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Some things I never got about SW but are fun to wonder about...


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And yes, yes, yes, yes, before I start, I want you to know I REALIZE that the "Expanded Universe" has at various times tried to come up with solutions to some of these, but I don't want to hear those reasons, I want to hear YOUR reasons.


1) In Empire Strikes Back.. how come Han, Leia, and Chewie can walk outside the Falcon in apparent earth-like gravity (and only need simple breathmasks, not full space suites) inside the belly of that space slug on an asteroid (while hiding from the Empire)?


2) If the hyperdrive is broken in ESB ("no lightspeed") how can they fly all the way to Bespin in ESB? Wouldn't the trip take them years? Decades? Or is Bespin right smack dab next to where they were when the Hyperdrive broke down?


3) In ANH and ROTJ, I'm just floored by the sheer size of the Death Stars. I mean dang, it must have been hell trying to build them. According to the official literature, the first Death Star "only" had a million personal. That's amazing. I wonder if they had billions of droids working there too? That is some serious automation...


According to the official literature, the first DS was 120 km and the second was 160. Of course Curtis Saxon's "Star Wars Technical Commentaries" and a few other fan based sites present credible arguments that they are much bigger. Apparently the people who built the props and designs for ROTJ intended the second DS to be about "500 miles long." Whoa...


Anyway, their figures run about 160 km for the first DS and 800 or 900 (!) for the second. They also put the "Executor" (SSD) at 17.6 Km, whereas the old official literature put it at only 8 km. Anyway, that's more speculation. Any way you slice it, the DS is simply HUGE.. really really big. A toy death star 1/12 the size would still be the largest and most ambitious structure ever built by man (if we could build it on earth at all).


Is most of the Death Star empty space? Because I can see two major problems with moon sized battle stations (even after you work out all the problems building them and preventing them from falling apart or getting destroyed):


- Supplies. Do they grow crops in there? Where do they get fuel? The Death Star would be like a medium or large sized city-state. Are there any women on board?


- Distances. If Tarkin wants to meet with Vader in his office, does it take him months to get there? How do people travel on the DS? Do they fly bullet trains through the superstructure? Those elevators can't be fast enough to travel anywhere on the station in record time. Are parts sectioned off so that troops never see each other? I can see people communicating over radio and video displays, but just imagine you're living on the moon and you have to get from the North Pole to the South pole... do people just fly outside, around, and land with Shuttles?


The same thing to a lesser degree applies to other large ships like Super Star Destroyers.



4) In TPM, why doesn't anybody buy Shmi Skywalker's freedom? I mean while Qui Gon and Obi-Wan are on Naboo they lack money to do everything they want, and since they're "good guys" and "the Republic doesn't have juridiction out here" (the Jedi are law enforcement for the Republic after all, of which Tatooine is not a part) they can't just threaten everyone into doing their bidding (although Qui Gon did try to mind trick Watto, so he didn't see that as being unethical apparently). Their job wasn't to free slaves, but to get out of there. They had Republic credits which weren't honored on Tatooine.


But.... time passes. They have all the funds of the Jedi Order and the Republic (you'd think the Republic would fund their work after all), and Anakin is a Jedi himself (so he could claim some "special right" to free his mother, right)? All the previous problems disapear.


They can go to Tatooine in a big Jedi ship and a pile of money that the Tatooinese DO accept (or at least precious substances to trade with), and free Anakin's mother.


But they don't. Why not????


5) In AOTC the battle craft with Anakin, Obi-Wan, Padme, etc are flying after Count Dooku's Speeder Bike. "It's Dooku!" "Shoot him down!" "We're all out of rockets sir!"


Okay, several problems here. I KNOW in the novel it says "all out of ordinance" but c'mon. So what if they don't have rockets? The airships have those ball turrets and laser cannons. They could even have a clone lean out and take a shot with his rifle out the side (dangerous, but if its that danged important, why not risk a guy or two to "end the war right now"??


In addition, many flub spotters have pointed out that you can SEE they still have rockets. Sure, you could say well maybe their instruments were damaged, and the Clone pilot was just reporting what it said. But couldn't the Jedi double check somehow? They have the force dang it. One person I know suggested that Dooku was mind tricking the Pilot to read his instruments wrong (but of course that implies he could fool the Jedi as well). But if he's that powerful, why doesn't he just mind trick them into crashing the ship and killing his pursuers?


6) In AOTC after the series of duels is over, Yoda is "distracted" by Dooku with the big huge metal column that's being levitated over Anakin & Obi-Wan. Yoda has to expend all his attention to keep it alfoat and move it away from them to crash harmlessly to the ground. Meanwhile Dooku escapes, and millions more people are undoubtably doomed to die in the continuing war.


