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Everything posted by Darth Avlectus
You ever seen or played the "frustration" version of super mario 1???
*Hillarious* preview of what you get here
if you want to download and play here:
I have a hard time at spot 3:35 in vid. I got too frustrated after spot about 4:36 on video and haven't tried since.
Its actually only 4 levels long, BUT, once you beat it you can play (as I saw in other videos) other even more frustrating levels. Just toggle the levels using whatever you have for "B" button at the title after beating it just like the original... If that doesn't put a hemmoridge in your blood vessels...you're rock solid.
Another fun looking one Air Mario
Though not as suicidal nor mind bogglingly complex as
What do you think?
That strategy is admirable. However it gets tougher as you get older and more options become available. And unforeseen circumstances pile up.
You like buying games once they hit the bargain bin? Not bad.
Same thing as myself. I've bought games new, only to be disappointed.
I'm not so much "into" Manson anymore...just sounds kind of nice...then again I know nihilists and atheists who simply cannot stand it for any reason whatsoever.
I'll just list stuff off. How's that?
Ah, radio. A respectable medium. It's as inviting for imagination and informative as reading, and yet as vibrant and dynamic as TV of older times, more-so even. (Not that dreg we see now mind you.) Tell me, are you in the slightest a conservative? I'm independent. I have conservative values. Bottom line ought to be core principles, not bottom dollar, though.
Same here, cannot quite define it either. Sounds good, claim it.
I'm oldschool as well. But you know, having all the music you want isn't everything. Lately I'm telling myself more and more when wanting to buy something--is it really worth it in the long run? Having good credit is much more valuable than having the next game to play--there is only so much usability in such things.
Lemme name off some stuff I have: ICP, MegaDeth, Ozzy and stuff (ozzfest)--which I became a bit disillusioned with, manson (yes, I know, not befitting a conservative valued type of independent, nor that of a guy who at least celebrates Jesus and what he stood for--call it highschool sentimental), and a whole bunch of stuff I can't remember right now.
Vixy has been having some responsivity problems, no doubt it's due to my having vista... MAC osx 10 and higher works, xp works...maybe linux...
I'm not to the point of swimming in all my S*** but closing in onnit. I'm in need of scavenging components from the building of chasis and electronic carcasses littering my workbench. That's one major step.
Either yesterday the 17th or today is the 7 year anniversary of getting zapped with an arc welder. Effects of which I felt until late '07. (Lessened heat sensitivity). I'll never forget the "fire hot plus razor-barb wire sharp" like sensation through my upper body.
Yeah, my computer's hardware (as is the norm from what I understand of new gen vista-ite computers now) has no hardware dirvers to support XP. >:[
It's screwing with my kotor tool, badly. But I have barely time on the weekends for it. I have several ideas.
You mod at all?
I was thinking of going back to school. I never realized I was missed there, either. That and I'm guessing their perspectives need challenging.
Nadda much. You?
I'm currently extracting stuff outta my room, clutter n' all. Tomorrow I get the day off from work in order to do some home improvement. That and I'm trying to figure out how to work tha KOTOR tool...and find some more modest, free .TGA editors and stuff--I don't exactly have $500 for photoshop. PLus I be havin problems since I'm on Vista. Amongst other stuffz.
Whatchoo been up to? Had any good energy drinks lately?
I have some stuff of my own, though my dad has most of it.
What kind of stuff you like? Metal, rock, bizzare music?
I'm mostly into videogame music but I have some real music.
Also if you like something on youtube, go to vixy.net. Though I would caution since this has a whole load of problems which I can get into if you want.
My sitch is that we are still in CD format. I don't mind lugging all that since I'm the young and strong one--the rhodey. However, I cannot always be there and my father has had an illness making him even more disabled that he has been in the past; hence we are moving with the times to porta drives and Mp3/Mp4 players.
No, can't say that I have.
Neat little site I can bookmark now. Thanks.
I doubt 99.98% of folks care enough about this stuff anymore, BUT, I like messing around with electronic components and lasers. http://www.repairfaq.org
At the very least, it's kinda neat to crack open dead appliances for components.
Also, in my little town we have what I believe to be the first ever of its kind: http://www.theenergydrinkoutlet.com/ That's right. Dude had the idea what with all the energy drinks there are out there to open a distribution franchise. It has taken off. Now he's marketing online, and he's soon going to open a second outlet near University of Nevada Reno. Over 200 brands of energy products!
I go in occasionally. I just wish he'd get some Mana Energy potion next!
I think he'll make it big.
Caesar salad! fireman's recipe status yo.
With a drink of Cintron energy drink. My kidneys and liver hurt more than that if I had drank beer. Otherwise dinner was good. Was yer pizza good?
Meh, just saying. Political subdivision is never a good thing.
Glad yer X mas was good. Snow = sorely needed income from snowblowing and shoveling. Unfortunately, it has gon from cold to warm and cold several times. So now it's all just one big chunk of ice everywhere here.
I got weapons and clothes. LOLZ
Yeah? You have quite a history. What a life. You're much more educated than I. I'd like to be more college educated. However, you're all too aware of some of the afflictions in the USA.
