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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/24/23 in all areas

  1. I think we can make an exception for these posters in the name of art.
    3 points
  2. Here are three versions, cropped slightly on the sides to fit a 3:4 aspect ratio, in clean/logo/credits flavors.
    3 points
  3. Turns out that there are tools that can dig into the packed files of Unreal Engine games, and Sea Of Thieves is made in Unreal. So I've been digging around a bit! (Don't worry, I won't spoil anything unreleased) There's quite a lot of voice lines in there that weren't used in Episode 1, that refer to things that don't happen in Episode 1. So apparently they just added all the voicelines in the latest patch? Seems exciting. But the main reason I wanted to dig into the files was to find the menu music, and I think I've found it, even though the packed files are just named with random numbers. I also found some other good renditions of the main theme. I've uploaded them here for anybody interested (that link expires in a week I think, sorry, I couldn't think of another upload service). If you want to check out the files yourself, I used a program called FModel. It's slightly clumsy to use, but it works well enough. Make sure you extract it somewhere instead of running it from the downloaded zip, because it will create some files next to the executable. When you open the program, it should show a popup where you can select a game, and it should list Sea Of Thieves if you have it installed. It may need an encryption key, I forget, but that's easy to find with Google, and can be added through 'Directory' -> 'AES'. Then in the 'Archives' tab, scroll all the way down until you see the file 'wem-WindowsClient.pak' (the 'WindowsClient' part is probably different if you play on another platform). Double-click that, and it should switch to the 'Folders' tab. Expand the entries there until you get to 'Experimental' and 'Mojo'. The Monkey Island stuff is in the 'Mojo' subfolder. Open that, and double-click the final entry in the tree, called 'Windows'. It should switch to the final tab and show a list of files each named a random number with the extension '.wem'. These are sound files. To play one, open the 'Packages' menu and make sure 'Auto Open Sounds' is enabled, and then double-click a random file in the list. A popup should open that plays the sound (on repeat, pause is in the topleft of the popup). Double-clicking another '.wem'-file in the main window adds that file to the audio player windows' playlist. You can also select multiple files and quickly double-click to add the selection to the player's playlist. You can also right-click the 'wem-WindowsClient.pak' file in the middle tab and select 'Extract Folder's Packages' to add all files to the Audio Player's playlist. In the playlist, you can right-click an entry to save it, or click 'Save playlist' to save all of them. Not that this plays each file before saving it, so it'll take a LOOONG time. A quicker way to get the soundfiles out, is to open the 'Packages' menu and disable 'Auto Open Sounds', and then in the 'Folders' tab right-click the 'Windows' item and select 'Extract Folder's Packages'. This creates a bunch of .wem files in the folder where you put the FModel executable, inside the 'Output' subfolder and some nested subfolders. To play .wem audiofiles, the vgmstreamer project has some plugins for music players, and those can handle .wem files. That's... a bit more text than I thought I was gonna type. Hopefully it's all clear, and if not, I'll try to make it clearer.
    2 points
  4. This was exactly what i wanted it to be. A more immersive Melee island that feels like a real place rather than a collection of screens. Don’t get me wrong that works perfectly in a p&c game but it is nice to actually be able to climb around to see all the nooks and crannies and to view the places i’ve loved visiting in the past from all different angles. Minor gripe but locke smith’s locksmith should definitely have been present at this point in time and wallys map shop definitely shouldn’t have. Off the top of my head i can’t think of anybody that felt mischaracterised (apart from guybrush but that’s kind of the point.) Everybody felt like they’d just stepped out of the amiga and into the xbox. Here’s hoping that stan, carla, meathook and smirk all get similar treatment next month. The puzzles felt closer to a p&c game then i assumed they would. The limitations of the game being built on an engine not designed for this sort of thing were obvious but i think this is as good as we could have hoped for and while very VERY easy, (in some cases i’d figured out what a puzzle was going to be and solved it before it even presented itself) it was still fun. The story isn’t much yet but it has potential and there’s enough there that i really want to know where it’s going. Guybrush living in his own idealised version of reality but somehow becoming a reclusive nutcase because of it works for me as a set up and needing to snap him out of it so he can take us to monkey island is a fun cliffhanger for part 2. Everything just came together to make a fun, charming, relaxed experience. I obviously wouldn’t advocate for future games to use this formula but i’m very glad we have this as a side experience. Roll on part 2
    2 points
  5. Now I want a version of The Orient Express with Sam and Max instead of Poirot. Everything else remains the same.
    1 point
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