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Darth Avlectus

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Status Updates posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Some do it on purpose. The sullen ultra anti-social. Or self absorbed. Or...just...weird.

  2. Sometimes your (and Darathy's) posts about faith are inspirational. :)

  3. Sonny Chiba, eh? I like him.

  4. Sooo, you still come around these parts eh?

  5. Sort of. Sort of not...

  6. Starship cobras the inspiration for your custom user title? I like those guys.

  7. Start a thread onnit, should liven up the tech section a bit. Did halfway consider seeing if my MSI Z77A-GD65 mobo could fit in my T5274 case but even if it could it'd be crammed tight. I'm glad I got the mobo when I did. Apparently now hard to find, alone. It was a recommendation by PC Gamer mag. It has an easy OC option. Not sure I want to mess with it too long, though. 3.4Ghz seems fine to me. My wallet is tighter than a dolhpin's ass end right now cuz I'm nearly $2k in the hole. Probably gonna be payin' that $h!t off for the whole year.

  8. Still kicking around much? *BARF*

  9. Stir it up in ahto with my new thread. :xp:

  10. Stop script and adblock have saved me some major headaches. Thank you for making that suggestion even though it was to someone else. My Firefox loves me now.

  11. Stuff and more stuff.

  12. Sure I'll wear those. Besides, monkey boy can fend for himself.

  13. Sure, just keep in mind I live in Cali, which is basically a socialist foreign country.

  14. Take great care if you do. :)

  15. Takes a bit of audacity. Courage. Don't worry, I'm around if you ever want to try again.

  16. Tech Discussion. I'd be very much interested in your input when you have the time. :D

  17. Tell me something, does your shake concoction include whiskey?


  19. Temari: PREVERT! PERVERT! PERVERT! <takes out large purple 'toy' and starts beating you with it>

  20. Thank SD Nihil--he showed Izarc to me in the first place.

  21. Thank you for indirectly letting me know what an ass I was being in the revan novel spoiler thread. ;)

  22. Thank you for your nomination. Now onward! We shall make asshats out of ourselves as we take hot chainsaws to cut through butter!

  23. Thank you good sir! How've you been? Xat has been pretty dead lately.

  24. Thanks bro. Oh and I think I finally found an o-scope I want. Tektronix 465. I was going to go for the one at carl's electronics but this looks like it'd be potentially a better deal. Also, do power transformers in stereos make for suitable iso transformers in the long run?

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