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Everything posted by logan23

  1. Hey, i hope i didn't confuse you with the Word document

  2. Let me know when you are online? Or do you have a yahoo messenger, AIM, or MSN messenger? I can give you the info then.

  3. Hey,

    How you been?

  4. you got email, enjoy

  5. Hey,


    Take your time with the playthrough, you want to enjoy the adventure!


    Work has been busy to calm, we are in the middle of migrations so its calm for now. I have been working a few new things for the mod as well as making decisions on how make the mod even better in pacing and emersion. Im going to use what i have learned from ME2. Also i have way we can throw ideas in real time and voice, thanks to a friend of mine.


    Im hoping with a 3day weekend i can get a good day or 2 worth of modding :-)


    With work i might be changing locations in april, or let go. Either way is cool. Allows me to get mod done and target game industry jobs.

  6. Hey,

    What version of Microsoft Word do you have?

    I got the template working now. Also do you have a mic? I have a way we can chat in real time, thanks to a friend. Let me know. And you will get the email with the answers i owe you :-)

  7. Hey,


    I think you should hold off on looking for VOs untill your close to beta. You should be focusing on the game mechanics, ..connecting modules, creating and adding dlg to NPCs, scripting adding NPCs,...just my 2 cents

  8. lol, don't worry i'm still here

  9. yup, and i could use some of your scripting advice, got a cool idea =)

  10. I was playing Mass effect 2 and notice that some of the npcs can not be clicked to talk to...but they have spots where you can over hear people talking which brings some life to the planet. I was thinking of placing a trigger around certain npcs grouped and have a sound file of one or 2 people talking just like ME2. This can save time on very crowded planets like Coruscant and Corellia.


    I just don't know how to activate the sound file and where the sound file would go?

    Do you have any ideas?


    Thanks as always!



  11. I got the PM. Don't worry buddy no hard feelings. I feel lucky that I got to work with you and i will make you proud of the Hand of silence. You will still be in the social group so feel free to drop in and say hi and give any feed back.



  12. Hey,


    Just finished ME2...and it was great!


    Now I'm back to Modding,lol


    I saw your list in the social group looks great!


    Whats new? Hows work?

  13. Hey you will have the template late today. Got occupied by ME2,lol. Finished the game so back to modding =)

  14. Hey, i was wondering is there a way to create a trigger around 2 npcs (can't talk to) so when i walk near them a sound file will play as if they are talking. Also do i need a delay between firing the script to play the sound file.



  15. hey going to send you something that will aid in dlg creation and organization. i will be home in an hr

    I got your email and will answer questions.

    How was your project that you were working on?

  16. hey, i am going send you something that will help witb dlg creation and organization. Hows the writing going?

  17. Yeah, i have been playing mass effect 2 too. I have done some of the loyalist quest, they all have hard choices in them. Im not going to say where i am in the game but im still getting more party members as i jump into quest given by email or party memeber quests. When you finish a party members personal quest you get another costume for that party member. I love that i was able import my mass effect 1 character :-)

  18. Hey, sorry been a little sick. Whats up?

    I will be testing the VO in-game this week=)

  19. How is it going? Hows the writing?

  20. Did you send me a VO sample?

  21. Hey, whats new

  22. let me know what you think

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