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  1. Thanks for your insight, I totally get what you mean and I think it is exactly on point! For me, as a gamer and characters/plots lover, the story does matter in the sense that, it's one of the things that got me most immersed in the galaxy of the first three games. But absolutely, the humor this game offers is like a door that, when closed and opened again, can offer a different landscape and any thing is possible. If we get in meta-humor I suppose we can say that everything that happen in a fictional product is a product of imagination, but I guess I always chose not to believe that the whole plot/lore of MI could be all Guybrush's imagination because: Even though this can still be part of his private fictional world 😫😞😞
    3 points
  2. He mentions of her sister's doll house, when he looks at the bed of Wally's.
    2 points
  3. Just to recap: LeChuck had plans for Guybrush to make a chair off him then after he escaped he made a voodoo doll of him to send him to another dimension. It did not work well only send him in the next room. While doing the voodoo he brought up brothers story. Their (or guybrush's parents being around and voodoo doll that Guybrush made working implied they could be really brothers too. Then there's the theme park indications: the employees around, the the tunnels with electric lamps, rail road tracks. They all complete the theme park story and them being there to have fun. Guybrush wandered off and LeChuck went after him to agonize to avenge his toy. But on top of all that there's Elaine out saying LeChuck casting spell on Guybrush. So at what point would the spell be act ive? Even during the back story we see hints of eveything being in a theme park, tunnels to Rum Rogers' cottage are like the theme park tunnels (not the user ), also the cargo delivery guys seem like the theme park employees.
    2 points
  4. Regarding the debate about the new art style, expecially the "adult" aspect of the first two Monkey Island - which I also love - does not mean that it cannot be continued with this artistic direction as well. There is an image of Rex Crowe in particular that could be very suitable for explaining this concept: The style is similar the same of the new Monkey Island, and it is by no means "childish". On the contrary, it contains in a very elegant way a nuance of emotional states that could hardly be synthesized in a face drawn in a more traditional way.
    2 points
  5. Anyway I only have one "want" from Return to MI and it's not related to the story at all. I really miss the scale of MI2 from the later games, I'd love to see the structure of Act 2 (when you're looking for the map pieces) return where you can just go to all the islands whenever you want. Bigger and more complex is better.
    1 point
  6. Ron said it will be a solid pirate adventure in the adventure's interview. So we are good! And Willy Beamish! Oh my , only makes me remember disk swapping. On Amiga you had to swap disks 1000000 times. Disk 2 had something every part of games needed so it was hell.
    1 point
  7. It would be great, thanks! If you find the right dialogue option, please, share it here! I'm planning to replay MI1 and MI2 myself very soon!
    1 point
  8. When it comes to the idea of making Elaine into Guybrush's sister I can imagine Ron Gilbert just sitting in a room saying "I know what Monkey Island needs: incest!" So yeah, hard pass, how about Kate Capsize instead?
    1 point
  9. I finished MI1 last week and MI2 last night to quench my MI thirst while waiting Return and also to refresh the "canon" knowledge. It does not mean that she's not mentioned anywhere else. I will reload Dinky Island save and try all the combinations. The dialogues with LeChuck are so critical.
    1 point
  10. I haven't played MI2 for a long time, but I'm very certain that the sister is mentioned during Guybrush's conversation with LeChuck in the tunnels. She is mentioned in one of the dialogue options, but I don't quite remember if she is mentioned at the beggining of the last section of the game or when LeChuck lies on the floor defeated in the end. Monkey Island Wiki has this much to say: Little is known of Guybrush Threepwood's true origins. As a kid he loved to collect fireflies in a jar. He also had a Stretchy Strongman toy. He once mentioned that he (or rather his sister) owned a dolls house.
    1 point
  11. Yes. That was the part that gave me most hope when I first played it. But at what point that spell got cast? It has to be after they met where the X was otherwise when they met he was already under the spell. The cargo guys like theme part employees and the lights to the tunnels to the cottage in Phatt Island, are other hints that everything can be in a theme park. If spell is the reason we think there's a theme park, then it had to be cast even before.
    1 point
  12. I do understand the power of mystery and not having everything explained. However just throwing unexplained things into the end of an otherwise straightforward tale -- without explaining it when you're given the opportunity to -- feels very lazy. I also think it's very unfair to Larry Ahern and Jonathan Ackley to say their attempts at explaining it was the "worst writing" of the entire series. Most fans wanted an explanation, and they felt the pressure to provide one. That was definitely the more difficult path for them to take. (Not addressing it at all would have been easy, so I applaud them for trying.) There's a fine art to mystery. Not explaining things can be provocative and interesting... but it can also just be lazy. Throwing random elements into a story without explanation doesn't automatically make you David Lynch. I think one of the primary reasons people are so excited by the announcement of a new Ron Gilbert Monkey Island is because they're expecting to see his explanation.
    1 point
  13. Wouldn't something like that be too revealing though? Would you want to know what's in the briefcase in Pulp Fiction? Or how the Joker got those scars in The Dark Knight? I don't and I think not knowing what the secret is (pun intended) makes those elements really fun.
    1 point
  14. I thought it was a gravestone...
    1 point
  15. Hey is it me or is the shadow figure in the window (in the Melee Island screenshot) look very similar to the nurse sillhouette in the Day of the Tentacle opening?
    1 point
  16. Oh, I don't think they did sadly, for example that giant "explanation dump" you get from LeChuck near the end of Curse just might be the worst piece of writing in the entire series if you ask me (well if we don't count the oop-eek-aack stuff from Monkey Kombat :)). I'm absolutely fine with Curse just starting with Guybrush sitting on that dodgem at sea being "well that was wild but I got out", I think trying to explain away Monkey 2's ending was really bad because the people who liked that ending didn't want an explanation anyway. Monkey 2's ending is great because it gives you that whole new meta "interpretation layer" for MI but that's it, other than that it could be just some voodoo magic and that's fine, I don't need a detailed explanation on what and why happened.
    1 point
  17. Hmm. I'd say Deadpool was "meta", I wouldn't describe Monkey Island as being that. There were three other games after the end of MI2 that tied up that ending just fine, too. I think it's timeless for other reasons (although obviously fans have long wondered how Ron was going to resolve MI2's ending).
    1 point
  18. I can't unsee that now 🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
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