Why didn't Yoda drop the column ON DOOKU'S SHIP? He could have still saved his two friends AND ended the war. In the novel he was about to KILL Dooku so why should he have any qualms about it now? And that colum can't be much heavier than an X-Wing, and he does some amazing stuff with that 27 years later...


7) In AOTC why does Padme leave friggin' JAR JAR in charge when she goes to save Obi-Wan? I mean sure, we could say she's a naive young girl going with her hearthrob boyfriend on a teenage adventure, but seriously.. she's supposed to be this world-weary Senator, and there's this IMPORTANT VOTE COMING UP that she is adamant about (note her impassioned speech before the Senate in the deleted scenes on the DVD). Is she that stupid and forgetful?


Obviously Jar Jar must have been mind tricked, or was he that stupid? As Padme's substitute, he must have been trained and at least KNOW HOW PADME WOULD HAVE VOTED, right? RIGHT?? It was a cool scene, but both characters suddenly becoming stupid was very odd.




That's all for now. You might call me an obsessed fan, but c'mon, I'm in good company. ; )

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1) Who cares! If you hadn't noticed that fire is immediately extinguished in space because there is NO air, then do so now - Every EXPLOSION IS IMPOSSIBLE! It might also be noted that there is no way to speed up or slow down an object in space either. My point is, that Star Wars is Star Wars, it isn't Star Science.

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4) The politics wouldnt allow it. Think about it. Returning to Corruscant and dismissing all other pressing matters that would get in the way, finding a bunch of druguts and using Republic and Jedi resources and money to fly off on a sentimental quest to some rock thats farthest from the bright side of the universe to free some kids mom who serves no purpose to the Republic. Now of course it would be the decent thing to do but like I said, POLITICS. Wasting so many resources for one slave? They wouldnt have it.


In response to all the other questions, they are good questions but after all it's a moooovie! :D

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1) In Empire Strikes Back.. how come Han, Leia, and Chewie can walk outside the Falcon in apparent earth-like gravity (and only need simple breathmasks, not full space suites) inside the belly of that space slug on an asteroid (while hiding from the Empire)?

my guess is that the millenium falcon's sensors detected that the atmosphere in the slug was of survivable pressure & temperature... hence, space suits were not needed. breathing masks were, however, probably because the composition of the air wasn't breathable. it's the inside of a slug, after all....


2) If the hyperdrive is broken in ESB ("no lightspeed") how can they fly all the way to Bespin in ESB? Wouldn't the trip take them years? Decades? Or is Bespin right smack dab next to where they were when the Hyperdrive broke down?

there's no way they could've gotten to bespin on sublight...they must've gotten the hyperdrive fixed.



Do they grow crops in there?

what do YOU think?!

Where do they get fuel?

from the many fuel-producing planets of the empire. it's a big galaxy....

Are there any women on board?

should be. while the empire WAS discriminatory against women, there were still females present in the empire (albeit in small numbers). and the laws of probabality would dictate that a ship as large as the death star have at least ONE imperial lady on it. and then there's princess leia.... not a member of the crew, perhaps, but she WAS present on the death star for most of the time it was operational....



4) But.... time passes. They have all the funds of the Jedi Order and the Republic (you'd think the Republic would fund their work after all), and Anakin is a Jedi himself (so he could claim some "special right" to free his mother, right)? All the previous problems disapear.

like Nyt said, there were other pressing issues...like the separatists....



They could even have a clone lean out and take a shot with his rifle out the side

dude, not only is that dangerous, it's also damn near impossible to hit a craft moving @ a few hundred kph--let alone the pilot--from another craft of the same speed, even if you DO have jango's marksman skills....




The airships have those ball turrets and laser cannons.

out of range, perhaps. rockets have a greater effective range than lasers and maybe dooku's ship was too far to be hit by lasers.


then again...maybe the gunship WAS out of ordinance--both lasers (they can run out too, ya know...and their recharging takes some time) and missiles. thus, the statement in the movie would be a blooper not to be considered as a star wars fact. perhaps.


thank God for the Eu & other canon sources, eh? *retreats before the impending onslaught*




Why didn't Yoda drop the column ON DOOKU'S SHIP?

perhaps he felt reluctance at killing his former padawan...he's not perfect, ya know. or maybe it was against the jedi principles--or HIS principles-- to take such offensive action.




