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Official Site Updated!


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The site is a bit finicky, and has a few bugs (example, Grip never shows the proper text description except when you first enter the Force section).


I am pretty much convinced that the Force section is describing single player (note that they don't mention Sense can see players, only NPC's and objects!).


Now, supposedly they are shooting for MP and SP being very close, but there will obviously be differences for balance sake.


Note how Sense uses the "alien vision" halo around the display, another not so subtle reminder that the Raven team obviously played some Aliens Vs. Predator before they designed JK2 and JA. ; )



We have also seen in videos how Push has a new "burst" type of effect when used (kind of a "force bubble" in front of it), rather than just the hazy effect seen in JK2.


Of course in JK2 single player had much flashier "force effects" than multiplayer, because you didn't have to worry about lag.


Kurgan, does it really matter what the neutral powers look like? i cant imagine theyll look too different from JO. even if they do...theyre just push, pull, etc....


No, it "doesn't matter" but to a fan, that's like saying "don't get excited about the game." ; )


Sense is listed.


Push, Pull, Speed, Jump, Mind Trick (notice they don't call it Force Persuasion, so it looks like the odd one in the list of names... maybe they thought "Force Trick" was suggestive, heh), and Heal are not listed with pictures.


Heal is a Lightside power, Mind Trick was Light Side and now its neutral.


Would I like to see what the powers look like? You bet. I remember the Jedi Outcast page to this very day doesn't show all the powers (and one of the weapons)... that was such a tease! ; )

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I remember an early screenshot that showed a character with some kind of distortion forming in front of the character with their arm sticking out, and there was a discussion on whether it was a new force power, or just one like push or pull with a new "look". Anyone know what happened to that link or what that "bubble-like" distortion was?

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Originally posted by txa1265

The official site has fixed the pictures for the neutral powers (and the Grip glitch), as mentioned elsewhere.


Imteresting thing was speed - first look at the tie pilot (that I can recall) who has a BlasTech.




Dang...you beat me to it in the forums. ;)


And you're right, it's the first appearance of the ole TIE pilot. It makes sense considering in one article it mentioned 'shooting TIE's', and the Imperial Remnant is still lurking around stirring up trouble.


I have to say, I felt sorry for the TIE guys in JO - they seemed quite weak, and fell like wheat before my saber-scythe. :p

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Woo hoo, about time they fixed those! Looks much nicer...


I notice in that shot of the laser trip mines the beams sure are bright (and no sign of the "Sense" halo that would have brightened them)!


Glad to see that Heal finally has an "effect" (I missed that in JK2, and it was annoying to have bacta and force heal have the same sound in MP). I was kind of wishing for a JK1 style effect (green particals swirling around you as you wave your hand) but better than nothing.


That is definately a "force bubble" distortion we're seing. Looks much better than the crappy "soap scum" effect seen in some of the E3 clips (although it could be just the compression of the shot that makes it look that way).


Only one problem now for the force powers that were added... the text descriptions have disappeared!


Poor Webjedi... :*(


[update] I think I spoke too soon... seems every time I load up the site I get different bugs. I can never fully view everything, some things are always messed up or missing. Like for example I can never view Force Jump. I can see Mind Trick, Push, Pull, and Speed now though, so that is cool. And the text is back after I reloaded a few times.

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Originally posted by Kurgan

Glad to see that Heal finally has an "effect" (I missed that in JK2, and it was annoying to have bacta and force heal have the same sound in MP). I was kind of wishing for a JK1 style effect (green particals swirling around you as you wave your hand) but better than nothing.

I didn't have any love for the green swirl ... but it was better than nothing. I was very glad to see the effect in the JA shot.


... and people said there was no need to see the neutral powers!



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since web guys only ever get comments when thigs don't work, i just wanted to say it all works fine for me. What's more, it works fine in opera... unlike most of the other flash sites i have looked at recently. nice design. :)

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Originally posted by Kurgan

I notice in that shot of the laser trip mines the beams sure are bright (and no sign of the "Sense" halo that would have brightened them)![/i]


I think they're too bright. At first glance I thought they were some kind of large laser beam defense mechanism. Then I saw they were trip mines, and the whole idea of having a 'trip mine' goes out of the window if you can see the laser-line that clearly. :(


Glad to see that Heal finally has an "effect" (I missed that in JK2, and it was annoying to have bacta and force heal have the same sound in MP). I was kind of wishing for a JK1 style effect (green particals swirling around you as you wave your hand) but better than nothing.


Yes, I hope the Heal effect is similar to JO, where at level 1 you have to kneel and meditate, and at higher levels you heal on the run. :) I was never really a fan of JK's green particle effect either, to be honest - although if you saw little streaks of light being sucked from the local environment and entering your character, it would make it appear more that they are drawing their healing from the 'living force' around them.


[update] I think I spoke too soon... seems every time I load up the site I get different bugs. I can never fully view everything, some things are always messed up or missing. Like for example I can never view Force Jump. I can see Mind Trick, Push, Pull, and Speed now though, so that is cool. And the text is back after I reloaded a few times.