This is probably the most of my activity socially online--that and youtube.
I do like to visit http://www.repairfaq.org (referring to the microwaves and fixing what goes wrong), I learned most of my knowledge about electronics, electrical, and lasers from this site.
I'm into way too many things for my own good. I have some college though no degree. I'm into weapons and tools obviously, some anime/manga, some videogames. I'll maybe dabble in M.U.G.E.N. and some ROM hacking--which are legal, best I can determine provided you give credit to original producer and do not infringe on money either. Like modding-also an option. Lately I am seeking out the martialist way (into which martial arts and sciences both fall).
Hi. What up? I thought I'd get acquainted since you appear as a friend to some of my friends. So ye like KOTOR? Ye like Jedi Knight?
We's can speak about whatever you damn well please.
Anywho, I be seein' ya around. Talkatcha l83r
Hi. Well I must say, your scientific mind as well as prowess impresses me. I'm glad to hear someone around here has at least some idea of eugenics and other pseudosciences as well as machinations of manipulators behind institutions. You are rather well versed. What kind of science and technology are you into?
'Ey...uh...look as far as stuff goes, I think we be cool if we just stick to games and away from politics. Maybe other things. Anyhoo, I see you are more on the JK outcast part more...and since things are taking a bit of a nose dive in the kotor area I figure it is time to branch out.
How you been? You had a good X-mas? A happy new year?
Hey there TC, what's up?
Well, all's I have to say is that those who block others for one disagreeing argument in one thread, as I see achie-llies is considering doing to me, that it speaks badly for their character.
I hold nothing against him. I even see his point. Still, I can tell how he is downplaying things to otherwise make me look like a jerk. And doing whatever else he can do for furthering his agenda elsewhere.
He sees no reason to acknowledge that religion, spirituality, and faith are not necessarily one and the same. Then disassembling whatever argument can be made. From that point.
I find it curious, though, for putting people on the ignore list, some people here can't help but to track adversaries' every little move, every day. How pretentious.
Anyway, I'm glad to make your acquaintance.
I'm a bit under thew weather right now.
That and I'm cleaning the major accumulated mess around my workbench which so happens to be next to my computer desk. Which all happens to be in my room. I got too much stuff and too little space.
What have you found on the mods I mentioned......anything?
I can send you pics if that can help--but it'll take some time.
Also I'm making my own lightsaber too.
Check these sites
and then there are some others out there
http://www.advanced-light.com (pretty pennies mate!)
http://www.doclocustomsabers.com (I want me a nihilus saber!!!)
Look I meant nothing offensive with that whole DJ question on youtube. I was just trying to be funny. Just trying to get to know the guy in charge of filefront who authored all those cool mods and hosts for everyone else.
No hard feelings?
On a side note I believe you to be the type (far above that of the average person) to appreciate Dilbert. I have not watched the cartoon much, but I did read the "Dilbert Principle" some time back.
[Query]: Have you read anything of the dilbert principle? I think it is rather profound in its analysis of human nature and thought. Paraphrase:"we would like to believe we think things through before we make a decision...reality is, we don't." While I don't strictly agree with this, it would explain a lot of amusement I have come to glean from stupidity. Which is precisely why I like being a jackass... sometimes.
Also, no matter what, we are all idiots in some way. It's simply unavoidable. So when somebody calls me an idiot, I just simply laugh. They have no idea how true it is of me, and of themself!!!
[Musing]:The kicker is that the humorous side of its material is totally based off of the ridiculousness of reality. Those bizarre cubicle stories...
You sounded like you had a point with how much christianity steps upon its own toes. I'd be very much interested to see your sentiment. What faith are you of? I'm non denominational. The contradicting infighting in fact drove my dad to become a non-denominational minister. While it has made my immediate family the black jackasses of the extended family...I think it's a step in the right direction.
He's married couples of other ethnicities wanting to break their boundaries. I.E. a traditional chinese woman and a traditional indian man married through him. We're not culture sensitive, yet we're not bigoted against outside cultures either. Our married in a bhuddist temple church and invited us. Frankly it wasn't all that different from modern christian weddings short sweet and to the point. My father actually insisted we sit close to the front. Our dentist was all the more grateful for it.
Point being: feel free to rail at great length about christianity and its mistakes.
ND="endie"...Just a tweaked out version of ender.
So I guess you can pass on the fun! It's one of those stumper things that's so simple one trips over it practically every time the first time.
I think once I played the VG based upon a book from the series Andrew is from:)
One guy I knew in HS liked the series too. (shrugs)
All that talkin' and I fell asleep B4 I got to say to ya, Merry X mas. So, belated merry X mas. Wherever that hot place is you live at.
Hm. Can't find any youtube on it... Any specific place online I could find it?
...whoa, U like Man5on? Kewl! I have the "lest we forget--best of" album, antichrist superstar, holy wood, and golden age of grotesque. What albums you have?
Uhuhuhhh...bawlz. You tried the root beer version? Or cherry?
How about mana energy potion?