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  1. I dearly hope that the Guybrush Dicknose drawing was only a joke! Otherwise RTMI will get a PG-18 rating!
    4 points
  2. Hi all! My name ie Benjamin and I come from Belgium. I have a side project to recreate the original manual of Monkey Island 1 in HD version. Why ? Because I found the manuals on the web not in a real good shape and I have a personal project based on the Big box of Monkey Island. If someone tells me it exists, my ears are opened So I have started to recreated it from scratch using the right fonts and the right dimensions. (It might be a bit larger here because I'm on a A5 template). I'm using Affinity Publisher. I have already created 5 pages of it and I'll share the final HD version of it if someone is interested ! Just let me know. And if someone wants to give a help, just drop me a MP. I'm a computer scientist not a designer so any help in creating it or cleaning the images from the manuals I've (adjust contrasts, lights, etc) might be interesting for the project. Stay tuned ! Have a good night ! EDIT 14/06/2022 Here are the link for the latest files and latest online version to comment Link to shared files https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1y2MQqnaUTx6K2VM611F09XCTwLzVyv5b?usp=sharing Link to comment latest version https://assets.adobe.com/id/urn:aaid:sc:US:799b14d4-5e4b-4bab-b703-5a42ad104a64?view=published
    3 points
  3. I hope it won't turn into Terminator Genisys either (if you saw that film then you know what I mean) but when it comes to adhering to canon I don't view that as super important. There are already examples of MI not caring about that too much and I don't think any of the inconsistencies really affected the stories on a whole. For example Herman getting retconned into being Grandpa Marley sure didn't feel right but it's also very much a case of "who cares?" Retcons can be handled well too if the refit just works and makes sense. I don't know how Murray is going to be in RTMI for example because I always just assumed that Guybrush "creates" him when he fires the cannon in Curse (and it's pretty obvious that's what happened too) but it can be different since we never saw that actually happening. Murray just being a skull of eeeevil even from before MI3 might even make more sense considering that the games always portrayed him embracing his skullness. As for the game being meta in general I'm really hoping for that. I don't want Thimbleweed Park levels of meta content with the whole point of the game being that but I always loved that aspect of MI 2. I don't want the world of MI to actually end up being a figment of Guybrush's imagination but I love the concept that it can be like that. It's a ton of fun to replay the games looking for all the elements that remind you of an amusement park and to try to figure out what kind of rides they could be for example. Lots of rollercoasters and haunted house rides for sure. In a way the meta stuff is what keeps MI timeless I think simply because people still talk about those things. It's a bit like how Cooper is at the end of Twin Peaks: there are lots of possible explanations, none of those will ever be confirmed and that's fun. Hey, maybe Guybrush has spent the last 30 years in an amusement park and in all games after Monkey 2 he was just played by a tulpa!
    2 points
  4. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a lot more new info at Pax East which is at the end of the week. According to the blog, Thimbleweed Park was doing voiceover in January and came out at the end of March. Of course, that game involved several different voice actors recording the same lines because you were playing multiple characters, so we might actually be closer to release if we assume that Guybrush still gets the most lines. Then again, we also don't know how big the game is (I'm hoping it's a decent size, we already know of 4 locations: The Carnival, Melee Island, Monkey Island and a new island where it snows) , so there are a few things to factor in there. I hope it comes out soon though, I'm dying to play it!
    2 points
  5. I can't unsee that now 🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  6. I'm sure it has more to do with building a hype than being worried about a backlash. That's the usual way games and movies are introduced. First you give a tease, revealing nothing of importance, then as the release date nears you slowly start to reveal things that are more relevant to the plot. Of course some people will like the new art style, others will hate it, others will start to hate it but learn to love it and vice versa. Anyway, in the interview with adventuregamers, Ron had this to say about the art style: So don't worry, I'm sure Guybrush won't look the way he does in that sketch.
    1 point
  7. The fact that they aren't showing Guybrush yet gets me nervous like they are worried about a backlash. But going by the characters in the screenshot its clear they are going for a high def version of the mi2 sprites. The dotted eyes and blocky faces. I'm preparing myself for a Guybrush with dotted eyes and angular head etc. I just hope he doesn't have the long neck and palm tree back hair like in the original sketch. No offence to the artist, they are very talented. I know its just a sketch but i hope the final look is a bit more detailed. Also can we finally have a Guybrush with darker hair and half grown facial hair? I really want something different from the curse of monkey island look.
    1 point
  8. I’m hoping for a release window and a screenshot of Guybrush this week!
    1 point
  9. Could be a nice touch, it’d be nice if it was toggalable (looking at you Sam and Max remasters.) Although, to be honest, to please everyone I think they’d have to put in a No Grandpa and No Monkey Combat mode too.
    1 point
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