In AOTC why does Padme leave friggin' JAR JAR in charge when she goes to save Obi-Wan? I mean sure, we could say she's a naive young girl going with her hearthrob boyfriend on a teenage adventure, but seriously.. she's supposed to be this world-weary Senator, and there's this IMPORTANT VOTE COMING UP that she is adamant about (note her impassioned speech before the Senate in the deleted scenes on the DVD). Is she that stupid and forgetful?


she must've been so caught up with the flow of events that she forgot to factor jar jar's incompetence into the equation (yeah, i know, it'd be REAL hard to forget something that apparent). perhaps it was a deliberate move on george lucas's part--to potray the magnitude of padme's sacrifice in going off to save obi1 by leaving some1 like jar jar in charge.


Obviously Jar Jar must have been mind tricked, or was he that stupid?
both , me thinx. he was stupid enough to have been mind-tricked. perhaps his mind wasn't controlled per se by the emperor but it almost assuredly was influenced by the dark side...i mean, the Force. there is no dark side... (boy am i gonna get it...)




actually, given that most ships have self-contained environments, the explosions were probably fuelled by the air INSIDe the ships. of course, they wouldn't last very long,..which is why sw explosions are so short-lived.


TIE fighters, though, with their airless cockpits, are a different matter...perhaps their explosions are fuelled by something in their ion engines or some other technical component (which could also explain why their explosions are green).




there is no way to speed up or slow down an object in space either.

i think you're wrong there, dude... with the application of a force (note: A force, not the Force), an acceleration/decceleration can be obtained (f=ma. got mass, got force=got acceleration). thus, a ship can be slowed down or sped up with propulsion from, say, an engine. we've started this whole motion-affiliated star wars debate in the x-wing alliance forums...u can check it out if u want. it's under the thread 'if there were another x-wing' created by some intelligent, good-looking, incredibly witty bastard named benTantilles....


that Star Wars is Star Wars, it isn't Star Science

now THAT i'll agree to... :D


that's all folks! u sure have raised some interesting questions, kurgan...

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1) There is a good reason for this when you start reading a lot of academic writing on science fiction as I have (and yes, I realise I'm going to come under attack from being too technical :p ). The important part of Star Wars (at least the Classic Trilogy) is that it is a Space Opera - a fantasy story that just happens to be set in space. Once you put someone in a Spacesuit, it foregrounds the fact that this is an alien environment and this gets in the way of the narrative - the audience might focus on the wonder of science instead. It's a lot more complicated than that but let me just say there are good reasons they don't wear spacesuits.


2) The general theory around this is that it does take them a long time. Don't forget Luke is training with Yoda - his ability to put up a decent fight with Vader indicates he spent more than a couple of days with Yoda, most likely many months. As such, it seems reasonable the Falcon also took a few months. Of course realistically it would take them many years, the next nearest system to Earth is like ten light years away...


5) This is probably just a continuity error, but if you want to read into it (as I do) maybe the Clones were secrectly under orders to not kill Dooku. I mean, he did have a hand in their construction (remember Jango says he was recruited by a man named Tyranus). Of course the Jedi would be unaware of this, but the Clones might have been instructed as per Sidious' instructions to not kill Dooku or himself...

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2) [broken Hyperdrive]

In TPM, the hyperdrive got broken so that they could only jump a short distance, maybe this was similar but more severe.




she must've been so caught up with the flow of events that she forgot to factor jar jar's incompetence into the equation (yeah, i know, it'd be REAL hard to forget something that apparent). perhaps it was a deliberate move on george lucas's part--to potray the magnitude of padme's sacrifice in going off to save obi1 by leaving some1 like jar jar in charge


Maybe it was lucas's way of saying sorry for inventing Jar Jar. Now we can twist logic around to make the fall of the republic and the Jedi as the Gungans fault :p


Seriously, is there anyone out there who actually LIKES Gungans?




I got something I was wondering though. I saw on a site (can't remember where) a while ago something about the speeder bike chases on Endor (got another one for this too). It said that with average forest density, and the speed the bikes were travelling at, factoring in human reaction times it would be impossible for anyone to ride without crashing. So, anyone got any ideas on how they did it?


Whoever says "Luke and Leia had force enhanced reflexes gets my "Stating the Obvious" award."



Endor, by the way, is Elvish for "Earth" or "The world", from The Lord of the Rings.

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Originally posted by CCKieran

Seriously, is there anyone out there who actually LIKES Gungans?

I have no problem with the Gungans, but Jar Jar should be shot, multiple times.

Originally poster by CCKieran

Whoever says "Luke and Leia had force enhanced reflexes gets my "Stating the Obvious" award."

Luke and Leia had Force enhanced reflexes. :D

Originally posted by CCKieran

Endor, by the way, is Elvish for "Earth" or "The world", from The Lord of the Rings.

