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Everything posted by Totenkopf

  1. Just remember.....you break it and he breaks you. ;)

  2. Mandalore has agreed to lend you his personal Basilisk for your Bday.



  3. Well, if ya need any ammo, let me know.... :D

  4. [astro]Tali is a bit too whiny and obsessed with the approval of others.[/astro]

    You must defend Tali's honor from Astro... :xp:

  5. I think the link might be broken....or my browser don't like you. :xp: Whose album was it supposed to be from (I'll check it there)?

  6. "...taking the fun out of life for 600 million years"

  7. So, what's the avatar say under TAXES?

  8. Which was....?*

    *Nevermind, just saw your post in the threads.

  9. this seems to be right up your alley:

  10. check it now (copied it from album to thread)

  11. That "Oh, Snap!" pic in the ME thread.....where's it from?

  12. Well, I thought several of them merely looked normal. We had a bit of a butterfaced teacher where I went to high school. Nice body, but an unexceptional face. Being that it was an all boys high school, the body was enough to keep a lot of the guy's attentions. :p

  13. Who did you feel were unfairly maligned? But yeah, photoshop is their "friend", though we know how fickle that can be. :dev8:

  14. Hmm.... butterface:http://www.doubleviking.com/top-10-celebrity-butterfaces-4651-p.html

  15. Never quite understood the fixation on Tali, at least phyically. Afterall, aren't the Quarians supposed to be lizard-like humanoids (at least judging from their limbs)?Thought Prime's take was pretty funny...:D

  16. Since you're using the HAL avi...

  17. Actually found that link I mentioned. Don't know why I didn't look for it sooner.. http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/astropix.html

  18. No, I think he's got enough humility to appreciate a genuine compliment whatever its source.

  19. Amen, brother, amen. :p

  20. Just read up on the Aliens thread. Remind me not to cross Darathy on anything concerning Egypt. :p

  21. I'm guessing you (pre-?)ordered the Collector's edition?

  22. You're correct, I read it too quickly and missed that. Still, he did do a good job making him look more sinister, though.

  23. Was looking through mod nomination thread. That was some nice detail work on Goto's yacht and you made Malak actually look malevolent.

  24. Yeah, I knew she did a number (some in this link here: http://www.listal.com/video/5305043 ), just not about your girl Samus. Tried to see if I could find any vids of Samus speaking to see how she sounded, but all I found were either music vids or pic tributes to the character before I stopped looking.

  25. Then you aren't really the boss......are ya? :D Sucks to be a thrall....

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