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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/24/24 in all areas

  1. Wait, why did I never realize that there are two versions of this painting?? And the first one looks final enough to be used. Did they just realize they needed a narrower aspect ratio? Why repaint it, though, instead of cropping it?
    3 points
  2. Oh right, haven't posted it here yet. I've added this to the project: For this I've used scans of both the FM Towns box and CD cover. With a bit of machine learning magic I've trained the smaller (but textless) image against the larger one, thus upscaling the smaller one to a similar level-of-detail. That and some manual touch-up and clean-up.
    1 point
  3. That’s cool! Wish the PDF had been exported at higher res. Wish the real print was one was available digitally somewhere.
    1 point
  4. I think I know what feels off to me now. It's the acting. The voice isn't all that bad, although it's definitely no Harrison Ford, but the acting just isn't Indy. The way Indy talks in this trailer sounds more Nathan Drake-ish (or in this case, his brother from part 4) than Indiana-ish.
    1 point
  5. As a huge Uncharted fan, my first thought (and most likely the one of many, many others) playing those games was "imagine an Indiana Jones game like this". But then again, for Indy you would at least have to get rid of all the shooting, because that's not Indiana Jones. He's more like the guy with an empty revolver. And when losing long-range combat like that, it only makes sense to lose the long-range perspective as well. Close combat warrants a close-up perspective, so the first-person view is indeed a better fit. Granted, I wouldn't have minded a third-person game at all, but then again, Uncharted did it so well (the controls, the procedural animations, character detail), it would have been disappointing to see a franchise that's so dear to my heart (Indy, in this case) not reaching the same heights.
    1 point
  6. I really like the machinegames Wolfenstein games, they are good at making pulpy action adventures where you beat up a bunch of ridiculous nazis who are up to absurd genre-influenced shenanigans. Seems like a good fit. I love a first person single player campaign too so I’m looking forward to that. It’d be cool to see an Indy game in the exact mold of Uncharted or Tomb Raider but I’m also glad that they’re trying to differentiate themselves from that.
    1 point
  7. Fantastic arrangement of an already fantastic original. Listening to this brought back so many fond memories! Fate of Atlantis was actually my first iMuse / nonstop-music experience from Clint/Peter/Michael, since I‘ve played it before Monkey 2. I remember being completely overwhelmed by this back then!
    1 point
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