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Everything posted by logan23

  1. i will look over the dlg file for the bao dur scene to make sure if gave the update and there is not for example one dlg option that causes it to not update


    If this is the issue i can send you the dlg file over email and just have you toss it in the override folder which will fix it

  2. There should be a sullstan wearing i believe yellow, the same one you talked to before. Just click him to talk.


    Does your jrl entry on the contact say to meet him in the cantina?

  3. Hey did you get it working?

  4. hey, did it install ok?

  5. I mentioned in the forum at deadly stream on the Mal 6 mod, that maybe these should play out if you do not go to rescue your party members. The dark energy of Malachor V corrupts them and also the feeling that their leader and mentor had left them and gone to fight kreia, so the jealous party members would feel anger and take it out one each other, meaning the Atton verse Mical/ Brianna verse Visas...

  6. Hey,




  7. Cool!


    Started the Beta on the Demo's content


    Other than that, just work

  8. whats up buddy

  9. I'm sorry but only team members can be Beta testers as of right now.

  10. i always felt like that thses scenes were never finished, in the sense of how they would work in game, they were half finished

    From a game design stand point since there seems to be not result or affect of after them,..Atoon fights mical and Mical dies, now what?

  11. yeah, already downloaded it.

    You know what confuses ne is the party verse party fight, can these fire even if your LS exile, plus if Atton kills Mical...does Kreia still give Mical's future?

  12. Hey, was wondering is there anything you know that can be checked in the 2da appearance or something that will allow me to have npcs recognize you are an alien species. Know any possible tricks or areas I should look into for this?


    Thanks in advance!

  13. Hey,

    Do you have the first module ready for me to place npcs in it?

    Juan is getting the script dlgs.

    Can i have the first module?



  14. Send it by PM.

    Thanks :-)

  15. were you able to download it?

  16. Cool!


    When you are ready to give the feedback on the Beta, just PM.

  17. hey,

    did you get a chance to test the mod?

  18. Hey hows the info coming do you have the files ready for me?

  19. i sent you a message over at deadly streams

  20. Hey i place your pm over at the Deadlysteams forums , which there is a thread for roR VO work

  21. Hey, i posted the announcement of the Beta testing of the Demo's content =)

  22. Hey,

    I was going post something lastnight but end up passing out after work and waking at 1 am.


    I saw what you posted the only issue is that the player has to select thier PC before this scene which means you can be a human and tell the computer that your a wookie. I still dont know how we can do a check on the a part of the PC s species. Do you have any ideas?


    I will have to pm and start a thread on this topic as a challenge and see if someone can find something we can check in a script.


    I will post something tonight, was waiting for some feedback on the beta first. I will feel better once i know you guys did not find any game or major bugs :-)

  23. i will be there around an hr from now.

    Did the download work for you?

  24. let me know if there are any issues, i can send a quick fix if there are any bugs.



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