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The new TV Season

Flying Beastie

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This looks to be a good year for animé on TV.


FOXBox has just announced their new Saturday morning lineup. The two coolest contenders will no doubt be Sonic X and Shaman King. I saw the preview episodes, and they look good enough to counter the suckiness of Ultimate Muscle and Fighting Foodons.


Shaman King in particular rules. This could be the next Digimon. Or the next Buffy. :shads2:


YTV is now adding the animé-esque Teen Titans, as well as Knights of the Zodiac (better known as the classic Saint Seiya). Also coming is Inu Yasha ( :clap2: ), though they haven't advertised it anywhere. It'll be a latenight thing, much like Gundam Wing was when they aired that.


Now, if someone would just air Evangelion or Cowboy Bebop (or heck, even Love Hina), I'd be in Otaku Heaven.


What's really shocking is that Teletoon (the Cartoon Channel from Hell) is even getting into the act. They're adding Megaman NT Warrior to their lineup, though, knowing Teletoon, the episodes will be aired out-of-order and visibly hacked up even beyond the usual NorAm dub. :disaprove


Of course, no good thing can come without a corresponding tragedy, and it looks like Teletoon has finally dropped Cardcaptors. Being a Canadian Network, Teletoon can only have so much non-Canadian fare. Yet somehow they're also adding the new Ninja Turtles series, and giving us two episodes of Totally Spies (also animé-like, though too annoyingly "valley girl" to watch in full doses) a day, so I don't know what other shows were dropped to make room for them. :giveup:

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Eva will probably never be aired to acceptable fan quality because of the nature of the latter half of the series. Since it's anime, it would be shoved into the kid area, and probably be cut to pieces to a shadow of it's former self.


Unless Cartoon Network picks it up and puts it into it's A. Swim lineup.

And we have Inu Yasha here, along with Bebop in A. Swim. don't know the actual edits or how badly they destroyed it, but Bebop was fairly enjoyable.

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Originally posted by Admiral

I'm very curious to see Nute's list of who should survive the cleansing.


We'd need more women than men because we'd need to breed at a higher rate than average. Because of this, it would be important that these women be of a highly stimulating nature and the 1 on 1 relationship the West prefers will, at least temporarily, have to be abandoned. I would say that no less than 6 women per man will do. The men would come from the finest intellectual and physical stocks available, as well as those from an established military structure and educational enviroment. Technicians will be valued, both for the maintaining of our moon-colony and the training of those that will repopulate the Earth. I, of course, will be spared the destruction of mankind because it was my idea grafted onto a "cave scenario" presented by one Dr Strangelove. All measures must be taken that no other rival nation arrives on the Moon to challenge us after the Great Cleansing. We must, however, be prepared to strike first if we are unable to stop their settlement or if they are prepared to clobber us and steal our mineshafts.

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Originally posted by Cmdr. Cracken

Eva will probably never be aired to acceptable fan quality because of the nature of the latter half of the series. Since it's anime, it would be shoved into the kid area, and probably be cut to pieces to a shadow of it's former self.


You must be watching Adult Swim all wrong. They barely did anything to FLCL. Besides, there wasn't that much they did to Eva when they ran a handful of episodes on Toonami; granted, those were only the first few episodes.

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You seem to be forgetting that I'm in Canada. Where the media is under the control of the governmental Culture Nazis, and where "cartoon" is synonimous with "for children."


Yet, oddly, both Evangelion movies (End of Eva and Death and Rebirth) are available on DVD. Yes, the movies, which constitute the end of the series, are available, but the series itself is not.


Same with Cowboy Bebop; the movie is here, but not the series which surrounds it (literally; the movie happens between two episodes, IIRC).


The animé series mentioned in my initial post (plus Pokémon, Digimon, Zoids, Hamtaro, and two flavours of DragonBall) represent the extent of the animé that I have access to. And Sailor Moon, except for the last season, which I will bet money will never ever ever appear on Canadian TV.


This includes series that have apparently been on Cartoon Channel for some time --so I know dubs exist.


However, the mere existence of the dub is itself not sufficient reason for it to air in Canada, where cartoon guidelines are even more kiddified than in the US.


Teen Titans, BTW, is quite good, even if it has absolutely no relationship to any existing comic continuity, and lacks three very important elements (Impulse, Superboy, Wonder Girl). I like the idea of Raven as a goth chick with an attitude problem, though "Android-Starfire" might grate on me after a while. Though I did get a kick out of Starfire blowing up the fridge. ;)

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I watched Teen Titans the whole of once and only because I can't get the History Channel at school. We hates you Adelphia. HATES. Worse yet, one of my profs taunted me (indirectly) today by mentioning the History Channel's excellent mini-series Rise and Fall of the Spartans. Anyhoo, I didn't really like it. It seemed to have a really slow pace. Plus I tend not to like shows that feature young super-heroes with the exception of X-Men Evolution. I wish I knew what city it was set in because, judging from the bridge in the background behind their little T house, it's either Tokyo or Tampa, FL.


