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Ignac trailer

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Is it a bird? Is it a ten ton hamster with giant haemorrhoids? No! It's Ignac trailer (first part of intro). Go check it out here:



It features (fantastic) voice acting of our beloved Flux. Thanks also to Tamara for spell-check (if there are still some mistakes it's not her fault ;))


Sadly, the music in this trailer is only temporary, but hopefully it will be soon replaced with new one (the mood will be very similar anyway). Ah, and here are some more character sketches from game:


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I enjoyed the old Ignac demo - along with your 'Hotel' demo to get a feel for the GUI - your presentation is excellent, and your artistry is wonderful; this kind of game I would certainly put some cash down for. Look forward to the release!

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Hey, thank you all for comments!

Firefoot- hehe, yeah- i'm working on new website.


Ysbreker- no shops, it will be freeware :) Don't ask me about release date though (i already overestimated my working abilites a few times by now) ;) But quite a big portion of game is already finished, so...


BigJKO- thanks for the link! Great forums :)


Ginny- Thanks again!

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