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Darth Avlectus

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Everything posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. Quite sad indeed.


    You have it right.


    I know it does happen all the time. That whole thing in asia about their cartels, and how they are prostituting children. It's just sickening. I guess I should not be surprised to hear about africa and other parts of the world...3rd world countries...involved on it as well.


    Sometimes I wonder where mankind is headed. Y'know?

  2. Frankly, I wish people on all levels recognized and followed that.


    Kind of why my family is considered black sheep (or jackasses if you prefer :xp:) form the rest.


    Spiritual that is, more than religious. Very proactive as well I might also add.


    What do you make of the general attitudes towards it in the modern day world?

    I would say...most people are lost from it, honestly. An age of universal apathy and laziness. It does bother me.


    True there is that which we have no control over, however, that is a very small portion of our lives. I am learning attitude and perspective has more influence upon this than I ever imagined possible.

  3. Ugh. Well, now I have heard it all.


    Admittedly, now that I dreg up memories...I remember a certain female schoolmate. Seemed bright. Chip on her shoulder. I heard a rumor (which I didn't believe) in 8th grade she went out and bonked and she was only 13. I only saw her once after that rumor started... :(


    I feel sorry for what you have had to see in your life. True enough though, you just get numb and used to it after awhile.



    My bungholio it goes rang-lang-lango-pppppprrrrapapapapapaaaaaaaaaaa!!!



  5. Say what is your impression of this mandatory digitization thing (I knew about it on '04, but that's 'cuz I'm an electronics freak) that was supposed to happen today?

  6. I AM CORHOLIO! I need TP for my bungholio!


    Do you have olio?!


    My people, we have but one bunghole. From where I come from, there is no TEEPEE.


    I come here to command you: GIVE ME YOUR TEEPEE! I AM CORNHOLIO!

  7. Are you threatening me?! I am cornholio! You will give me candy! Rolios!



  8. WOW. Fascinating... I guess I know what I will watch on http://www.anivide.com :D

    --I usually go there to see stuff for free before I buy. We could all use something like that in these times.


    If it is absolutely as captivating as you made it sound, I think I will buy it. Thanks!

  9. I am a little bit un-savy even for anime I do like and know. Yeah I'm not an uber conniseur myself.


    So I wouldn't mind if you made me privy. :xp:

  10. Garry's mod? The samus skin for half life 2? Awesome! I downloaded me a copy of that. Samus is hawt. Speaking as a LOOOONG time fan. ;)


    Now just to get the game. LOLZ

  11. Curious, fellow MK fan... Who is that in your avatar? :)

    Morrigan Aensland?

  12. Uhhm. Okay.


    (turns to stewart and friends): Trick or treat, sonofabitch!

  13. What's the happs? Say, I wanted to hear what you thought and believed on the importance of self sustaining. If you wouldn't mind?

  14. Are you threatening me?!


    You do not want to face the wrath of my bunghole! The streets will flow with the blood of the nonbelievers!

  15. I AM CORNHOLIO! You must give me your teepee!

  16. Uh. OK. MY bad. It's late--which reminds me I gotta get up at 6:30 in the morning--and it is 1:06 now.






  17. ?????????What is that? Never heard of it...


    --Pretty boy. :lol:

    (C'mon, ain't U got a comeback? No girl gonna respect a guy who doesn't have confidence!!!):D

  18. What up? :) U a fan? U might comment on my blog.


    The one and only blog as of this point I have ever written...I think...

  19. Uhuhuhuhuh-huhuh. Uhh, what's your problem, dill weed? uhuhuhuh. Like, Get your own Spank Magazine or something. Uhuhuhuh.

  20. I must say, it's been awhile since I've been called upon by another to use my 'mushware' to effect and actually think.


    (Sacking): Whether you will shred me apart, make your case, etc. from here... I must say you spruced up my hour, regardless. :)



  21. I promise I haven't forgotten about our conversation.


    How art thou? Good I hope?

    BTW--I just saw iron man for the first time. Did you ever see it?


    Check ya l83r. ;)



  22. Components? REally? --You ever visit http://www.repairfaq.org by any chance?


    I'm into fencing and kendo. The crowds of the two are not too civilized--especially to each other I might also add.

  23. Actually I need some new containers and boxes. I forsee a major yard sale happening in the spring.

  24. OK--that last one is edited--so anyone else who didn't see it won't. :D


    I'd guess you are about my age though.


    So far as finding stuff, yeah. I go too much. Trying to get rid of some...need any salvaged electronic components? JK


    I'm going to go out of town today. While I'm out I'm not sure if I should buy either a new multimeter, or a new practice sword.


    In the meantime I gotta shower and take my dog for a walk.


    Just besure and watch for the cat:

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