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Cantina Part 11- The Darkest Hour


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((OOS: In other words, a motivation that Deac will believe? ;)))



*The tiny droid tilts back and forth in the air, as if puzzled*


I am not programmed to understand your question. What answer shall I bring my masters? A refusal, an agreement, or something else?

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Sellena: Taklin has other things on his mind, he deals with the sword, I use the dagger.


*She takes the Brandy.*


I need a team to go back to Coruscant. Someone needs to sound out the Senate, if we can get the other Senators to stand up to ---------- We can end this without a war.


I'm putting my team together, I want you to lead it.


*She sips the Brandy.*




Coruscant, Senate Chamber.


A heated debate has begun


Corrrelian Senator: Mr Presidant, I see not reason for this body to grant emergancy powers to you.


Redis: During the Clone Wars this body reacted too slowly. I will return power to the peoples of the galaxy as soon as these renegades have been brought to justice.




*A Squad of A4 X-Wings drops out of hyperspace at the edge of the Correlian Trade Spine.


A Convoy of six frieghters hangs in space, escorted by two flights of A-Wings.


Gold Leader: Attention Convoy, power down, heave to and preare to be boarded.




Hal: Here she is Deac, the Moon Hawk. Two foward laser cannons, two foward ions and two quad turrets. Sixteen Concussion Missiles and ten torpedos. She cruises at 85MGLT, can pull a 70 degree turn and has 300SBD shields.


*The ship is a black and navy blue craft, clean and well maintained.

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*As Deac's ship heads towards its destination, a recorded message is received on his comlink*


"Back. Problems. Contact me if you have the time."


*The message is from Rwos*






*Farran Darkholme paces restlessly in his ship, isolated*


Time's almost up.

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Sellena: No James, I want you to sneek in, meet your contact and see if its possible that there are Senaters that don't like the new regime.


I want you to take O'Connel, Dasken and a woman you haven't met yet, Nilella Oscanap, she's deep black ops. The rest of the team you can pick yourself.




*Hal straps into the copilot's seat.*


Hal: Ok Deac, we're clear. Inputting co-ordinates now, whenever your ready.


((A couple more posts should wind up these arcs.))

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Greer: I need a favor that can help out this mission. I have been contacted by the NRI's resident network administrator. I want to extract her. She can control every single electronic in any goverment building in Corusant, as well as most civilian ones. She's offering help if we extract her, so I want to go there, contact her, get her to turn off the camera's in whenever I'm meeting the contact, then come back with her.

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*Deac notices the message and sends a reply*


Deac: Rwos, it turns out the family got bigger. I'm heading off to find out more. [Can't remember the planet in question]




*Lokpihet sits on the bridge*


Malice: Tell me Irvine, when do you plan to attack the Aesir?


Lokpihet: Good point. When does that come into all my schemes?

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*F. Irvine stands up with a smug look on his face.*


F. Irvine "Well before I say the 'How and Why', I have to say that I did come up with a few problems in dealing with the Aesir."


"First, and fore most: Due to some sort of superior technology, detection of their craft and any world that they occupy, considering if thats what they do is almost impossible, even on most telepathic wavelinks. "


"One can't just open the universe up to oneself and make an endless search for something that he isn't sure what to find."


"Secondly: Their technology is almost unknown to our own, would only mean that either such attack on a world would not only be suicide but they'd see it coming. I wouldn't doubt that even their own intergalatic transportation is also by far superior."


"How ever I do know a few things, their race is practically from what I understand is that regaurdless of their inability to die, if not eons from now, they can be killed just as easy as any. They're manly a warroir race, thinking their 'role' is that they are some sort of protectors of the galaxy. Their leader Odin, which I even had an opertunity to even meet in person, is quite arogant in a sense that I personaly think that they don't trust anyone but their own species."


"In any sense I know what to look for with my own telepathic ability if only developed more."


((*stops now incase Lokpehit wants to say something*))

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