Yep...I know a few other people are having problems viewing certain things on the site. I am still having problems with the music - I have to go through the link on Lucasarts main site, and then use refresh before the little speaker icon, floating clouds, and lightning effect for the menu appears. It's almost like it's reaching 100% loading before it has actually loaded everything. Very strange, and I hope they can get it fixed.

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Originally posted by StormHammer

Yep...I know a few other people are having problems viewing certain things on the site. I am still having problems with the music - I have to go through the link on Lucasarts main site, and then use refresh before the little speaker icon, floating clouds, and lightning effect for the menu appears. It's almost like it's reaching 100% loading before it has actually loaded everything. Very strange, and I hope they can get it fixed.

Whatever happed to good old text websites? :)


Originally posted by txa1265

I didn't have any love for the green swirl ... but it was better than nothing. I was very glad to see the effect in the JA shot.

I liked the idea of the swirl, but the actual implementation was kind of weak. But at least that was better than nothing...
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Originally posted by StormHammer

Yes, I hope the Heal effect is similar to JO, where at level 1 you have to kneel and meditate, and at higher levels you heal on the run. :) I was never really a fan of JK's green particle effect either, to be honest - although if you saw little streaks of light being sucked from the local environment and entering your character, it would make it appear more that they are drawing their healing from the 'living force' around them.

That's a very cool thought. It'll be interesting to see how they implement it.


I also agree with the trip-mine comment. In SoFII you had to be very careful where you stepped in the jungle ... they had trip wires and often you only knew as your cutter tool icon came into view ... I didn't mind the slight visibility in JKII, but these look more like the force fields from Unreal II :(


On the Official Site, I had to empty my Temp Internet Files, then everything was fine.



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Originally posted by BloodRiot

well... i've played JO SP a long time now that im not sure if it had binoculars... but nightvision i know it had.... I wonder why those 2 dont show up on the inventory menu... is it incomplete or are they gone?

They had standard electrobinoculars from the beginning, and you got the light enhanced version later.


I haven't seen any electro ... no wait, that's not true - in one of the trailers there is a clip of you zooming with electrobinoculars on a Tusken who is doing his victory cheer ... so they are likely in there.


Don't know about the light enhanced version ...



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Originally posted by BloodRiot

well... i've played JO SP a long time now that im not sure if it had binoculars... but nightvision i know it had.... I wonder why those 2 dont show up on the inventory menu... is it incomplete or are they gone?


Well...there was a bacta tank up on the inventory earlier...but now I don't see it. I just think it's part of the glitchiness of the site, or maybe they're still updating things as they go along.

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Originally posted by txa1265

I haven't seen any electro ... no wait, that's not true - in one of the trailers there is a clip of you zooming with electrobinoculars on a Tusken who is doing his victory cheer ... so they are likely in there.

I haven't seen the clip you were talking about, but is it possible that it was the sniper rifle scope or something? Just wondering if it is a possibility...
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Originally posted by Prime

I haven't seen the clip you were talking about, but is it possible that it was the sniper rifle scope or something? Just wondering if it is a possibility...

Prime - I'm fairly certain I could tell the difference between the Tenloss Disruptor's scope (round) and the Electrobinocular viewer (rectangular) :rolleyes:




If you look at Trailer #1, the E3 trailer, at 0:59, you will see what I mean. The GameSpot 19MB version ... never mind, I just checked and they're identical resolution.



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Ah, I can finally see ALL of the content on the official site.


A few misspellings remain (in the "codes" section and one other one I forgot.. possibly the features section), but otherwise looks good LA!


Odd though, they seem to have removed the Bacta tank from the inventory section and so I wondered about that as well.


And I was also looking at the old Jedi Outcast page on LA's site, and noticed that the "Personal Shield Generator" was also featured there. This is not the same thing as the Large Shield Boost, and in fact we never see the Personal Shield Generator model in JK2 at all (since you're just always wearing it under your clothes I guess.. it is what allows you to have "shields").


The only time I think it is mentioned is perhaps in the "information" sections of the JK2 menus to show you that you have it.


When I first heard about the Personal Shield Generator for JK2 I assumed that you would start without the ability to use shields (only health) and that you'd have to obtain the item, then you could have extra protection. But I was wrong, and shields were just something you always had, just like in all the other games in the series. I imagine it will be the same with JA.


The part about heal was not just a style thing, but also a strategic factor. For example in JK/MotS you knew what bacta sounded like, so you knew they were using it when they did. Heal was totally different in sound and effect. If you saw it, you knew they just used up mana to heal and that they were either a Light Jedi or disciple (level 6 Dark and Light Side abilities combined). In JK2 you just get a sound effect, which could mean they had bacta or healing or were using both interchangably.


Sounds and visual effects are very important in the Single Player game, strategically that way, which is why I am glad to see they are doing stuff like this. Hopefully it will be equally good or better in multiplayer (the Force Power shots seem to be from SP).

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Originally posted by txa1265

Prime - I'm fairly certain I could tell the difference between the Tenloss Disruptor's scope (round) and the Electrobinocular viewer (rectangular) :rolleyes:




If you look at Trailer #1, the E3 trailer, at 0:59, you will see what I mean. The GameSpot 19MB version ... never mind, I just checked and they're identical resolution.



Cool. I wasn't doubting you! :) It won't happen again ;)
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