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Status Updates posted by logan23

  1. check your youtube email

  2. Hey did you get the dowload to work this time?

  3. Oh you can see in the group team social group on the stats for each....this when released will be in a text document/ called Guide to RoR

  4. hey going to send you something that will aid in dlg creation and organization. i will be home in an hr

    I got your email and will answer questions.

    How was your project that you were working on?

  5. Thanks, putting them into the git now=)

  6. Hi,


    I'm having issues with learning the tsl patcher. Is there a thread that breaks things down per situation. I have read the manual but having a hard time since I'm an art person who needs visual aids and finding some of the stuff going over my head.


    Any help or link would be very appreciative.


    Also is there a max level of info can be placed in the patcher, for example the 2dmemory #s


    This is for the Revenge of Revan mod which is quite large.


    Thank you



  7. It is going well. I should be starting Beta testing later today.

  8. Hey, whats up!


    RoR is coming along nicely. Im doing some polishing and hope to have it released very soon.


    Whats new with you? Hows AZ?

  9. I see in the social group, you got it running?

  10. Hey whats up


    Yeah i saw your outline, sounds good. When do you think it will start production, either in game build or dialogues.

  11. Hey, if i make a new saber uti. Do i need to make one for each color saber?


    How does that work?

  12. Hey,

    Whats up


    Oh i talk to darthstoney awhile back about the way the plant would flow in sense of layout pacing, he liked it. Plan to post it in thw M4 group so we can decide and start building the mod.

  13. I was walking to someone and they said they came across a npc they put in the module give out random items when dead. They mention that they removed the dropables from the inventory of that npc. Do you know what would cause this or is there a random drop script? just wondering if you had simular issues.


    I have not tested it my self yet

  14. Yup, got some clothes after work. a hair cut, and other things.


    Now packing for GDC =)

  15. I forgot to tell you one thing about updates, what ever you introduce you are basically locked in to do so only reveal stuff vauge or when you know how it work and tested,


    Its never good to flip flop on story, features, etc or it will hurt team moral and your watchers

  16. Hey,

    Did you get my PM?

  17. Hey whats new?

    Hows work?

  18. Cool!, great idea with SU =)

  19. Welcome back to the east coast lol.

    Mainly work and the mod.

    Basically burning the candle at both ends.


    I am so look forward to the Demos release since then i can release the facebook RoR page and start getting the word out especally if the player feed back is good. :-)

  20. let me know if you got the email with the demo

  21. Hey,

    You should write a simple basic guide for editing color for the GUI.


    Welcome to Lucas Forums!

  22. Im usually up till 11pm-12 pm. So its all good

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