Return to Monkey Island's first real trailer is likely to debut within the next 48 hours. Its existence was a laughable notion as recently as March, but, improbably, it's true: Ron Gilbert is helming a Monkey Island game, with many of the key players back. The announcement trailer showcased an art style different to what I'd have expected, foregoing 1991 with a respectful acknowledgement of the 31 years since and a hope to break new ground.
Still, we're very much back, baby.
Perhaps for the last time.
At the height of my love affair with Doctor Who in 2010, I came across a sad forum whose users had made their dislike for anything the show'd done from ~1977 a personality trait. At heart, it was an unexamined fear of change. I'd seen that outlook on forum posts (for example) bemoaning adventure games' collective decision to no longer require months'-long, trance-like trips into designers' neuroses to progress—a decision that had left people stuck in place. Me, I moved on to different countries/cultures/ideas, and I'm richer for it.
So I look forward to the trailer, knowing that Monkey Island fans appreciate iconoclasm and wouldn't squander the mind-boggling excitement of the moment by collectively soiling their trousers over Guybrush's new design (at least, I'm hoping he has a new design—maybe something in bottle green?) or spamming its creator in vain hopes of "saving" whatever version of Monkey 3a they hallucinated as teenagers. Because surely—surely—Monkey Island fans wouldn't be so insular and myopic they'd be stuck in their 1977, would they?
Can't wait to meet this guy.