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Marius Fett

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Status Updates posted by Marius Fett

  1. Aww... Here are a few things I know you'll enjoy. Just to make you feel better:






  2. Sadly however, our hops are more often thab not dashed...

  3. Happy New Year Jon. :)

  4. ill kill your pig

  5. Huh?


    Can you post your avatar for me?

  6. You changed your title?


    End of an era..

  7. Happy New Year Kate. :)

  8. Ah, sorry. I thought for some reason they started on 50. Silly me...


    Well, now, with the orange gone, it looks much better. :)

  9. If you go to http://www.mydamnchannel.com you can find the "You Suck At Photoshop" video series. It's a series of AWESOME tutorials. I learned a lot from them. :)

  10. You there. Get thy arse on MSN. I has news. ;)

  11. Just noticed it's your birthday, have a good one! :)

  12. Any time.


    Photoshop is fun. :D


    And I hope the part your location refers to isn't the one im thinking of.


    If so, you have my sympathies.

  13. Hehe, I still have another week left before I go back. I've got my GCSE's this year, so what you're feeling now will be all year for me. :p


    This whole year will be FAIL. :(

  14. Oh, that's a relief then. :lol:

  15. Darn.. I knew I forgot something. :p

  16. Haha, yes.. There was a bit of a cock up.. :p It'll be sorted soon.. ^_^


    Yeah, Crystal was my favourite. If they were to make remakes of them, i'd defo buy em. :D

  17. Well that's... Odd.. :p


    I'll see what I can do. :)

  18. Burnseyyyyyyyy :D


    Were you by any chance in Alton Towers on Tuesday?


    A bit random I know. :lol:

  19. Indeed.


    I was like ZOMGWTF! :lol:


    Methinks you has a twin. o_Q

  20. your avvy looks like you

  21. Yeah, season one is the best.


    Season two is only in its 3rd episode though soo...

  22. Oh, there's plenty of trouble to be had.. :p


    Still, glad you're back 'on your feet' as it were.. :D

  23. Who's the BURFDAY boy then? :p



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