Yes, and Tatooine is a real place on earth, only spelled differently. :) Very close to where the Tatooine scenes were shot actually.

And Hoth was a German Field Marshall during WWII. ;)


There are tons of other things too, these are just those I remember.

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Endor, by the way, is Elvish for "Earth" or "The world", from The Lord of the Rings.

actually, i believe tolkien got that from the ole' good book itself. yes, there is mention of a witch from endor somewhere in the old testament....and i DO believe the bible predates the lord of the rings....


i actually think the gungans are a pretty interesting race.... i don't really have much of a problem with jar jar. *looks apprehnesively from left to right* what? WHAT?

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what i wondered about star wars is what keeps the lightsabers from going right through their handles?


why did they cast hayden christianson as anakin?


and why did obi-wan disappear after he was killed and qui-gonn had to be burned up?

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what i wondered about star wars is what keeps the lightsabers from going right through their handles?

or, for that matter, how do they limit the length of a beam of light? really...i have no friggin idea how a lightsabre works so i'm stumped there.... i think there was an explanation over at the XWA forums... hey zoomie, where are u?


and george is due to answer your other questions soon....

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what i wondered about star wars is what keeps the lightsabers from going right through their handles?

Maybe something about total internal reflection within the crystals. Or maybe I just like physics too much.

For those who don't know, total internal reflection is what happens when light passes from a more dense medium to a less dense one, and the light is refracted so much that it bends around and stays inside the glass. One of the main applications of this is fibre optic cables.

I suppose the light could be reflected back inside the crystal and out the front of the saber.





I couldn't find the explanation in the XWA forums, which category is it in?

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what i wondered about star wars is what keeps the lightsabers from going right through their handles?

Well I can understand how it works That's not hard at all. The answer is the same reason why light only comes out of one point of a flashlight. As for how do they keep the beam from shooting outward endlessly, you could also ask how does a lightsaber stop another lightsaber. I think the answer is that a lightsaber is **not a saber of light. It is a weapon that contructs an indestuctable field, similar to a force field, however far more powerful. A lightsaber may emit visible light, but that is the extent of the light portion. Instead the "blade" of the saber must be composed of something we have not yet discovered. I propose the following possibilities:


1. Contained Plasma. Lightsaber blades can be plasma that is contained in a magnetic field. All matter can pass through the magnetic field, thus allowing the blade to "cut" or burn through most matter. What causes one lightsaber to stop another lightsaber is the existence of another field of the same intensity and polarity (like how positive sides of magnets repel one another.)


2. Energy to Matter conversion. Lightsaber blades can be a conversion from matter into energy, and energy into matter. The intense energy emitted from a lightsaber could be converted into a blade (or any other shape at that. However "blades" require less energy consumption) that is solid enough to have composition, yet "hot" enough to still "cut" or burn through most matter. The only thing that can stop this another energy to matter blade.


why did they cast hayden christianson as anakin?

Because if they had cast Leonardo DiCaprio as the original rumor went, then none of us would be here. We would have all forsaken the name Star Wars, and this forum would be about how we all saw T'Pol's t*t on Enterprise this week. (Which by the way really did happen!!)


and why did obi-wan disappear after he was killed and qui-gonn had to be burned up?


Look at it this way. Kenobi disappeared in body, and materialized to Luke in spirit from time to time. Qui Gonn did not disappear in body, and never appeared to Kenobi. Yoda disappeared in body, and appeared to Luke in the end of ROTJ.


It can be argued that in order for a Jedi do the whole ghost thing, they have to make their bodies completely disappear.


What about Anakin? He didn't disappear when he died, and he appeared to Luke on Endor....right?

Well we are not entirely sure of this. What we saw burning on Endor was as far as we can tell the cybernetic corpse of Darth Vader. Remember that he is more machine than man, so there would be no reason for his cybernetics to disappear. Maybe the parts that were still organic disappeared. Besides, Anakin was the chosen one. maybe he didn't need to disappear because he was more powerful.



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  • 3 weeks later...
what i wondered about star wars is what keeps the lightsabers from going right through their handles?


isn't there a 'cortosis' lining on the inside of the handle that only propels the beam in one direction? Not sure....


PS: Cortosis is one of the only substances that resists lightsabre blades...


I hope that helps at all... cough

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Originally posted by jedispy

Look at it this way. Kenobi disappeared in body, and materialized to Luke in spirit from time to time. Qui Gonn did not disappear in body, and never appeared to Kenobi. Yoda disappeared in body, and appeared to Luke in the end of ROTJ.


Vader was burned and appeared to luke at the end of ROTJ (Well, Anakin, but they are the same body.)

