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Everything posted by Totenkopf

  1. *laughs as you fall into hot fryer grease when you overestimate your jump* :devsmoke:

  2. These days....who knows. ;) Obviously I didn't see that page. :xp:

  3. The eyes make the pic. Don't edit them unless it's to make them look even more insane. :p

  4. I'm not you, so I have no idea. :xp: If you want to have a serious discussion, send a pm.

    However, the Joker is a fictional charachter, which is why it seems like you are really reaching to say that the point of the poster is to imply the Joker is a socialist.

  5. Seems like you're reading waayyy to much into it. But, whatever floats your boat. ;)

  6. Agree w/what? That the joker was a socialist? :giveup:

  7. I'm afraid you'll have to take that up with the artist. Good luck tracking him down. ;)

  8. Immoral trafficker in human vice. :xp:

  9. Artistic liberties it would seem. I saw it and thought it funny....kinda like how others portrayed Bush as Hitler, though I don't recall Bush being German/Austrian....;)

  10. So, who's the avi of?

  11. So, was this a 2X promotion or just w/in KC? Haven't been in the Senate for awhile. I guess they gave you the keys to the executive washroom. :p

  12. Check the rules or maybe ask D333 or Jae, etc...in a pm. However, since it's an edited version of someone else's smilie, you might be required to get some kind of permission or they might not be interested. No harm in trying. though.

  13. Well, maybe you should submit it for official smilie status with a brief explanation. I know DI was perplexed by it....

  14. So, where'd you lift the crossed-arms watson smilie from anyway?

  15. No problem. Never be a doormat for anyone. ;)

  16. Nice avi. How long you keeping this one?

  17. No wonder Jae slammed her head against a wall. :D Also, if the kid in the video you posted in the Swamp were doing that for real, his parents'd need a swift case of foot up @ss.

  18. Well, it does kind of make you go....sob, wtf....who knew. I'm guessing you didn't know her way back when, just that she was from the same 'hood. Well, at least the b@stard finally got caught.

  19. Ok, thought you were from a West Coast state.

  20. Where do you live?

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