On the other hand, Hamtaro was an excellent show.

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Originally posted by Nute Gunray

You must be watching Adult Swim all wrong. They barely did anything to FLCL. Besides, there wasn't that much they did to Eva when they ran a handful of episodes on Toonami; granted, those were only the first few episodes.

Because the first few espisode did'nt have any nuditiy(Well CN did'nt show Shinji nude but they censored Naota dad in FLCL(I THINK i dont own the dvd to that series just yet)Well i cant blame CN if i did'nt see it them i wont have bought the series myself(They also air Nadesico and i bought that as well)but Evangelion to voilent to be air on TV beyond what the show on CN to much blood and nudity.OMG forget about the movie EoE that will never make it.


BTW at least you guy known about Eva because people who dont think am girl(My forum name).I get mad at that lol,but made them look stuipd telling them am boy.

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Originally posted by Flying Beastie

Teen Titans, BTW, is quite good, even if it has absolutely no relationship to any existing comic continuity, and lacks three very important elements (Impulse, Superboy, Wonder Girl).


Hear, hear, and hear. x_x As a rabid Young Justice fan...I was rather upset to see they weren't put in the TV series :(


I've only managed to see one episode so far - the first. I liked it, with the exception of a few horribly wince-worthy scenes...

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Which scenes were those?


Originally posted by Nute Gunray

I wish I knew what city it was set in because, judging from the bridge in the background behind their little T house, it's either Tokyo or Tampa, FL.


I think the comics are set in San Francisco, though I could be wrong. Again, whether or not this has anything to do with the show is unknown.


Most of the big DC superhero teams are quartered in California (where running around in brightly-coloured tights doesn't attract too much attention). Except for the JLA, who maintain the Watchtower on the moon.

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Originally posted by Redwing

Hear, hear, and hear. x_x As a rabid Young Justice fan...I was rather upset to see they weren't put in the TV series :(


I've only managed to see one episode so far - the first. I liked it, with the exception of a few horribly wince-worthy scenes...

It seem that they use expression that Japaness anime character do in that show to me.It ok i watch 3 espisode now.

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The few DVD sets that reach Canada usually retail for over $100. Making them at least $100 out of my range. The price goes up correspondingly (due to shipping & handling) if I want to order them delivered.


IOW, I would gladly watch DVDs. . . if it was an option. Which it isn't.


Originally posted by Eva

It seem that they use expression that Japaness anime character do in that show to me.

Yeah. That's why I said "animé-like." It seems that most shows try to hire Japanese animators, simply because they make animation more of an art form than American "Kids' Culture" is normally allowed to be.


Except in Canada, where most cartoons are drawn by Canadian teenagers and paid for by the Government. :disaprove

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^^^ I find the American "cartoons are for kids" thing to be puzzling. Until about 1960s, cartoons were decidedly an adult thing. The prosecution would like to enter the Flintstone's Winston Cigarette's commercial and Bugs Bunny into evidence ^^^


Originally posted by Lynk Former

CN butchers everything dammit


No they don't. Cartoon Network doesn't edit anything. They get it that way from whoever imported it and translated it. Hell, if it wasn't for Cartoon Network, there wouldn't even be a second season of Big O.


Cartoon Network isn't even classified as a children's channel anymore. Their license as such ended in January, I think, and now they're just a regular channel now. In theory, they could run uncut Evangelion at noon every day.

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Cartoon Network does edit, I've seen many an episode of Dragonball Z that has been screwed with in some way or something has been left out all together. I don't know how it is for any of the other series they show, but that is how it is, or at least was, for DBZ.

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I don't think that was CN though, but DIC (who were initially responsible for the dubbing) who decided to edit and digitally remove certain objectionable material (thus, Goku went to "HFIL").


As for Inuyasha (saw it Friday, couldn't post yesterday): wow.


Can't speak for accuracy of dub (having never seen the subbed version), but it held together really well.


The advantage of YTV's latenight slots for animé is that the shows are generally only minimally edited (and it's usually done in such a way that you can easily see just what was changed). The only downside is that they aren't advertised anywhere, so you have to either check YTV.com or TVGuide.


Beautifully animated, well-written, and an awesome soundtrack. Very cool. I'll definately be sticking around. I like how Kagome "spelled out" her name: "Ka-go-me" --they didn't have her romanize it as some dubs do.


Kagome's personality is a bit odd (impulsive, quick to adapt to "impossible" circumstances without freaking out), but then, I'm a bit odd myself, so it just seems pretty realistic.


Quote of the week:

Are those dog ears? . . . I want to . . . touch them. . .

*fondle fondle fondle*

Okay, now that that's out of my system. . .

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