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Originally posted by benTantilles

actually, i believe tolkien got that from the ole' good book itself. yes, there is mention of a witch from endor somewhere in the old testament....and i DO believe the bible predates the lord of the rings....


i actually think the gungans are a pretty interesting race.... i don't really have much of a problem with jar jar. *looks apprehnesively from left to right* what? WHAT?


It was in kings ( i forget the chapter and verse) Endor was a area in Ancient Israel somewhere near shiloh ( where the ark was keep before the temple was built). When david was in exile King Saul and his eldest son Jonathan ( Davids best friend) went to visit a witch who lived in a cave at Endor before going to battle the Philistines. he asked the witch to summon the spirit of Samuel (who in jewish tradition ranks after moses and elijah in importance as a prophet) Samuel's spirit told them that they would both die in the battle. this cleared the way for david to reluctantly accept the kingship( he mourned the loss of jonathan )

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On the getting to Bespin thing, for all we know they could've taken a day or two, perhaps more to get there , which easily explains how the Empire could've gotten there before them, they had a hyperdrive, the Falcon didn't ^.^ So Boba reported to the imps that they were on a trajectory towards Bespin and so they jumped there, had a nice chat with Lando, infested the place with stormtroopers, and waited nicely for Han & company to arrive.

It also helps explain how Luke was able to learn what he did, he spent several days on Dagobah.



Why Hayden was cast? He did an as good as possible job portraying Anakin with the "help" of Lucas' directing.



The disappearing matter, well, it's been said that a Jedi needs to accept his death if he wants to "become one with the Force", ofcourse, Qui-Gon, defiant as he was in his nature seemed to want to struggle against it untill his very final breath was drawn, or at least long enough to tell Obi-Wan that he should train Anakin.

Speaking of which, he probably faded away, becoming one with the Force a few moments after he died, similar to what happened with Yoda, ofcourse that was never shot (probably lack of special effects technology) and we just have to assume that he disappeared XD

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The disappearing matter, well, it's been said that a Jedi needs to accept his death if he wants to "become one with the Force", ofcourse, Qui-Gon, defiant as he was in his nature seemed to want to struggle against it untill his very final breath was drawn, or at least long enough to tell Obi-Wan that he should train Anakin.

If that's the reason then Yoda wouldn't have vanished either. Yoda was struggling until his final breath, as well, so that he could tell Luke that there was "an-other... sky...walk...er."

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  • 2 weeks later...
It might have been adressed already, but i think the reason the clones did not shoot down dooku is because palpatine told them to keep him alive, since he was his apprentice and dooku was imperative in palpatine's plans.

that's actually a pretty good reason....i 've heard a SPOILER that the emperor had special codes inserted on ALL his clones so that he could exert some level of control over them. that's how most of the jedi die, in fact (or so i've heard).


Why Hayden was cast? He did an as good as possible job portraying Anakin with the "help" of Lucas' directing.

ha! agreed....


darth small--

yeah, thanx for that explanation on the origin of endor.


George Lucas has assured us that the question of why Qui-Gon didn't disappear will be answered in Episode 3, so let's put our faith in him as we quite naturally should

no jokes, please.....as bad as he is as a director, he's a BLOODY good storyteller. star wars is, after all, his creation..

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Been away for a while, just catching up....


no jokes, please.....as bad as he is as a director, he's a BLOODY good storyteller. star wars is, after all, his creation..


Yes sir!


Why Hayden was cast? He did an as good as possible job portraying Anakin with the "help" of Lucas' directing.
"Pedro The Hutt"


Yep, he got me thinkin what a whiny little b**tch. How on earth did he go from that to a Sith Lord capable of annihilating anyone or anything in his way? I guess it'll have to wait for ep3.


isn't there a 'cortosis' lining on the inside of the handle that only propels the beam in one direction? Not sure....
"Jaden Korr"-err- I mean "Jaden Quade"


I thought that cutting into cortosis shorted out the lightsaber, and to get it running again you had to shut it off and power it up again. Someone who's read "The Hand of Thrawn" duology recently, let us know.




1. Contained Plasma. Lightsaber blades can be plasma that is contained in a magnetic field. All matter can pass through the magnetic field, thus allowing the blade to "cut" or burn through most matter. What causes one lightsaber to stop another lightsaber is the existence of another field of the same intensity and polarity (like how positive sides of magnets repel one another.)


Plasma I think is made of matter, seperated into constituent atoms, as opposed to gases with whole molecules, or energy.



For lightsabers, I like the idea that they are some kind of destructive energy, somehow contained within a blade. That's specific enough.

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