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Good server - no bull****


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Originally posted by FK | unnamed

The thing is w/ ctf, a lot of people seem kind of umm... lost when it comes to “cheap” combat.


Like look at what Sid does, to me that's very smart thinking what he does.


He zaps them, drains them and basically screws them over.


A FC w/o force and/or an escort energizing him is basically a dead man "walking", literally.


But still to this day it amazes me how I see 2 guys from the opposing team camping in our base waiting for our flag to return and almost everyone does nothing more than try to saber and pull+kick them.


Even if one goes down, #2 will have plenty of force to heal/speed/absorb and get away.


So just whore them both and take them out once they grab.


I mean maybe it is “cheap” but personally I think if a FC is going to have enough “balls” to just stand in the middle of our base just waiting for a grab then he deserves to be whored non stop.


But a lot of ctf people seem to think they have the “right” to just camp for a grab opportunity and when you whore them they totally flip out over it.



I think the worst is that "CapperWhore" guy.


I mean this dude flipped out because I just stood in front of him mind tricking over and over and made him use seeing until empty.




pushed his depleted ass right off the ledge.


I don't see anything wrong w/ that, but a lot of people do for some reason.


I like to sit close to there flag and grip kick the flag runner... most times in pub games no one team zaps/heal (I mean god forbid you help some one on your team and a big no no to help them if they got the flag) well anyways by the time they got back to there base they have used up all the force pool, and a grip and few kicks they are down. then all you see is "grip noob" well if I am correct grip noob would mean that I don't know how to use it and they would of not been killed!

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now what other gun servers will we gun players go on? :(

that was a fun server.. i enjoyed the fact how it recorded stats and listed everyone on that server on the site, and it was fun seeing how i was rated in comparison to the other players and how often i used which weapons, and who were my favorite victims...

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

put it on full guns and take out the stun mod. That mod is fun but after playign it 45 minutes and with so many bad packets there's no way I could keep up with bf-theory who i can neg in real guns.


Yeah, I told Rumor to take the mod off. When people come into the server and see other people blowing eachother up with a stun baton, they think something's wrong or someone's "hacking," so they disconnect in confusion. I really hate explaining how the mod works to every noob that comes in.

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Originally posted by lllKyNeSlll

put it on full guns and take out the stun mod. That mod is fun but after playign it 45 minutes and with so many bad packets there's no way I could keep up with bf-theory who i can neg in real guns.


haha. i outscore him just about every time. and i have a lot more problems with ping/packetloss than you...

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Originally posted by Rumor

haha. i outscore him just about every time. and i have a lot more problems with ping/packetloss than you...


trust me bro, even on 56k you are running better than a lot of us on cable now.








I can still put up a decent fight because I’m good at predicting/second guessing what people are going to do but no joke, I don’t see 50% of the stuff going on in the server.

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