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Darth Avlectus

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Everything posted by Darth Avlectus

  1. That was like the clip of james earl jones voice over fun. Pretty amusing.


    I have some ideas for my more serious TOR characters, though that looks like an idea for my jackass tor characters.

  2. Aww. But I was willing to play nice with mr caviar. :p

  3. Grand Theft Auto wasn't 'relevant', as when I made that name and first joined LF I was in a rather different period of my life than I am now. Also now that their fates are no longer uncertain, Revan and Exile no longer had the obscurity that allowed everyone to call them (and have them) their own way...I was without a SW identity.

  4. I'm sure you could even find it on the most current page in the name change thread. Feedback zone. :D

  5. Dammit Beavis, quit messing around. We have to show that boss dude you can't work so you can get that, uhh, free money from worker's constipation or something.

  6. Ah yes it has been years since I have looked upon Earl Sinclair.


    "Knock the momma" as I remember baby dinosaur used to say.

  7. I was speaking more to the abstinence aspect because it prevents you from getting turned on. Or it kills the mood if you're already doing the hot momma.

  8. DOWN! NO! BAD! In that case it's a form of abstinence, too.

    ...ok I'm going to wager a guess: You have never screwed some woman who is already a mother and had the kid walk in while you two were F***ing?


    I never had a mood killer so fast in my life or at a more inopportune time.

  9. T_T I has a sad. Children are a form of birth control.


    My D is sad...cuz...you made me mad you big floppy fish, you! (if you get the reference)

  10. i is a 16 yr old fapping to ur av pic u said u hav pudding i luv pudding :p

  11. Looks goofball enough for me. :devsmoke:

  12. Sci Am was ready to not allow him to write for them because he believes evolution is compatible with creationism as a tool of it.


    It may not be completely 'cogent', true. Still, this shows me not all people in science will completely shun religion. Hell, DI sounded like my dad finishing "Zeitgeist" with "is a complete load of bull****"

  13. What do you think of this quote?

    "Open-minded skepticism is a hallmark of proper science. Science becomes faith when it is not subject to critical review. Seems to me there's too much faith in science and not enough in God." Forrest M. Mims III

  14. BTW what do you plan on doing guild wise? Server wise? While part of me wants to tag along with LF, I am desirous of my own sort of gig. Got a couple friends who will be later joiners as well. When I'm ready, I'll let people know.

  15. My malgus statue will be around long after the server no longer hosts this game, years from now. And done--I have the box of the game sitting right next to me.


  16. I could *try* with this thing I'm using right now (eMachines T5274), but it would require a stronger power supply and a compatible Radeon GPU card, but the way this was designed I hear it would "bottleneck" or something. (great, more lingo to learn)


    Oh believe me, I thought about cheaper, but being that I am an esoteric collector of sorts, that Malgus statue tweaked my consideration. Then when I hear about a special shop nobody else gets to go to, that settled it. Plus it isn't everyday I am the envy of my friends, but this is only a side perk since I'm really not much for ego.

  17. I'm guessing you're a jedi knight/et.al. I did not know Angral had a son. I have no doubt you'll encounter Angral. He comes accross as overconfident and more political than physical. You can probably expect a trick or two up his sleeve, but shouldn't be too much trouble to handle. Ah yes and in 3 days and counting down, wading through traffic to Best Buy the CE shall be mine. Then I'll be building a new machine.

  18. Hey Holocron, wanna hear the most annoying sound in the world? :D

  19. With respect to hiding spoilers, you might change post #6. ;)



  20. Think of it this way, at least it doesn't screw the pooch on canon. I suspect the darkside alternate scenario will be similar in that it fills the precondition of Darth Bane: Path of destruction. Revan was ultimately redeemed to the light side. This has been so since 2006.


    In a way this does link to the kotor games in a significant way and concludes it here. This is probably a/the pivotal point.

  21. Ah, an all new San Andreas, or at least los santos. I am looking forward to at least peeking into it. *looks at shelves, games and consoles gathering dust* A peek if nothing else. :D

  22. Well, I suppose someone could mod VC or SA. There are some SW mods. Unfortunately nobody would take it seriously, though. :xp:

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