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Everything posted by logan23

  1. Welcome to the forum!

  2. Hey,

    I posted in M4 social group with the planets layout. Take a look, need your blessing on it

  3. let me know what you think, either here or in the social group

  4. posted it in the social group the layout

  5. it will be posted in a few minutes=)

  6. sorry, got side tracked with easter

  7. thanks for the info.

    I got it done and posted the modcast/post on the new lightsaber creation/progression system

  8. Hey, whats new?

  9. Posted the lightsaber creation system modcast/post


    Thanks for your help

  10. posted modcast

  11. posted modcast

  12. posted modcast

  13. Should be up in 40 minutes

  14. lightsaber creation modcast coming tonight

  15. I will take look

  16. the modcast and post of the lightsaber creation system ,....tonight

  17. Hey, tonight is the post and modcast of lightsaber creation system. The post is written just recording video in a few.....

  18. Hey whats new?

    Hows work?

  19. Hey,

    Whats up


    Oh i talk to darthstoney awhile back about the way the plant would flow in sense of layout pacing, he liked it. Plan to post it in thw M4 group so we can decide and start building the mod.

  20. posted in the social group

  21. posted in the ride of the new republic social group

  22. posted on the ride of the new republic

  23. tonight i will release the modcast about the lightsaber creations system...

  24. Hey, the link sent you, did it work? could you download it?

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