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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. just have to make nihilus hard so there is a temptation to have Visas kill her self since you will fight the weakest version after that,..


    You just have to have somewhere in text during a conversation or part of teh fight scene where the Pc talks /thinks in his/her mind that...Visas's connection would greatly weaken Nihilus and give us the best opertunity,..just as the bond with kreia can hurt me


    The other options will also have a version that is stronger than the visas kill self but weaker then the original version since Nihilus.


    Now with Nhilus and PC lie to join,..dont know how that plays out but you can see where that can play in but have basis sacrifice the greatest help in weakening.


    also you will have to have it so Visas can do this sacrifice even with robes on or what ever

  2. hey, hows it going?

    The Skins look amazing!

  3. Hey got your email will respond tomorrow,



  4. Yup, another one coming this week, thursday. Check out the team social group for new details :-)

  5. For fun you could have it after Nihilus knows he has been hurt or tricked by absorbing the PC.......he could use his power and absorb the last of the life force of those zombie npcs on the bridge before the final fight round.


    Have a few shots of his power and him becoming stronger but then a fade in and fade out to see all of them now dead and then Nhilus says something and fight starts up again

  6. The VO fpr bao dur could prob be tweaked with a audio program.


    Oh with the chancellor lips, She is not innocent, she is a true politician so she has some dealings that could be consider shady.


    Look forward to the skin and hope you can get the 3dmax working.


    Keep up the great work !

  7. Don't worry I can add some stuff in sony vegas , the special effects.

    The Video does not have to be the final perfect one, just need to give the picture across of the attack, we can always work on it more using combo of vegas and 3dmax

  8. Hey I have a question on what did you touch with the GUI interface color change.


    Did you hex edit? which .gui files if you did?

  9. Hi,

    There is nothing odd about that question.


    There will be no swear words in RoR. Im building this as if i was presenting it to lucas arts so it has to match their censorship and licence of star wars.

  10. hey come back to hiss

  11. Hey I checked out your website.

    It looks great! Lots of pics and info on your upcoming Mods =)

  12. hey how did you like the modcast?

  13. Hey,


    I was looking up to see how.





    One of these should help.


    Cool, can't wait to see the video!


    Oh I just fixed the buggy Republic ship modules from pre-beta 1.

    bye bye bugs

  14. check you youtube channel's message/email

    Sent you a rough video test using blue screen

  15. I know it has something to do with the pre beta modules that are still in your kotor2 module folder.

  16. Hey,

    I was looking at your green lighting issue. You are looking for away to make it without replacing the original lighting fx.


    Have you looking into making a new visualeffects.2da

    You can copy the lighting power and then rename it as the green lighting.

    I don't know what else you have to tweak in 2da besides the spell and visualeffects.

    And create a tga of the new green lighting.



  17. Hey

    Whats up

    How is your relatives?


    I posted some new pics on the RoR public social group


    Oh how is the tweaking of the dlg scene?

  18. Team Hssiss 's website- the green one with the list of all the mods with the pics.


  19. hey,


    I will be putting it in game this weekend. Will get a ingame pic.


    Cant wait to see more of your light saber hilts.

  20. Hey,


    I was looking over you info on the mod with Kreia's past.


    You should name 3 flash backs then design just the first one.

    You need to know what is the purpose of the flash back, meaning what will the PC gain from it besides seeing Kre4ia when she was younger.


    I would build and release each one separate. Start by having the first one small and leave with a cliff hanger which will hook the audience.


    Also make sure you do your research since your defining kreia's hidden past people will be looking how close it will be to what is already known of her past so watch out for contradictions with cannon on her.


    keep going through the tutorials and modding,



  21. what thread? the main LF forum thread in the main forum

  22. hey whats new

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