely require 32 bit.

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Ooh, interesting demo - I like the style. What I like less is the way my character continually strafes to the right, though - any tips on how to fix it appreciated!


Off for more side-stepping fun in the Military Base, anyway...

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Thanks Homs :)


Since I'll need to buy a new graphics card or whatever to play the demo, I'll probably just wait 'till it comes to consoles, because I'm not really a PC gamer(I hate having to upgrade a certain hardware everytime I buy a new PC game. I'll play low requirement games like Roller Coaster Tycoon and stuff though.).


Thankies though!

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I liked the demo a lot. It has style and is original, although it is not like the (belgian ;) ) comic at all. The comic is one of the best around nowadays. Great drawings and an intriguing story!

Especially the first albums are very good. Read it if you have the chance! (The story writer also writes Thorgal (there's a Thorgal game) and Largo Winch (TV series))

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Here's what to do, Huz. When the electric charges briefly stop, lower yourself to just below the bottom most conduits, whip out the crossbow, wait for the guard directly below to step into the middle of the room (right under you), and snipe him with a head shot. It's very important that you hit him the first time, or he'll see you and take cover. After killing him, lower yourself just a tiny bit more. You'll see the cartoon words 'tap Tap TAP' emitting from the second guard on the catwalk. Remember, the 'taps' stop when he stops, he may not be able to spot you while he's walking, so timing is crucial. If you're good enough you can kill him with your assault rifle (it looks like a M4 to me) or a well timed grenade from its launcher. If you want to do it hardcore and not quicksave/load use the swinging on your grapple hook; you'll be a harder target doing so, and you can time your shots with the swings.

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Originally posted by Homoludens

If you want to do it hardcore and not quicksave/load use the swinging on your grapple hook; you'll be a harder target doing so, and you can time your shots with the swings.


You can save?!? How the **** did you do it? I completed the whole thing without saving once. It was hard.

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:o No no! Sorry if I made it sound like you could, but the demo doesn't have a quicksave function. What I meant was that if you're in a hardcore playing mood pretend that it has a quicksave option but don't use it at all, forcing to you really be resourceful, cunning, and exploitative of your environment.
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You've confused me. We're supposed to pretend that there's a quicksave function just so we can then not use this imaginary quicksave function, and trick ourselves into thinking that we're hardcore, when really, we're doing nothing different except lying to ourselves?

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