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Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour


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Rwos Ship


*Deac turns to Hilth*


Deac: Thankyou for doing that. How've you been.


Hilth: *Pointing to stomach* Bad. It's been giving me trouble. It's started resisting my latest strain. When it's mature, I won't surive it's exiting.


Deac: And?


Hilth: I'm prepared. I got a will. I don't mind dying. It's just that I didn't expect to go in childbirth.

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*Fused Irvine walks along a rooftop, several kilometers from the recked buildings. He feels a slight ripple in the force, he looks up to the stars, the jerks he head to look at a few other locations in the night sky, before continueing to find a possible way to leave the planet.*

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Odin: Alright if possible meet me there in twelve hours, sooner if you can.


Odin to the Valkyrie: Send orders to get the Wild Huntsman ready to leave. We shouldn't be away for long so a minium crew is all that is needed. Also I need Vidar and Svafa to accompany me and two riders.


Frigg: I'll tell Vidar and Svafa.


Odin: Thankyou darling.


*Frigg leaves to tell her children*


Odin: As far as the meeting is concerned it will go ahead as scheduled if necessary I will just use a com if I can't attend in person.


Valkyrie: Yes my lord. I'll see to everything immediatly.


*The Valkyrie leaves, and Odin heads to the landing field where Sleipnir was kept. Sleipnir was always ready to go at a moments notice so when Odin arrived all he had to do is wait for his children, who were just a couple of minutes behind him.


Once everyone was aboard Sleipnir takes off and in a couple of minutes Docks with the Wild Huntsman. The riders and the drakes were already on board, so once Sleipnir set down in the docking bay the Wild Huntsman left orbit and headed for the Nebulea. It would arrive in 11 hours.


During all of this Rwos's call was still routed through Odin's hand held comm*

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Rwos Ship


Hilth: I want it to live, Deac. The Kamino offered to remove it, but it's just a child, and of a completely new species, at that. It has a right to life. I've done enough in this world.


Deac: And what if I need you again.


Hilth: Trust me Deac, you'll be fine


*Knocks on the shield*


Hey Rwos! We there yet?

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Rwos: Very well. Remember to bring the scrolls, or a duplicate of them...I shall also bring what I have.*He ends the conversation as Deac knocks on the shield. The shield absorbs the knocking sound, but Rwos sees the action in his mirror. He opens the shield*


Rwos: Sorry about that. Are you feeling alright?


*The hospital comes into view*

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Gilian: *to Rwos* Wait. The commando team you left at the hospital says they're under seige.


Rwos: What?


Gilian: They're apparently looking for your friend Starkiller. He warned us to find a transport out of here and meet with Greer. His comm signal cut off, though, so I'm not sure if I heard correctly.


Rwos: It looks like you did.


*As the ship draws closer to their destination, the hospital comes more fully into view...*

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*The artillery finally arrived. A single armored floating tank. It had a strong punch, but the building had been built too strong.*


*They shot at the tank, but the tank was only lightly damaged.*

Caruso: Do we have enough ammo to blow up that thing?

Clark: I don't think so...

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((Just taking a guess that both Cracken and Irvine are already underway))


*Irvine follows tightly behind his father on the speeders. Irvine can't help but be distracted by the surrounding terrain, to him it seemed dark and cold. The entire time he had arrived on the planet, he couldn't help but to feel cold.


He was too distracted to sense that his father's presence on the planet was rejuvenating the darkness that filled Cracken, but merely the figureitory, omniscient shadow that laid somewhere ahead. Irvine whom kept a nearly strict following in the teachings, was scared, nearly horrifed at what he knew laid ahead.*

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*Rwos sees the tank and aims his fighter's weapons for it. He strafes it with blaster fire, wiping out its shields*


No match for the weapons I have...


Rwos: *into comm, on an open frequency to the tank* That was a warning shot. Stop your attack now or we will destroy you.

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