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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. Hey how do you make npcs in kotor1 not turn and face the PC. I don't see it as an option on the .utc file

  2. hey,

    Did you get a chance to look over the charts? Let me know if there is anything that seems confusing. Im going to send you the hand of silence quest module for you to play. I will get that to you next week or next weekend.


    I will not be around this weekend since im doing a Global game jam....basically a bootcamp - 48hrs to build a game with a team. Friday night to sunday mid day...its going to be crazy, exciting and will truly test my skills and allow me to learn from an experience like this. Been preping the past week. :)

    Hows the video coming? anything you need from me?



  3. Thank you!


    Congrads on your win too!

    The mod looks great =)

  4. Hey,


    Take you time with the sketches.


    Your project with disbeliever looks great!!



  5. hey,

    I should be able to help with reskin modules, i just wont have time to hex edit the modules but i can tell you how. its not hard just time consuming like writing your name 50 times.


    I will also show you how to by using ingame skins, and make new ones like i did in RoR.


    Let me know if you want my help,



  6. One think i notice is that due to the widescreen monitor kotor2 inages are stretched, is there a way to either have kotor2 in widescreen or set it up in a window mode that wont run off the screen? Do you know any solutions?



  7. Hey, how have you been?

  8. you get my message on facebook?

  9. you are stopping swtor , oh no!!!


    Its all good.


    Did you get to pl;ay the secret world in the beta last weekend?

  10. hey, what up. sorry been away.

    Whats new

  11. lol, my bad....if its going to be on youtube it will be in 3 videos

    Its 30minutes long....

    I'm going to make a smaller modcast just for the public social group tomorrow about Cain and the Grey quest as well as party interactions. I will announce it in the main forum but will not post the link there. I want to have some special things for those who join the public social group, like they will see more pics then the regular main Forum.

  12. Hey,


    Thanks for the info, now i know how to do them.


    The guy who made the Armour robes is allowing them to be used in the Mod as long as we give credit to him. I was just making these files not over ride the original robes.


    Yeah the game with USA and Canada Hokey game for the gold will be awesome! I love when you got two passionate teams playing and pushing each other to the limits.


    Should be a great game!



  13. I'm sorry


    Which one?

  14. Actually if you can upload it some where I can download it and put in on the RoR .moddb.com site or if you can upload a youtube one that's 400mbs only.

  15. With the kyle i might be wrong. I have to make a new mod file with that npc to be sure if there is an issue, sine my testing is placing in override, the utc.


    The mix of old and new npc look amazing...like a new game...walking around as a male twilik :-)

  16. It's ok.

    I just sent in the Story bible for RoR for review


    Also using a screen writing format for key cut scenes- this will help with future VO


    Hows work been?

  17. Hey let me know when you emailed the dlg, I will check if it got through

  18. Hey,

    no problem,

    I have working on the last feature.

    This weekend and next week expect some mod casts and video concening the lightsaber ceation /progession system in action, Next 2 mod cast will give more detail on RoRs gameplay and mechanics

  19. Hey i have to look at your script. It crashes the game. I suspect it causes an unfinity of these so i can move the camera but can't move or click anything since i believe it is still giving me unlimited

  20. Hey i now have a 23" widescreen monitor. Is there a way to play kotor2 in widesceen or a way to make it in window where it does not cut off anything.

    Also how do you know or use HD if its parg of the monitor? i have a 23" samsung LED

  21. hey, i sent the link. The only thing you keep from the former test is the bik movies and any VOs if any

  22. go into yahoo chat, then its easier to tell while im building lips

  23. I will be there in 15 mins


    What's the problem?

  24. Hey,

    Those face skins you posted ,are they for just NPCs or also the PCs face selection?

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