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Status Updates posted by Master_Archon

  1. Oh wow, wasn't expecting to hear from you....Ever. Lol!


    I mean no harm, but you said it yourself, you really should visit more often! It's still a pleasant after birthday surprise though! :whtsmile:



    I can't for the life of me remember which server I'm on, never really pay attention (and I don't play too much). "Yours"? Plural? Heh, nah, only one character for me right now, not that I don't want to play with more, I just only have one is all (and he's still low level). Thanks for offering to take me on as a sidekick, I'd like to get "geared up", lol!


    I don't know anything about the events that are occurring, but I'd love to take up your offer! I'll get back to you with the server I'm on, hopefully one of the ones you're on. Till next time though!


    Edit: Well, unfortunately I'm not on either of the servers you're on. I'm on the Ebon Hawk.....But if you're still up for playing then I'll see what I can do!

  2. You're very much welcome Chev! I too am looking forward to it.

  3. You love making things difficult for me don't you!? - Just Kidding!


    Sure, I'll get on that. Also, the thought came to me, the spy that you guys are interrogating is perfect for setting up a reason for the Purge to know of our little group (if only a little), and give a sensible explanation as to how they know of us/are following us/or are going in our general direction/etc. blah blah blah, you get the idea.


    Also, should I have the Leader send in the Purge army to wipe out the slums (plus the whole city) like, almost immediately, causing everyone in the tavern to high-tail it out of the city and conveniently end up together?


    You know you want to! *evil grin*

  4. Yo Jasra, just thought I'd say hi, was reading some old RP's that we were in (my personal favorite being the Star Wars: Shadow Wars RP FFWM12 made :] ) and it got me all nostalgic, missin' the good ol'days!


    Also, although I'm not very high in level, I have a character on TOR if you're interested in knowing and you wanna do something. Of course I know you've got plenty of others here on the LF forums that you probably play with, just thought I'd throw it out there as a side note, just in case *shrugs* .

  5. You may not have been on since February of this year....But as an old RP'ing pal and friend of mine, you deserve a visitor message!


    And so I say: "Hello! Long time, no talk! Miss you, laterz!"

  6. RIGHT!!! I'll get to making the character sheet of the Purge Leader ASAP!


    Hopefully someone will post so that I may post the city being turned into fiery death!


    Or else I'm gonna have to edit it into my last post.... -_-;

  7. I MIZZ YOUZ!!!!!


    That is all.

  8. It's alright, I understand you were just compensating for the lack of someone making a pilot character. I'll draw up the characer sheet soonish, just one question, would you mind if he's Hanar? :lol:

  9. Whether serious or jesting, you should be, oh, you should be.

  10. Sometime tomorrow when I get home from work, tonight's too late for me, or at least I've gotten to the point of relaxation and laziness that I just don't want to do anything, lol!

  11. At ease soldier, no need to celebrate.


    Technically I never left, I've been lurking around the forums since I've "been gone". There's simply no activity on the DTC worth drawing me out. So yeah.

  12. Lol, didn't think you knew what S.A.D. was. Guess I was wrong! (-JK...kinda) :)

  13. Like I said, we'll see, I make no promises, and I give no guarantees, thus my deliberation.

  14. Yo, the RP is going great, but you haven't been posting....? Archon is concerned, yes, that is what he is.

  15. Lol, yes well, thank you all the same, at least you noticed! :D

  16. :lol: Yep! Ah, thanks, like I said, no big deal if you didn't want to go through with it, I had other characters lined up for use in the same spot/position.


    Here's to some future kicks and giggles out of our Hanar pilot. ;)


    Edit: I suggest you edit that one post accordingly, don't want people getting confused when I start posting in as this random Hanar pilot when they're expecting someone named Ghost. Lol. (Let me guess where you got that name, hm? Modern Warfare 2?)

  17. Ok, ok, sorry, I'll get on it.

  18. I would, but I don't exactly like the fact that I was pretty much pushed out of the last two I joined.


    The first time was probably more or less my fault, but the second I was left hanging waiting for a reply from Kol (controlled by you) that never came. I also wanted to establish the 'Nex Venators' more firmly within those two RP's so that in future RP's the organization would have a place in the storyline in future RP's (like JM12's Avalonian race, etc.), but that little endeavor failed with me getting pushed out of the RP's.


    So tell me Alkonium, would I really be welcomed back to the eighth installment, or will I yet again be left by the wayside? If so, it's just best I don't rejoin at all. Then again, if you really do want me to come back, fine.

  19. I kinda made Slate take charge of the situation, if that's alright with you Sky? So as to progress things, and get everyone going to Ossuss (to get the proverbial ball rolling and such :) !).


    Seeing as Phantom has been gone awhile, and probably wont be able to take the role of Cade in commanding the others around, and making the decisions, and such until he comes back (which I assume won't be for awhile).


    Nevermind everything! I was wrong, he's back, right on time too, might I add. So, I guess.....I don't know. Still, Slate took charge, hope that's not too bad? :whtsmile:

  20. Yes I did, sorry for not responding.


    I have some questions, but I'll send you those in a PM, other than that, I think taking Sethos as my own would be just fine! :D

  21. No....Why do you ask?

  22. No. Never. Never again shall I RP with you. You have crushed and wounded my fragile creative heart for the last time.


    Lol!! I kid, of course, I'm not upset about the Purge dying or anything.... -_- .....Wait! Yes I am. Lol.


    Ah, but seriously, I have missed your RP's :whtsmile: ! I will consider the RP, I need some time to deliberate if I even have the mental faculties at the moment to manage as many characters as I'm churning around in my head right now (Already playing two in one of Chev's RP's, and planning on making a third character for it). Not to mention I've got real life, which now involves my very physically and mentally fatiguing job of landscaping, where-as before I was in a mediocre job that involved nothing more than spacing out and dealing with the human masses (not my favorite thing to do, as I view most common people as ding-dongs), where spacing out afforded me time to sort my thoughts and plan things out for the RP's I participated in.

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