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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. i will head over there now

  2. check out the tutorials and also do searches. Once you see a script you might use or need later, just copy it and paste it into a Word document, then you have a library, -remember to mention what they do

  3. hey want to have you check something out

  4. I will see if i can come up with something witb species, we just need sometbkng tp check so we can say pc is a chiss etc..

    I will look into it while you are on vacation.

    Will check out the npcs tonight :-)

  5. Hey whats up!

    Long time, what going on!

  6. Hey ,how have you been?

  7. Yo, what up- haven't talk in a while.

  8. i will be home in hr, we can go over somethings for your TC, at hiss

  9. cool, i still have to finish call of duty modern warfare 2. Great games

  10. i looked at the script what i can do is have the objects moved to a container that can not be reached by the Pc. The script is different then destroying since in the kotor2 script its giving items to a certain container.


    If i can send it to a container that can't be reached then its as good as destroyed.


    Even to keep people from cheating i can add another script in the dlg to destroy those containers at the end of the opening dlg or shortly after.

  11. hey you at team hiss?

  12. Sending you those lines before the ones i sent in a few moments

  13. hey,

    posted some new pics in RoR public social group

  14. Hey, whats new?

    Hows your summer?

  15. Actually that will work out great since im building Coruscants content this weekend. I plan to have all of this planets content ingame before August. :-)

  16. Hey how long did it take to make that video/ the part in space / flying to planet..not the landing.

  17. Hey will send you a PM this week on the details, want to write them up so i have the right 2da file names, etc

  18. I'm there now.

    Whats up?

  19. i will be there in hr,

  20. Hey welcome back.

    I saw your thread, my advice is to make more small episode setup and not use the usual kotor game setup this will save resources since it will be hard sell to start a big project if that was the original goal.


    good to see you posting

  21. What is a sitrep ?


    Please clarify =)


    I'm thinking of the scene with the Chancellor and Senator after that opening scene we can start writing

  22. Hey,


    Whats up


    Was wondering if you finished the texture on that placeable





  23. check you youtube email

  24. hey,

    Thanks for the link.

    I will download that in a few.


    What i was look for is a rough map to show where they are going to be placed. I have the dlg but dont know where these npc should be standing. If you can make a basic popuoation map if ref to which might be merchants or where you want certain moods. The module is big.


    Thanks :-)

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