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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/21/22 in all areas

  1. Yeah I think you might have misunderstood @ThunderPeel2001, it's 2022 and 3D is great now (even for adventure games!). It doesn't have the technical limitations we were forced to accept 20 years ago, which objectively harmed games that had so much more detail in 2D back then and needed to give that up. I guess we were all referring to a potential 3D take on CMI, which sounds like blasphemy to me, not 3D in general.
    2 points
  2. I can't see any comments on that post. But he's saying that he'd add the drawlines back into the backgrounds if the characters were also 2D, but for 3D he'd leave them out? That makes sense. As for the 2D vs 3D stuff - for my part, I'm only anti-3D in the specific case of a COMI remaster. 3D animation in general can absolutely be just as fantastic as 2D. And like I say, if they want to do a 3D remake of COMI, good for them (although the game wasn't designed for it so I feel like it would be a cost-saving measure rather than a creative one). But I personally want a faithful 2D remaster, so if they did a 3D remake at the expense of that, I'd be very disappointed. And perhaps a 2D/3D remaster could match the quality levels of the original's art and animation, but it inherently wouldn't be preserving it. (Besides which, I suspect that simply doing some new art and replacing the original assets with it would simply clash too much against the artistic direction and general design of the game, no matter how gorgeous it is). Now what I would be very interested in is a 2D backgrounds/3D characters remaster of Escape From Monkey Island - imagine how gorgeous that game could look these days! (Also, while we're here, my ideal remaster of the first two games - not that I think they need it, I'm happy with the originals - would be to get them to match the Purcell cover-art style in a way that the low framerate doesn't clash and looks like someone flipping through a gorgeously illustrated storybook. No voice-acting. Stick with iMuse just with better samples. And I wouldn't mind Skunkape Games getting their hands on Tales, doing all their usual polish, plus replacing some of the re-used character models etc. And then get Size Five Games to make Monkey Island 6. There, easy!)
    1 point
  3. No, I mean Monkey6. All the MI games have their place and imo Tales had the best story. I think there's way more to be explored with the Voodoo Lady and that end credits scene. Mi3a would only diminish the value of MI2's ending as an unanswered question; the 30 years of speculation and crazy fan theories would all come to an end and knowing the secret will ultimately be disappointing, no matter what it is. No doubt, I'd be curious about it and a new Monkey Island game by Ron Gilbert would be fascinating, but I'm more invested in where the characters are post-Tales than going backwards just for an explanation that we don't need.
    1 point
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