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Everything posted by logan23

  1. Which one? the older version of Word, or the Word 7.0 version?

  2. hey check the team social G

  3. Hey whats new!

    I posted about the word document for dlg. You can now download it.

  4. hey i posted something that might help with dlg, etc...see RoR's thread

  5. hey i posted the dlg doc i told you about

  6. I posted something in the roR forum thread here that might be useful for you guys with the dlg

  7. I posted in the RoR LF thread, about the dlg word

  8. check out my post on RoR forum thread

  9. I posted on the dlg doc layout

  10. I posted in my forum on the dlg doc

  11. Actually my mod was started before he announced his mod. We both were starting with no knowledge of each others mods

  12. Check out the first page of my Mod's thread. I have them listed there

  13. Hey check out the forum and social groups.

    It is great to see you stop by!

  14. Hows everything going? Hows pre-production

  15. PMed you the info

  16. Hey guess what I got something cool to work

  17. Hey? you still around?

  18. Hey,

    Those face skins you posted ,are they for just NPCs or also the PCs face selection?

  19. Hey posted in forum

  20. hey I posted in forum

  21. Hey, if i make a new saber uti. Do i need to make one for each color saber?


    How does that work?

  22. How did you use kotortools. i was looking at the gui file in a hex editor and kgff editor to find clues. It seem that the gui is changing the mixture of the main colors for the gui templet. What is the difference for gui.pc and the other type? is this Pc and xbox versions? Which of the two thpes of gui do i touch?

    What did you change in the gui file and bow can i see the changed item so i can play around with it.


    Thanks in advance.


    I have made some progress but in playing with tga color files.

  23. I'm a little confused, on what is the final conclusion -what will be in the mod?

    From the threads

  24. Hey, Great to see you!!


    Hows college been?

  25. Hey, hows M4-78's story coming?

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